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Bromelain Potent Breast Cancer Effect

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“Autophagy-inducing property of bromelain can be further exploited in breast cancer (BC) therapy…Bromelain has been reported to promote apoptosis, particularly in breast cancer cells…”

I am a long-term survivor of a blood cancer called multiple myeloma. I supplement with a broad spectrum enzyme called Wobenzym N  because of its ability to reduce inflammation, reduce sore muscles and fight my cancer.

According to the studies linked and excerpted below bromelain induces apoptosis of breast cancer cells as well.

After my initial cancer diagnosis in early 1994 I struggled with aggressive conventional therapies. After remission, relapse, remission, and a final relapse my oncologist told me that there was nothing more she could do for me.

It took me awhile but eventually figured out that there are dozens of evidence-based therapies in the form of nutrition and supplementation that have shown the ability to kill cancer. Bromelian kills breast cancer and multiple myeloma.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I am not saying that bromelain is a silver bullet for all BC patients and survivors. What I am saying is that bromelain is nutritional supplementation that should be a part of a BC survivors survival plan.

I have remained in complete remission from multiple myeloma since 1999 through evidence-based non-toxic therapies such as Wobenzym N.

Have you been diagnosed with breast cancer? What stage? Please scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Pineapple bromelain induces autophagy, facilitating apoptotic response in mammary carcinoma cells.

“AbstractBromelain, from pineapple, possesses potent anticancer effects. We investigated autophagic phenomenon in mammary carcinoma cells (estrogen receptor positive and negative) under bromelain treatment and also illustrated the relationship between autophagy and apoptosis in MCF-7 cells. MCF-7 cells exposed to bromelain showed delayed growth inhibitory response and induction of autophagy, identified by monodansylcadaverine localization. It was succeeded by apoptotic cell death, evident by sub-G1 cell fraction and apoptotic features like chromatin condensation and nuclear cleavage.  Autophagy-inducing property of bromelain can be further exploited in breast cancer therapy.

Bromelain-Induced Apoptosis in GI-101A Breast Cancer Cells

Abstract-Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme extracted from the stems and the immature fruits of pineapple that was found to be antitumorigenic in different in vitro models. Bromelain has been reported to promote apoptosis, particularly in breast cancer cells, with the up-regulation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase and p38 kinase. Our study was designed to determine if bromelain could induce apoptosis in GI-101A breast cancer cells. GI-101A cells were treated with increasing concentrations of bromelain for 24 hours.

Furthermore, the apoptosis induction by bromelain was confirmed by DNA fragmentation analysis and 4,6′-diamino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride fluorescence staining of the nucleus. Our results indicate an increase in apoptosis-related cell death in breast cancer cells with increasing concentrations of bromelain.

The Most BioAvailable Curcumin Formulas

“Based on a review of these studies, it is evident that better bioavailability of formulated curcumin (CU) products is mostly attributed to improved solubility, stability, and possibly low first-pass metabolism”

A search of the Pubmed database for the word curcumin yields 601 studies spaning health topics from multiple myeloma and colorectal cancer, to chemotherapies that synergizes with CU, to Alzheimer’s Disease, arthritis and more. Based on years of reading studies and personal accounts, I think it is safe to say that CU supplementation is safe and relatively inexpensive.

I have read about myeloma patients taking daily doses of CU from 400 milligrams to 8 grams (1000 milligrams = 1 gram). By almost any measure, CU is a safe, inexpensive wonder drug.

The only challenge is that CU is famously difficult to absorb in the body. In other words, a person has to mix curcumin with some sort of fat (coconut oil, chocolate, etc.) or take a brand of curcumin capsule that is already formulated to be more “bioavailable” in order to derive the full benefit of CU.

The study linked and exerpted below reviews different formulations of CU. The study itself lists the three most bioavailable formulation/brand of CU and I’ve added an excerpt from a further review from Consumerlab.com that lists four additional bioavailable brands of CU.

Recommended Reading:


CU is a bright yellow chemical produced by some plants. It is the principal curcuminoid of turmeric (Curcuma longa), a member of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. It is sold as an herbal supplement, cosmetics ingredient, food flavoring, and food coloring.[1]

Bioavailable curcumin formulations: A review of pharmacokinetic studies in healthy volunteers.

“Curcumin is a widely studied natural compound which has shown tremendous in vitro therapeutic potential. Despite that, the clinical efficacy of the native CU is weak due to its low bioavailability and high metabolism in the gastrointestinal tract. During the last decade, researchers have come up with different formulations with a focus on improving the bioavailability of curcumin. As a result, a significant number of bioavailable curcumin-based formulations were introduced with the varying range of enhanced bioavailability.

The purpose of this review is to collate the published clinical studies of CU products with improved bioavailability over conventional (unformulated) CU. Based on the literature search, 11 curcumin formulations with available human bioavailability and pharmacokinetics data were included in this review. Further, the data on clinical study design, analytical method, pharmacokinetic parameters and other relevant details of each formulation were extracted.

Based on a review of these studies, it is evident that better bioavailability of formulated curcumin products is mostly attributed to improved solubility, stability, and possibly low first-pass metabolism. The review hopes to provide a quick reference guide for anyone looking information on these bioavailable curcumin formulations.

