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I take all of these. Have for years, They are super great and does the greatest job of what is mentioned! I recommend all of these 100 per cent!!!Hapoy & Healthy!!😉🤗❤😍❣
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This post is about nutritional supplements. More to the poing, this post is about able-bodied, healthy guys who want to reduce their risk of heart disease, cancer and chronic disease. No guarentees but we can reduce our risks.
Combine the two articles about mens’ health linked and excerpted below and what do you get? A lot of health (aka death prevention) for very little time and money. Sure, you should also exercise, get plenty of rest, eat right, etc. etc. But this list of supplements, pound for pound, is what you need for a long, healthy life.
Add the experience of a long-term cancer survivor who has beat the “incurable cancer” odds and this may be the most valuable blog post you’ve ever read. The only drawback is this post is packed with actionable info so do yourself a favor- be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom.
Why does a long-term cancer survivor like me want to write about the leading causes of men’s death and the nutritional supplements to prevent them? Look at the supplements below- the “5 Supplements Every Man Should Take” (I edited this article a bit) are the same anti-cancer, anti-CVD, blood/brain health supplements that I’ve been taking for years.
Thank you and let me know if you have any questions,
David Emerson
The 10 Leading Causes of Death in American Men
5 supplements every man should take
“Omega-3 fatty acids- Omega-3 fatty acids also have been shown to help lower cholesterol, prevent cancer growth, reduce inflammation, support cardiovascular health and regulate metabolism..
Turmeric/curcumin- …reduce inflammation and pain in conditions such as osteoarthritis, as well as act as a blood thinner and immune-system booster. Curcumin has shown anti-diabetic affects and reduced diabetic complications…
Magnesium- Besides being involved in more than 300 biochemical activities in the body, magnesium helps reduce the risk of colon cancer and diabetes.
Vitamin D3- reduces the risk of multiple cancers, pro-immune system, pro-bone, balance, important all around-
Vitamin C- yup, good old vitamin C. But in a therapeutic daily dose that is great for your immune health, skin health, important all around health.
I take all of these. Have for years, They are super great and does the greatest job of what is mentioned! I recommend all of these 100 per cent!!!Hapoy & Healthy!!😉🤗❤😍❣