Diagnosed with SMM, SPB, or MGUS?

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Category Archives for Pre-Myeloma

MGUS Bone Involvement?

How is MGUS bone involvement measured and tracked? Meaning, if an MGUS patient has a serum calcium level above normal, what does it mean? According to the study linked below, of the more than 75,000 patients

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Intermediate Risk SMM Questions

Hi David. I have been diagnosed with Intermediate Risk SMM.  3 months ago. I am 70 years old, Height 165 cms and I weigh 72 Kgs. 2 months ago, I started doing Alternative treatments to prevent Multiple

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Telehealth for MGUS/SMM

Telehealth for  MGUS/SMM, the Pre-Myeloma patient, is certainly about pre-MM but also about your RISK. You Risk of progressing to full MM. And most patients diagnosed with either MGUS or SMM will eventually

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Diet Slows MGUS Progression

Diet slows MGUS progression? It wasn’t too long ago when pre-MM patients (MGUS, SMM) were told that there were no therapies for MGUS and that there was nothing they could do to treat their blood

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MGUS Blood Clots?

MGUS blood clots is slang for monoclonal gammopathy of thrombotic significance- yet another symptom of this “asymptomatic” blood disorder with the general name monoclonal gammopathy of clinical

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MGUS Symptoms/Issues beyond Myeloma

Are there MGUS symptoms/issues beyond myeloma? If I have been diagnosed with MGUS and my onc. tells me that MGUS is asymptomatic, what am I going to do if I have nerve pain, bone pain, kidney problems,

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Secondary Immunodeficiency in MGUS

According to research secondary immunodeficiency in MGUS patients is common though not universal. The issue of being immune compromised at diagnosis is difficult as the research linked below makes it sound

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MGUS Symptoms

I’ve written about MGUS symptoms many times before. It is well established that monoclonal proteins cause a variety of symptoms. There is no greater challenge to the MGUS patient experiencing symptoms

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Progression of MGUS, SMM to Myeloma?

According to the excerpt linked below, a number of identifiable risk factors have been identified by conventional oncology. Factors that increase the risk of progression of MGUS, SMM to Myeloma. If you

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What is the benefit of treating SMM?

When should you begin treatment for smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM)? To put this question another way, what is the benefit of treating SMM? In my experience as a long-term MM survivor, all conventional

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Curative Strategy for Smoldering Myeloma?

According to the study linked below, the aggressive chemo regimen discussed is a curative strategy for smoldering myeloma. The possibility of curing your incurable pre-cancer can be overwhelming. First

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2/20/20 SMM Risk of Myeloma

Understanding the possible risk of advancing to full multiple myeloma can be helpful for pre-myeloma patients (MGUS and SMM). The 2/20/20 SMM risk of myeloma is one such risk predictor. The IMWG risk stratification

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