
It’s hard to see your loved one hurting. And cancer diagnosis and treatment are often unpredictable.

If you are here reading and asking about cancer issues, therapies, choices to be made you are well on your way to supporting your loved one.

As a caregiver, we suggest:

  • Taking care of yourself. You will be no help to your loved one if you are tired or unhealthy.
  • Treating your loved one as if they didn’t have cancer. Yes, they have cancer, but they are likely the same person they were before they were diagnosed.
  • Planning activities that divert attention away from the cancer and the treatment.
  • Being patient. They will likely be mentally and physically tired.

PeopleBeatingCancer is all about people like you who are looking for ways to support a loved one with cancer. We have many resources available including:

  • BlogsI (David Emerson) write about my experiences and what I have learned about cancer
  • Information by diagnosis:  I share resources by diagnosis.
  • Newsletters: Our free monthly newsletter expands upon critical cancer issues.
  • Healthy Living Products:   I write about products that I use to manage my cancer and side effects- products and books that you can use too.
  • Cancer Coaching Post a question or a comment about your situation and I will reply to you ASAP.