While I don’t consider myself to be a senior (I am 61 nor do I have dementia), I can relate to the article below. I am a long-term cancer survivor living with many long-term side effects. Familiarity, companionship, etc. all are helpful to me in my daily living.
My point is that even for a 61 year old with who is a bit disabled, In-Home care is important.
David Emerson
If you have a senior loved one, especially one who has dementia, ALS, or Alzheimer’s, caring for them can be challenging. Care can become even more complicated if you hold a full-time job and need to be out of the house for long hours during the day.
Seniors often struggle to continue being independent, but as their bodies age or are ravaged by disease, they will need a full-time caregiver while you are out. In-home care services now allow seniors to remain in their homes, with a trained caregiver. We have listed some key benefits of using an in-home care service company to care for your older loved ones.
1. Comfort and familiarity
This is one of the most important benefits of in-home care services. Your loved one is in comfortable and familiar surroundings. They are able to sleep in their own bed, use a familiar bathroom, and see familiar objects like family photos around them. This familiarity is most beneficial for those with progressive conditions affecting memory like dementia. They thrive better when the home they have lived in for decades, filled with warm memories, is what they see every day.
2. Personalized senior care
An in-home care plan is usually customized around your loved one’s habits and needs and not the other way around. It gets harder for seniors to adjust to strange and new schedules. With in-home care service, caregivers can be with your loved one the whole day till you come home or stay for only a few hours. They also make sure to maintain a daily logbook or record of the senior’s activities for the day, noting anything that may be unusual.
3. One-on-one attention
In a large care facility, seniors may not always get immediate attention as caregivers have to attend to several seniors; with an in-home care service, one caregiver is contracted for just one patient. Quality of care will be higher, their needs are met faster, and in case of an emergency, the caregiver can respond immediately. Even if your loved one is already in a nursing home with caregivers, you can still opt to hire in-home care services for one-on-one care.
4. Peace of mind
Seniors can have home accidents. They could slip on the floor or burn themselves on the stove. They may forget to take their medicines. These could make you worry when you are out of the house. Knowing that someone specifically trained to look after seniors is with your loved one at home gives you peace of mind and allows you to focus squarely on your work.
5. Companionship
Seniors who live alone experience bouts of loneliness and feelings of social isolation. Even when they live with you, they could feel distanced from the family when you go off to work and the kids leave for school. Having a constant companion look after them helps them develop a warm and trusting relationship with the caregiver. If your loved one has a degenerative memory condition like dementia, having daily friendly conversations with someone serves as mind exercise and helps them cope.
6. Cost-effective
Nursing homes or retirement living facilities can rack up quite a bill because your loved one would be housed with them on a permanent basis. Rates for in-home care services are usually charged by the hour so there is flexibility when you are on a budget. You can contract them only for specific services or get the whole range of services. To get an idea of how comprehensive such services are, see the listing on Husky Senior Care.
7. Staying connected to loved ones
In-home care allows your loved ones to stay close to you. This is so important for aging family members. Remaining near friends and family is so important in this stage of their lives and keeps that bond between you and them strong.
If you have been thinking of different care options for your beloved family member, now you know that sending them off to a nursing home is just one option. In-home care services get you the best of both worlds; they get proper care right in their home and easy access to you.
In-Home Care for Seniors In-Home Care for Seniors In-Home Care for Seniors