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Gene Breslow, Bladder Cancer- Cystectomy

The exam identified a mucous growing and a thickening in the wall of the bladder. A biopsy was done and the diagnosis was invasive adenocarcinoma of the bladder (bladder cancer-BC).   Gene’s Story:

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Global Incidence of Multiple Myeloma

“Although more common in high SDI countries, multiple myeloma is a global disease, and there has been a marked increase in incident cases from 1990 to 2016, predominantly in middle SDI countries

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Different Types of Masters In Nursing MSN 

Studying for a master’s degree program is one thing, but studying a masters in any medical field such as nursing can be a long process however it can be extremely rewarding. There are many pathways one

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PeopleBeatingCancer- 2013 Fall Fundraiser

The PeopleBeatingCancer Fall Fundraiser “Join me in celebrating 20 yrs of beating cancer & 10 yrs of PeopleBeatingCancer” was a tremendous success! PeopleBeatingCancer raised $8,395 online

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Team PBC at the Cleveland Marathon- Spring Fundraiser 2014

The PeopleBeatingCancer’s spring fundraiser, “Team PBC at the CM” was a tremendous success. 75 individual donors and 7 corporate donors, donated through Indiegogo, Facebook, LinkedIn

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Invisalign as a Way to Straighten Your Teeth

“A smile is the happiness you’ll find right under your nose.” – Tom Wilson  Have you ever come across someone who smiles with their mouth closed because they aren’t proud of

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PeopleBeatingCancer Medical Disclaimer

This website contains general information about medical conditions and treatments.  The information is not advice, and should not be treated as such. PeopleBeatingCancer is designed to provide evidence-based

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Why You Should Use Diagnoss Artificial Intelligence Billing

Diagnosis Artificial Intelligence Billing-We love our healthcare system and want nothing more than to free our healthcare providers from the mundane and the cumbersome aspects of their work, so they can

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Cancer Coaching-Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

“CML occurs in all age groups, but most commonly in the middle-aged and elderly… and slightly more men than women are affected. CML represents about 15–20% of all cases of adult leukemia

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Ken Youner, kidney cancer survivor

“I quickly jumped off the table and went over to the computer screen, and I immediately knew I had kidney cancer (renal cell carcinoma (RCC)).” As a physician, cancer was not something unknown

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Ed Mitchell’s Story of Esophageal Cancer- Conventional, Non, Mind-Body, etc.

I fired Dr. T. and told him that if someone hangs up a shingle as primary care doctor and doesn’t know the symptoms of esophageal cancer, then he shouldn’t be in the business. In 1994 I was

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