Decisions about alternative cancer treatments are yours to make. But if you’re considering antineoplaston therapy for cancer (MM), take time to discuss it with your oncologist (and me)…
The article linked and excerpted below is, to date, the most complete synopsis I have read on the issue of Antineoplaston Therapy (ANP) and Stanislaw Burzynski M.D. (BRI) so I thought I would combine it with my own ANP experiences and use it for a blog post for multiple myeloma patients/survivors/caregivers to learn about ANP and MM.

The first thing I must stress is that ANP and the BRI are controversial. It is difficult if not impossible to get a fair assessment of the therapy- from anyone who is educated about the issues. While several medical professionals have gone on record as supporting both Burzynski and ANP therapy, I have never spoken to a board certified oncologist who holds anything but contempt for the BRI and ANP. When I mention my own MM experience from diagnosis through remission, its as if the oncologist didn’t hear me…
It is for this reason that the first thing this blog post will do is list those therapies that I think most everyone will agree have anti-mm action. Meaning, do the therapies listed below before you undergo ANP.
- All newly diagnosed MM (NDMM) patients must consider both conventional and non-conventional therapies- by itself, conventional SOC MM therapy does not cure MM nor will only alternative MM therapies cure MM-
- Standard-of-care induction MM therapy- unless you are pre-MM (SBP,MGUS, SMM), undergoing SOC induction therapy such as RVD to stabilize your MM is your best first step in managing MM-

- Anti-angiogenic nutrition and supplementation- again, most everyone, conventional or non-conventional, will agree that a clean diet with anti-angiogenic fruits and veggies is a universally agreed upon step as a NDMM patient-
- Non-conventional but evidence-based therapies such as frequent, moderate exercise, and mind-body therapies also have a place in your MM armamentarium.
The therapies above are the basics for NDMM patients. Now, let me speak directly to ANP and the article linked below.
- I don’t know enough about the science behind ANP- the idea that amino acids and peptides kill cancer-I can’t say if ANP is a cancer therapy-
- I will say however, that Burzynski’s stated theory for ANP- that ANP turns cancer genes off and cause cancer cells to die is pretty much what happened to me as an end-stage MM survivor-
- Antineoplastons can be taken orally or injected into the bloodstream…I underwent 10 months of intravenous ANP and switched to another 7 months of oral ANP in capsules. Month after month I watched the holes in my bones shrink and eventually disappear- I am non-secretory- imaging is my primary source of diagnosis-
- Are there side effects? During the first two weeks on A10, A2-1 antineoplaston therapy, I experienced frequent headaches. For the next 10 months, being on intravenous ANP for 20 hours a day, I did not enjoy a continuous 8 hours of sleep. And yes, I had to pee a lot- every couple of hours-
- What do studies show about the effectiveness of antineoplastons? The studies that I have read focus on a number of types of brain cancer. The BRI produces studies that compare ANP and conventional brain cancer therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation. ANP is more effective, generally speaking. Further, I’ve include a spreadsheet below of results from a number of cancers and ANP.
- Evaluating the evidence- Conventional oncology,Clinical trials, studies and research is rife with conflict of interest and bias. This is well-documented. In my experience, MM patients are on our own when it comes to evaluating what therapies work for us.
A word of caution- Antineoplaston therapy costs thousands of dollars per month. I paid $7,000.00 per month, out-of-pocket, for each of the 10 months I was on intravenous A-10, A2-1. I paid $1,000.00 per month, out-of-pocket for every one of the seven months on was on the oral aka capsule A10, A2-1. My total expenses for ANP and the BRI were about half of what my standard-of-care MM therapies cost. The difference of course is that my health insurance paid for most of my conventional therapy expenses while all of the costs associated with Burzynski were out-of-pocket.
I’ve always found it to be ironic that both my ASCT at the time (12/95) and ANP were considered to be “experimental therapies” yet my health insurance paid for my ASCT yet denied my ANP for being experimental…
If I knew then what I know now-
- If I were a NDMM patient I would undergo conventional therapies to stabilize my MM. Heal any bone, kidney, etc. damage.
- Once stabilized, I would eat, supplement, exercise, etc. with those non-toxic therapies that have been shown to cause apoptosis of MM cells. There are dozens of evidence-based, non-toxic therapies shown to kill MM. Conventional oncology will not discuss any of them because of the FDA…
- Each time I came out of remission, I would undergo as little chemotherapy as possible to go back into remission- Into remission, out of remission, into, out of, etc. etc. I know too many MM patients who take a low dose approach to therapy not to consider this approach-
- Yes, I would research, learn about ANP, Poly MVA, IPT, etc. knowing that one day my MM may become resistant to all chemotherapy aka MDR. But no, I would not undergo ANP immediately.
