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Pediatric Cancer- Chemo-Induced Heart, Brain

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“Eight of 10 pediatric cancer survivors had abnormal findings on brain, heart, and bone images, including six patients with and two patients without clinical symptoms.”

Though the study linked and excerpted below involves pediatric cancer patients and I was an AYA cancer patient, the study could be talking about me. I underwent high-dose chemotherapy including anthracyclines, and corticosteroids among other chemotherapy regimes and just like the study subjects I developed brain, heart and nerve damage.

Image result for image of pediatric cancer survivor

The real issue for cancer patients who are going to live for decades after aggressive chemotherapy is if anything can be done to minimize or eliminate the damage done by toxic chemotherapy that we undergo.

Or to put it like Dr. Theruvath “There is a window of time between cancer therapy and subsequent morbidity during which corrective actions can be taken.” 

What are those “corrective actions?” I have lived an evidence-based, non-toxic, anti-cancer lifestyle since 1999.  My five greatest accomplishments since I underwent years of toxic chemo have been to:


  1. avoid a “treatment-related” secondary cancer.
  2. heal my brain damage (chemotherapy-induced cognitive dysfunction)
  3. stay out of a wheelchair (manage chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy, lumbo-sacral plexopathy)
  4. live with chronic a-fib without any drugs (chemo-induced Cardiomyopathy )
  5. resolve two treatment-related deep vein thromboses (blood clots)

Nutrition, supplementation, bone health and other lifestyle therapies- all based on research, all non-toxic and all designed for long-term use.

I am both a cancer survivor and cancer coach. Are you a cancer survivor who is developing long-term or late stage side effects from aggressive therapies? Please scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

PET/MR imaging protocol helps ID chemotherapy-induced damage in children

“Advances in early cancer detection and treatments have led to growing numbers of cancer survivors in recent years, with survivors at risk of developing serious, life-changing adverse effects because of oncology therapies…

“Although pediatric cancer patients comprise a minority among cancer survivors, cancer therapy can have more severe effects upon their developing tissues, a longer-lasting effect due to their longer life span, and hence, a more severe effect upon our society’s workforce,” wrote Theruvath and colleagues. “There is a window of time between cancer therapy and subsequent morbidity during which corrective actions can be taken…

Between April and July 2016, the researchers enrolled 10 pediatric cancer patients (five male and five females, with a mean age of 15.2 years) who had recently finished chemotherapy. The patients had all been diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma or sarcoma and had completed a course of chemotherapy that included high-dose intravenous methotrexate, anthracyclines, and/or corticosteroids…

A PET/MR Imaging Approach for the Integrated Assessment of Chemotherapy-induced Brain, Heart, and Bone Injuries in Pediatric Cancer Survivors: A Pilot Study

“Purpose-To develop a positron emission tomography (PET)/magnetic resonance (MR) imaging protocol for evaluation of the brain, heart, and joints of pediatric cancer survivors for chemotherapy-induced injuries in one session…

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Chemotherapy-induced Cardiomyopathy - PeopleBeatingCancer says last year

[…] 80% of Pediatric Cancer Survivors Suffer Chemo-Induced Heart, Brain, Joint Damage […]

Chemo-induced DVT aka blood clot - PeopleBeatingCancer says last year

[…] 80% of Pediatric Cancer Survivors Suffer Chemo-Induced Heart, Brain, Joint Damage […]

Pediatric Brain Cancer- Antineoplaston Therapy from the Burzynski Research Institute - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] 80% of Pediatric Cancer Survivors Suffer Chemo-Induced Heart, Brain, Joint Damage […]

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