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Jessica Grogan Burnett- Assistant Director

Multiple Myeloma Stages
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My name is Jessica Grogan Burnett, and I came to work for PeopleBeatingCancer.org because I believe that people can be healthier and happier as they learn to take care of their bodies in thoughtful, nutritionally oriented ways

When I was little, my sisters and I lined up each night after dinner for our “peppermint medicine.” I recall the peppermint taste was suspiciously strong as it had to cover up the many pungent aromas and flavors of the fish oil, and why I never made the connection between the name cod liver oil and the anatomical source of the treatment is beyond me.

Suffice it to say, omega-3 supplementation would probably not have held the central role in my vitamin regimen that it has enjoyed throughout my life without this early confusion of fish organ extractions for York Peppermint Patties’ finest.

While it can seem mentally soothing to not be completely in the know of the detailed sources of what one is ingesting in the name of good health (I shudder to think of what my daughter would do if she realized her morning “juice” had flax oil and broccoli juice in the mix– my carpet, and perhaps our plants, would certainly suffer the consequences… not to mention the fate of her kitten’s digestive track), what we put into our bodies daily shows up in how we think, how we feel, and what our immune systems are able to withstand.

My name is Jessica Grogan Burnett, and I came to work for PeopleBeatingCancer.org because I believe that people can be healthier and happier as they learn to take care of their bodies in thoughtful, nutritionally oriented ways.

I’m still learning too. While I do not have cancer, I am genetically predisposed to bipolar disorder, heart disease, diabetes, and pancreatic cancer. I work daily to find the vitamins, lifestyle therapies, and nutritional choices necessary to protect myself and my children from these diseases.

Please join me in my weekly exploration of different wellness therapies. Some of the things I discover may help or bring relief to you and yours. At the very least, I’m a fellow pilgrim in the quest for being well both physically and mentally, and I hope we can share with one another to live longer, fuller lives.

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