Breast Cancer- Saving Nipples During Mastectomy Does Not Increase Risk of Relapse

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“More women are requesting NSM because of the superior cosmetic results, but doctors don’t want to take any chances with breast cancer patients’ safety for the sake of cosmetic improvement”

Image result for pictures of breast x ray

My cancer experience has taught me that mental health is as important to cancer survivors as physical health. The question we cancer survivors face is how we can improve our mental therapy. As Dr. Barbara Smith explains in the article below, “a woman feels more whole when she keeps her nipple.”

According to the study linked and excerpted below, a nipple sparing mastectomy, may that surgical removal of your cancer that gives you back some of your self-image.

While a biopsy or mastectomy (single or bilateral) may be the right first step for breast cancer patients, it is important to note that there are a host of evidence-based non-toxic therapies that have been shown to reduce the risk of relapse for breast cancer survivors.

Moderate regular exercise, nutrition, and supplementation are just a few of the non-toxic therapies that can lower the risk of breast cancer relapse.

I am both a cancer survivor and cancer coach. If you would like to learn more about your options, scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Saving Nipples During Mastectomy Does Not Increase Risk of Cancer Recurrence

“Leaving nipples intact during mastectomy can cosmetically improve breast reconstruction results without raising the risk of cancer recurrence, a study has shown…

The percentage of patients who were alive and without breast cancer recurrence was 95.7 percent at three years and 92.3 percent at five years…The recurrence rate logged in the study is comparable to the rate that occurs after standard mastectomy

“As part of the informed consent process prior to NSM, patients are made aware that the nipple may need to be removed if the nipple margin is positive,” Coopey said. “Most patients are willing to take this small chance in an attempt to save their nipple…

Any patient planning to undergo a mastectomy should be offered a consultation with a plastic surgeon to discuss reconstruction options, Coopey said. During that discussion, the authors suggest, “Women planning a mastectomy should ask their surgeon whether they are eligible for a nipple-sparing operation.”




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