Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission

Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Burzynski, Myeloma Burzynski Breakthrough

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Did The Burzynski Breakthrough Doctor and his Controversial Antineoplaston Therapy Cure Me of Multiple Myeloma?

That’s what everyone wants to know, right? Did Burzynski and antineoplaston therapy cure my incurable cancer, multiple myeloma?

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski (Dr. B), Antineoplastons (ANP) and The Burzynski Research Institute (BRI) has got to be the most controversial doctor, therapy and clinic, respectively, of any cancer therapy I have come across in my cancer survivorship dating back to my original diagnosis in ’94. I love telling people that after conventional therapy failed, I underwent a “quack” cancer therapy…that put me into complete remission.


Yes, there are many dissatisfied BRI patients who underwent ANP and were not cured. And they probably paid for ANP therapy out-of-pocket. At the same time, there are hundreds of cancer patients who, like me, are in complete remission or even…cured of their cancer! Also keep in mind that spent 000’s of dollars as I underwent conventional MM therapies (surgery, radiation and aggressive chemotherapies) from ’94 to ’97, achieving minimal responses, relapses and permanant side effects.

According to research collected by the BRI on MM, of the 14 MMers who have undergone ANP as of 9/15, 36% of patients achieved OR (objective response), 43% of patients achieve SD (stable disease) and 21% of patients’ MM progressed.

There is no such thing as a silver bullet cancer cure for multiple myeloma.  However, like all therapies, conventional or non-conventional,  some patients respond and some don’t. That is the way that medicine works.

I am not a medical doctor, scientist or FDA official so I can’t speak to ANP and BRI negatives beyond giving basic response data. I am a multiple myeloma survivor who underwent 3 years of aggressive conventional therapies, was told that nothing more could be done for me, given six months to live, then underwent ANP therapy over 17 months.

I by April of 1999 I reached complete remission from my multiple myeloma where I remain today. The Burzynski Breakthrough is largely anecdotal but the “revised edition” contains clinical data that may be helpful to cancer survivors interested in learning more about ANP. I don’t know if I am one of the multiple myeloma cases listed in the clinical trial data. I was given a “compassionate use” exception by the FDA to undergo ANP. Like I said, I had undergone many conventional therapies and was end-stage…

If you want to ask me about my ANP experience, scroll down the page, post a question or a comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

To learn more about alternative therapies for multiple myeloma click now

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:


OR: Objective Response – includes CR and PR.

CR: Complete Response.  Complete disappearance of all signs of cancer in response to treatment of 4 weeks or longer.

PR: Partial Response.  More than 50% decrease in the size of the tumors  in response to treatment of 4 weeks or longer.

SD: Stable Disease.  No decrease or increase in the size of the tumors, but no progression, in response to treatment of 12 weeks or longer.

PD: Progressive Disease.  More then 50% increase in size of the tumors (the sum of cross-sectional area of the tumors), in response to treatment of 4 weeks or longer.

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Carole Powell says 10 months ago

My daughter DeborahSchindler has MM and is undergoing chemo right now. I would like to hear your story and of the number of individuals who have success. I Am desperate to Help Her.
Her treatment is being administered through Baptist Health-Floyd in New Albany, In.

    David Emerson says 10 months ago

    Hi Carole-

    I am sorry to learn of your daughter’s MM diagnosis. The best way for me to help any newly diagnosed MM patient is to understand their diagnosis, stage, symptoms, goals, etc. Just reciting statistics won’t help in my experience.

    Most importantly it’s important to understand that conventional oncology has gotten very good at stabilizing the newly diagnosed MM patient. Frankly, there is little that I can do for your daughter at this stage aka in the beginning.

    Once your daughter has stabilized we can talk about evidence-based anti-MM nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle therapies, etc.

    Take a deep breath and try to let your daughter’s oncologists do their thing.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Multiple Myeloma - Alternative Therapy - PeopleBeatingCancer says last year

[…] Burzynski, Antineoplastons, Multiple Myeloma and The Burzynski Breakthrough […]

deya says last year

Hi, my grandmother got diagnosed with cancer recently. She has problems with her kidney functions, has diabetes, and has high blood pressure. We are currently located in Jordan, but we are willing to do anything to save her. We still didn’t tell her that they supposedly found out that it was stage 3.

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Deya-

    I am sorry to learn of your grandmother’s cancer diagnosis. Why type of cancer was your grandmother diagnosed with?

