I read “Life Over Cancer” while I was authoring my first online community “Beating-Myeloma.org.” I launched PeopleBeatingCancer soon after.
A cancer diagnosis changes your life forever. The book Life Over Cancer relays why your life has changed and what to do about it. I can’t attribute all of my 20 plus years of surviving an incurable cancer but the info from the book sure helped me.
LOC opened my eyes to the fact that
- the person diagnosed with cancer can take specific measures to reverse the course of the disease and keep it from returning and
- “that people with CA can realize optimal health a better quality of life and lifelong remissions.
- conventional therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation will cause short and long-term side effects- less chemo, fewer side effect.
LOC became the reason I then broadened Beating-Myeloma.org to PeopleBeatingCancer.org. Thank you Dr. Block.
Here is what readers have to say:
Originally purchased for family member with CA. As a result we spent a day at the Block Center.
The member is now over 5 years lung CA free. This recent purchase was mailed to a dear
family friend who is undergoing treatment at Stanford. Dr. Block believes that CA is caused by
inflamation. So, a significant part of his recomended treatment is based on diet, specifically avoiding
certain foods that “feed” the cancer.
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