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Breast Cancer- Cryotherapy Superior Over Surgery

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The present research and clinical results have established a new level in breast cancer surgery. The innovative modern cryosurgery is challenged a novel standard for current and future invasive oncology

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The three pillars of cancer treatment—surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation—are being augmented and in some cases replaced by a new twist on an old idea: destroying tumors by flash freezing. Below are several studies that discuss cryotherapy for breast cancer- BC.

The fourth study linked and excerpted below was published in 2013 and cited cryotherapy in breast cancer as  “new level in breast cancer surgery.” Understanding that therapies improve with every use, every instance, please consider what year it is that you are reading this post and adjust your level of expectations accordingly.

I am a cancer survivor and cancer coach. Consider learning about breast cancer therapies that your oncologist hasn’t talked to you about.

For more information on integrative and non-conventional breast cancer therapies, scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply ASAP.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Freezing’ Technique May Work for Some Women With Early Breast Cancer

“A tumor-freezing technique might offer a reasonable alternative to surgery for some women with early stage breast cancer, a preliminary study suggests…The standard treatment is to surgically remove the cancer, usually followed by radiation. And it’s very effective; the five-year survival rate for stage 1 breast cancer is 100 percent…

There are potential advantages of cryoablation over conventional surgery, according to Simmons, who is chief of breast surgery at New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City.

For one, it can be done with local anesthesia, and it avoids the pain and hospital stay that comes with surgery. “Cryoablation lends itself very well to the outpatient setting,” Simmons said…”

Cryotherapy for breast cancer: a feasibility study without excision.

“PURPOSE: To assess the feasibility of percutaneous multiprobe breast cryoablation (BC) for diverse presentations of cancers that remained in situ after BC.

CONCLUSIONS: In conjunction with thorough pre- and postablation MR imaging, CT/US-guided multiprobe BC safely achieved 1 cm visible ice beyond tumor margins with minimal discomfort, good cosmesis, and no short-term local tumor recurrences.”

Small (< 2.0-cm) breast cancers: mammographic and US findings at US-guided cryoablation–initial experience.

“PURPOSE: To determine the mammographic and ultrasonographic (US) findings at cryoablation of small solitary invasive breast cancers and compare them with presence of residual malignancy after treatment.

CONCLUSION: After cryoablation, there was increased echogenicity at US and increased density at mammography; these findings were observed in areas that approximated location and size of the ice ball. Tumor size, mammographic density, and US characteristics may be indicators of likelihood of complete cryoablation.”

Cryosurgery for breast cancer: A challenge in current and future invasive oncology. Clinical experience since 1995

“Conclusion: The present research and clinical results have established a new level in BC surgery. The innovative modern cryosurgery is challenged a novel standard for current and future invasive oncology.”

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Cryoablation is Save and Effective as Breast Cancer Therapy says last year

[…] Breast Cancer Therapy- Cryotherapy Superior Over Surgery […]

Marigie BRAGADO RESULTO says last year

Please help me I diagnose Infiltrating ductal carcinoma..how much it cost this cryotherapy?

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Marigie-

    If you have been diagnosed with DCIS, please consider adding evidence-based, non-conventional therapies to your therapy plan. Scroll to the bottom of the page linked below to download free info about DCIS.


    The study linked below talks about the question you ask. Be care only because different hospitals charge things differently I believe.


    Good luck,

    David Emerson

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