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Vince says last year

Can you help my friend? Here are the details: Case of liver cancer stage 4, diagnosed last July, 2020 and had metastasized in my right and left hipbones. Have undergone chemo and radiation beads liver embolism, took chemo pills, hip surgery and immunotherapy. With the liver cancer cells acting up again, I will undergo intervention radiation again. I would appreciate your help. I truly believe that radiation is making his case worst. Would appreciate your soonest reply.. Thank you so much. God bless us all…

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Vince-

    I am sorry to read of your liver cancer. Unfortunately, I have little experience with liver cancer. I can say however, that my blood cancer, multiple myeloma, was advanced as well. And I have gone through similar aggressive therapies as you have. And Antineoplaston therapy put me in complete remission.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Fletcher says last year

My aunt is going through chemo for pancreatic cancer. Is there anything that can help her?

Christine Pompeo says a couple of years ago

I had a complete response to my stem cell transplant in the fall of 2019. I did not do conventional maintenance due to Covid, but did 8g curcumin daily along w/other supplements. My labs/scans all stable and then w/in a month I had a tumor start pressing on my spinal cord which had now left me w/paralysis from abdomen down. I am in rehab hoping that the radiation I received will have helped restore function in my lower body. I would like to know how I can get a treatment protocol that would help me restore remission considering my particular “type” of MM. what has seemed to work for those with similar MM. I did order your coaching course. Or has anyone been through this too? Where to start?? I do have a top MM specialist oncologist at Northwestern Memorial in Chicago.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Christine-

    Good to read of your complete response to your ASCT. Not sure if the “tumor” you refer to is related to your MM. A couple of issues. May be just words but oncology doesn’t use the word “tumor” when talking about MM. A collection of MM plasma cells is called a “lesion.” My point in asking is to figure out of this tumor is related to your complete response of MM or not.

    Secondly, local radiation should have eliminated your mm lesion. Monoclonal plasma cells, according to research, respond well to local radiation. Yes, radiation can cause nerve damage. But it sounds like the damage to your motor skills resulted from your tumor, not from local radiation?

    I do not mean to confuse the situation. In response to your question “where do I start?” I have asked several questions below.

    1) Have you formally “relapsed” from your induction therapy and ASCT? I ask because being told your labs indicate complete response only to develop a tumor a month later raises questions regarding your MM. Your diagnostic testing results will indicate your current status- remission, relapse, etc.

    2) What is the status of your tumor? Is it MM? Has it responded to the local radiation (shrunk, disappeared?).

    3) Depending on the answers to the above questions, we can figure out the situation with your MM.

    You have a lot going on with your health and MM right now Christine. I would not be surprised if all of these questions cause anxiety, distress, etc. All I can offer is to take things one issue at a time in your effort to solve the puzzle of your situation.

    I hope that makes sense. Let me know if you have any other questions.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

Does Surviving Cancer Make You Stronger? says 5 years ago

[…] Burzynski, Antineoplastons, Multiple Myeloma and The Burzynski Breakthrough […]

Desiree Spinney says 6 years ago

Hi David,
My husband and I had a consultation with you about a month and a half ago. His doctor wants to do a stem cell transplant, but even after the transplant will put him on low dose chemo. To me that’s doesn’t seem to be the answer. Do you think we would have better results if we went to the Burzynski clinic. He has very little protein in his blood, like .1, but staying on chemo forever just doesn’t sit well with me. I know you said some respond and some don’t, but with your knowledge what would you do? Thanks in advance!
Desiree Spinney

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hi Desiree,

    Low-dose maintwnnce therapy has been shown to increase overall survival for MMers but yes, ongoing chemotherapy causes side effects and can reduce the patient’s quality of life.

    Let’s take a step back. Is Norman (is that correct?) currently in the process of induction therapy? Meaning is he undergoing a chemo regimen like RVd (Revlimid, Velcade, Dex.)? Or has he recently finished his chemo?

    If so, how is/has he responded? Do you know his current blood markers such as his m-spike? If you are saying that his “total serum protein” is .1, then it seems as though he has responded well to his induction chemotherapy. Do you know what his serum protein was when he was diagnosed with MM?

    Studies show that there is no overall survival benefit (patients don’t live longer) by having an Autologous Stem Cell transplant early or later in the process. Meaning, your husband may want to hold off his ASCT for now.

    Can you email me his current blood work- protein, m-spike, etc?

    Let me know, thanks.

    David Emerson

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