Diagnosed with SMM, SPB, or MGUS?

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Cancer Coaching- MGUS Dx, M-spike of .3 now up to .5- “I’m worried…”

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“we have performed a number of studies with curcumin in MGUS/SMM patients, including a randomised… where we showed that treatment of MGUS/SMM patients with curcumin resulted in an improvement in markers of disease progression”

Dear David-  I was diagnosed with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) at age 35. I am a caucasian female. My m-spike at diagnosis was .3. I was diagnosed incidentally by a hematologist that I saw for fatigue. Four years later my m-spike is .5. I am IgG lambda. No other symptoms. Free Light Chain ratio    is normal.

I live my life in fear of progression to full-blown multiple myeloma and it is really taking a toll on me. I tried curcumin but it killed my stomach. Any additional dietary advice? I know I am low risk by definition but I want to do everything I can to halt progression. Even though it has only snuck up from .3 to .5, it still worries me because I am so young (and I hopefully have many years ahead) but those are also years where the paraprotein can continue to grow.

Hi MGUS Patient-

I am sorry to read about your MGUS diagnosis.  I have found that the key to not worrying about either pre-MM or MM relapse is to work at your health. That is to say, I worry less when I take evidence-based, non-toxic steps (therapies) to manage my health.

By asking about foods that fight MM, specifically anti-angiogenic foods, and curcumin, you have focused on two of the most anti-MM therapies out there.

You are smart to think long-term. I know if several MGUS survivors who have lived with pre-MM for years. Several things. First, yes, there are evidence-based, non-toxic therapies such as curcumin proven to reduce the risk of pre-MM becoming full blown MM.


Regarding curcumin. Consider taking a brand of curcumin that is both highly bioavailable as well as contains ginger to calm your digestion. Further, consider starting with one capsule (400mg) a day for some time to give your body time to get used to it.

To learn more about the evidence-based protocols you can follow to prevent your Pre-Myeloma from becoming Multiple Myeloma, please watch the short video below:

Let me know if you have any questions by leaving a comment below.

Hang in there,

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

The State of the Science on Anti-Angiogenic Foods

“As tumors grow, they often build blood vessels that connect to the body’s circulatory system. The vessels provide conduit for nutrients that tumors need to continue their expansion. Drugs that block the process of blood-vessel creation, known as angiogenesis, have been approved to treat certain types of colon, lung, and breast tumors, as well as other cancers.

Research suggests that compounds found in certain foods, such as green tea, red grapes, kale, and artichokes may also inhibit angiogenesis. But that doesn’t mean such foods are a substitute or replacement for prescribed therapies, according to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute nutritionist Stacy Kennedy, MPH, RD, CSO, LDN

A healthy diet, such as the one Kennedy describes, can provide a range of benefits for cancer patients, potentially by helping to reduce inflammation and manage common side effects of treatment, such as constipation and fatigue. The possibility that some of these foods may also interfere with tumor angiogenesis could be an additional motivation for including them in one’s diet, but should not be a person’s sole motivation for eating a plant-heavy diet, Kennedy emphasizes.

Concrete answers to whether foods with angiogenic-blocking compounds can actually benefit patients may emerge from studies like one recently launched by Harvard University, in which investigators are exploring whether patients who respond better to treatment than expected have certain dietary, environmental, or attitudinal aspects in common…”

Long-term follow-up of curcumin treated MGUS/SMM patients – an updated single centre experience

“Multiple myeloma (MM) evolves through a spectrum of disease from a premalignant stage of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) (serum M-protein value of <30 g/L, bone marrow plasma cells <10%, no or small amount of M-protein in the urine, and absence of lytic bone lesions, anemia, hypercalcemia, or renal insufficiency) to an intermediate stage of smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) (serum M protein level >30 g/L and/or bone marrow plasma cells >10%, plus no anaemia, hypercalcemia, renal failure, or lytic bone lesions) and finally presents with symptoms and signs of end-organ damage which leads to the diagnosis of MM [1]. Studies indicate that almost all cases of MM are preceded by the precursor state of MGUS or SMM [2]…

Based on its antimyeloma cell activity, we have performed a number of studies with curcumin in MGUS/SMM patients, including a randomised, double-blind placebo- controlled cross-over study, published in the American Journal of Hematology [7] where we showed that treatment of MGUS/SMM patients with curcumin resulted in an improvement in markers of disease progression (i.e., free light-chain ratio (rFLC), paraprotein levels, percentage plasma cells) in some patients [8]. A number of patients who participated in our studies and who showed a benefit, have continued to take curcumin over a number of years, of their own volition, even though the studies in which they were participating are complete…”




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[…] Cancer Coaching- MGUS Dx, M-spike of .3 now up to .5- “I’m worried…” […]

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