The bottom line is that anyone who is diagnosed with an incurable blood cancer like MM must learn all they can about any therapy that may help them achieve their goals.
David Emerson
- MM Survivor
- MM Cancer Coach
- Director PeopleBeatingCancer
Recommended Reading:
“Antineoplaston therapy is an experimental cancer treatment. It was developed in the 1970s by Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski….Continue reading to learn more about antineoplaston therapy, the theory behind it, and why you should be cautious…
What are antineoplastons?
Antineoplastons are naturally occurring chemical compounds. They’re found in blood and urine. These compounds are made up of amino acids and peptides.
Burzynski used antineoplastons separated from human blood and urine as he was developing his treatment. Since the 1980s, antineoplastons have been manufactured from chemicals…
What’s the theory behind the claim that antineoplastons can treat cancer?
…Burzynski believes antineoplastons are part of our natural defense system and that they help prevent abnormal cell growth. He suggests that some people don’t have enough of them, which allows cancer to develop and grow unchecked.
By adding more antineoplastons, the theory is that those substances may:
- switch cancer cells off so they start to behave like healthy cells
- cause cancer cells to die without affecting healthy cells
Antineoplastons can be taken orally or injected into the bloodstream…
There haven’t been enough clinical trials to understand the full range and severity of possible side effects. In trials that have been conducted to date, side effects may include…
What do studies show about the effectiveness of antineoplastons?
There have been studies that indicate a positive response to treatment. However, these studies have been conducted at Burzynski’s own clinic, so they’re biased…
Clinical trials generally go on for a few years. Burzynski’s trials have continued for decades…
When looking at any alternative or experimental treatments for cancer, take a good hard look at the evidence…
When evaluating the research, look for studies that:
- have been published in a peer-reviewed journal
- have been replicated by other researchers who don’t have any ties to the drug or treatment that’s being tested…
Is it approved by the Food and Drug Administration?
Due to lack of evidence, this therapy isn’t approved by the FDA to treat cancer or any other condition.
Burzynski’s clinic in Texas does have permission to run clinical trials. He has been the subject of several investigations and legal proceedings…
Antineoplaston therapy costs thousands of dollars per month. Health insurers may consider the therapy investigational and medically unnecessary, so it may not be covered under your insurance.
You may come across a variety of websites promoting this therapy, but it’s still an unproven treatment. No peer-reviewed research has been published. No major scientific organizations support the treatment.
Decisions about alternative cancer treatments are yours to make. But if you’re considering antineoplaston therapy for cancer, take time to discuss it with your oncologist”
Comparison of Responses in 20 selected most common cancers (as of September 21, 2015)
Diagnosis |
No. of patients |
OR (%) |
SD (%) |
PD (%) |
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma |
131 |
64 |
26 |
10 |
Breast Cancer |
433 |
62 |
23 |
15 |
Carcinoma of unknown primary |
42 |
57 |
36 |
7 |
Prostate Cancer |
322 |
53 |
38 |
9 |
Ovarian Cancer |
99 |
51 |
29 |
20 |
Head and Neck Cancer |
87 |
51 |
29 |
20 |
Colon Cancer |
229 |
51 |
28 |
21 |
Hodgkin’s Disease |
16 |
50 |
38 |
12 |
Kidney Cancer |
41 |
49 |
34 |
17 |
Malignant melanoma |
63 |
49 |
21 |
30 |
Lung Cancer |
179 |
46 |
33 |
21 |
Urinary Bladder and Urothelial Cancer |
39 |
45 |
32 |
23 |
Esophageal and Stomach Cancer |
55 |
44 |
29 |
27 |
Liver Cancer |
20 |
40 |
25 |
35 |
Uterine, Cervix, Vulvar, Endometrium |
51 |
39 |
31 |
30 |
Brain Tumor |
189 |
37 |
39 |
24 |
Multiple Myeloma |
21 |
36 |
43 |
Biliary Tract Tumor |
20 |
30 |
40 |
30 |
Pancreatic Cancer |
55 |
24 |
51 |
25 |
Mesothelioma |
17 |
24 |
41 |
35 |
Data based on medical records of 2,280 evaluable patients
OR: Objective Response – includes CR and PR.
CR: Complete Response. Complete disappearance of all signs of cancer in response to treatment of 4 weeks or longer.
PR: Partial Response. More than 50% decrease in the size of the tumors in response to treatment of 4 weeks or longer.
SD: Stable Disease. No decrease or increase in the size of the tumors, but no progression, in response to treatment of 12 weeks or longer.
PD: Progressive Disease. More then 50% increase in size of the tumors (the sum of cross-sectional area of the tumors), in response to treatment of 4 weeks or longer.
Evaluable Patients. Patients who remained on treatment long enough to enable an objective evaluation of the response.