Based on the published reports,

exhibited over 100-fold higher bioavailability relative to reference unformulated CU. Suggested mechanisms accounting for improved bioavailability of the formulations and details on the bioanalysis methods are also discussed.”

According to Consumerlab.com:

“Novasol has the highest bioavailability (185 x compared to unforumulated CU), followed by Curcuwin (136 x), Longvida (100 x), Meriva (48 x), BCM-95 (27 x), Curcumin C3 Complex + Bioperene (20 x), and then Theracumin (16 x).”


Leave a Comment:

Sara says 9 months ago

Hi David I have estrogen positive progesterone neutral her2 negative +1 breast cancer in the bones. I was hoping for supplement advice. I take a lot of things including bromelain before each meal. Thank you so much.

    David Emerson says 9 months ago

    Hi Sara-

    I am sorry to read of your metastatic BC. If you are asking about supplements shown to enhance bone health, there are several. I take
    vitamin D3, magnesium, calcium, moderate exercise, whole body vibration (a divice that i stand on), and vitamin K.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Mayada Abdullah says a couple of years ago

I was diagnosed with TNBC stage 1A grade 3. The lump was 10mm.
They are offering me 4 cycles of chemo and radiation.
I already started Wybenzyme N 10 tablets a day and I will continue it but wanted to know how much should I take daily. Thanks

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Mayada-

    Though my cancer is very different than triple neg. BC, I follow the dosing instructions on the label. I think that’s 3 pills twice daily.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Michelin says a couple of years ago

I have had simple and complex cysts for years but want them gone. Lorna Vanderhaegue suggested Estrosmart plus Wobenzyme

Can they be taken together?? Is Wobenzyme help to dissolve the cysts??

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Michelin-

    That is an excellent question. Unfortunately I do not know the answer.

    Sorry I couldn’t be more help.

    David Emerson

Billie R Paxton says a couple of years ago

Hi there,

I’m looking for a suggested amount of Bromelain to take. The capsules I purchased are 575 mg, nothing added.

My diagnosis was Invasive Micropapillary Carcinoma III.
Ki-67 Unfavorable 20%.

I had a double mastectomy.

I refused chemo, but tried Anastrozole 1 mg. I quite taking it after 2 weeks.

Billie R. Paxton

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Billie-

    I have no experience with Invasive Micropapillary Carcinoma III Ki-67 Unfavorable 20%. I would suggest following the dosing information on the label of your bromalain.

    I wish I could offer more guidance.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Michelle Tomars says 5 years ago

Hi David,
My doctor thinks he has found a form of invasive breast cancer in my breast. I found out more results this coming week but I am trying to arm myself with information so I’m not frozen with fear and just swept up in chemo etc. I want to try enzymes but am having a hard time finding a reliable source that tells me how many, how often and what kind. Can you email me any info you may have?

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Michelle,

    The key to knowing which supplements will help you is to determine 1) your type of cancer (BC obviously…) and 2) stage of cancer. If you provide this info to me I am happy to provide you with those supplements, enzymes and others, shown to fight your cancer.

    In other words, in general bromelain has been shown to fight BC. Wobenzym is the brand I take and recommend. However, if you provide me with more specifics, I can provide more specific info. Your call.


    David Emerson

Cancer Coaching- Does PQQ Promote Breast Cancer? - PeopleBeatingCancer says 5 years ago

[…] Bromelain Enzyme Potent Anti-Breast Cancer Effect […]

Nancy B. says 5 years ago

Hi David,
Here I am doing research for my BC and I came across your site. Thank you for putting together all these resources! I know they take time and money so extra gratitude!

Now, what I want to say about bromelain is that it is one of a number of proteolytic enzymes found to be helpful in various phases of cancer treatment (and more). I don’t know if you are aware of Wobe-Mugos E (not to be confused with a similar brand sold in the U.S.A., formula ‘N’). Anyway, it has definite radiation fibrosis protection as per peer reviewed research. Although this formulation does not contain bromelain, it does contain 3 ingredients; papain, trypsin, and chymotrypsin. Sorry but I don’t have the research link on hand, but I think you can find it.

I too am a research maven, combing all the sources for evidence based treatments. Not only do I have early stage (with aggressive characteristics) breast cancer, I also have a genetic connective tissue disorder (Classical type Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) and also achalasia of the esophagus. Both are rather rare and the radiation oncologists are either too busy or otherwise not so inclined to go looking for the uncommon article which addresses my issues–so that becomes my job!

My cancer is over my left breast and goes up against the chest wall which makes treatment possibly very compromising to my heart, lungs, and lower LES–never mind the co-morbidities I just mentioned, which makes radiotherapy treatment all the more risky and complicated.

I am amassing a list of potential strategies for combating RFS–as I also have had my whole exome sequenced and have discovered that I have a point mutation which makes it likely I will suffer more from radiation side effects than most.

So, in conclusion, I want to thank you for your efforts. I also wanted to give you the info on Wobe-Mugos. I will hold off on purchasing your book for now as I too have an ever growing list of potential breast cancer ‘hacks.’

You are welcome to contact me to compare notes on my discoveries. Bless you David!

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Nancy-

    I am going to email you now. I would like to ask you questions about several things you mentioned.



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[…] Bromelain Enzyme Potent Anti-Breast Cancer Effect […]

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