Diagnosed with Cancer? Your two greatest challenges are understanding cancer and understanding possible side effects from chemo and radiation.  Knowledge is Power!

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Category Archives for cancer

Prostate Cancer Diet Post Treatment

You were diagnosed with prostate cancer (PCa). You underwent therapy. Perhaps even a total prostatectomy. After your therapy to put your cancer in remission, you began to wonder about a possible relapse?

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Holistic Care in Cancer Treatment for Seniors

Understanding the importance of holistic care in cancer treatment for seniors undergoing cancer treatment is key in healthcare. Seniors facing cancer often rely on in-home care services for comfort and

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Dying from 5-FU Therapy

According to the article linked below, dying from 5-FU therapy doesn’t happen often. But when it does, it can be an awful death. Please understand that the chemo regimen fluoropyrimidine, usually

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Self-Care and Spiritual Wellness During Cancer Treatment

During your cancer journey, incorporating self-care and spiritual wellness into your daily routine becomes a source of hope and strength. This path requires resilience, and through adopting specific strategies,

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Empower Your Return: Steps to Reclaim Your Career After Illness

Embarking on a journey back into the workforce to reclaim your career after battling a long-term illness may seem formidable yet it is entirely within reach with a structured approach. This guide offers

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Cancer and Heart Failure

Cancer and heart failure…heart failure and cancer. One can cause the other and common cancer therapies can cause heart failure. So what’s a survivor of either/or/both cancer and heart failure

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Diet as Mind-Body Therapy

Diet as Mind-Body Therapy? Or diet to help heart health, reduce your risk of chronic disease and your risk of cancer. Eating nutritiously helps calm me as I stress out about myriad side effects, fear of

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Cardiotoxicity in Cancer

Cardiotoxicity in cancer can be a serious short, long- term and late stage side effect. In my research and experience, I think that the study linked below gives a satisfactory basic explanation of the

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How Long is Active Surveillance for Prostate Cancer?

How long should you undergo active surveillance if you have low-risk Prostate Cancer (PCa)? According to my experience compared to the study linked below, active surveillance among low-risk PCa patients

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Unreported Side Effects in Clinical Trials?

Who decides what are unreported side effects in clinical trails? Oncologists overseeing the trial? Patients who volunteered for the trial? Do you think cancer patients in clinical trials ever take a stoic

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Smoking Cessation and Cancer

Smoking cessation and cancer- or I should be more clear an to the point by saying that the positive effect that stoping smoking has on a newly diagnosed cancer patients is dramatic. I am a long-term cancer

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Pancreatic Cancer and Diabetes

Pancreatic cancer and diabetes (PC, D) are two health conditions that may seem unrelated at first glance. However, there is a deeper connection between the two that needs to be acknowledged. In this article,

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