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Coffee Reduces Cancer Risk, Improves Brain Health, and Smells Great!

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“The best part of waking up…is COFFEE reducing your risk of neurodegeneration and depression, and cancer, and cardiovascular disease…

Coffee (COF) is good for you!?  Ironically,  Death Wish Coffee, made famous during Super Bowl 50, may be. There was a time when I, along with many newly diagnosed cancer patients, stopped drinking COF. The idea was that coffee was “bad” for you. As the studies below discuss, COF lowers cancer risk of several cancers.

Image result for image of coffee

I drink two cups of strong, black COF each morning. The articles linked below are the reason why. COF reduces the risk of a diagnosis of cancer as well as a relapse of cancer. Further, my COF helps me get to my work-out each morning. Seriously. Two cups of COF makes me a little stronger (do more reps).

Also, COF helps me with my chemobrain. Meaning, the caffine does give my brain a jolt which I definately need to start my day. My coffee is:

  • Fair Trade
  • Organic

Not to mention the fact that I need my  COF  to start may day. Meaning, there is a “mind-body” benefit from drinking COF.

I am both a cancer survivor and cancer coach. I have been living with an incurable blood cancer called multiple myeloma since my diagnosis in early 1994. COF helps me manage the ups and downs of living life as a cancer survivor.

For more information on non-conventional therapies and supplements to enhance conventional therapies or to reduce the risk of relapse of certain cancers, please scroll down the page, post a question or a comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

To Learn About Healing Chemo Brain- click now 

To Learn More About Cancer Survivor Mental Health- click now

thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Coffee drinker
  • Director Galen Foundation

Recommended Reading:

Coffee and Cancer

“Several meta-analyses of epidemiologic studies suggest that coffee consumption is associated with a decreased risk of all-cause mortality and is not associated with cancer-related mortality.2-5Several meta-analyses also suggest that coffee consumption may decrease the risk of many types of cancers, but for some cancers, the data remain mixed or indicate an increased risk…

Coffee: The Original Wonder Drug?

The best part of waking up…is reducing your risk of neurodegeneration. And depression, and cancer, and cardiovascular disease... It’s becoming increasingly clear that COF is more than just a morning routine. The body of data suggesting that the world’s most widely used stimulant is beneficial in a variety of mental and medical conditions is growing at a staggering rate…”

 Coffee consumption linked to decreased risk of colorectal cancer

“The data showed that even moderate COF consumption, between one to two servings a day, was associated with a 26 percent reduction in the odds of developing colorectal cancer after adjusting for known risk factors. Moreover, the risk of developing colorectal cancer continued to decrease to up to 50 percent when participants drank more than 2.5 servings of COF each day...”

 Coffee mooted as a breast cancer preventer

“Women who drink lots of COF may cut their risk of developing one type of breast cancer, according to a new study, but experts are urging caution…

The Karolinska Institute findings are based on nearly 6,000 women and suggest drinking more than five cups a day halves a woman’s risk…”

Drinking at least 4 cups of COF per day is associated with a lower risk for endometrial cancer, according tonew data from the Nurses’ Health Study…
However, drinking 4 or more cups of COF per day was associated with a 25% relative risk reduction compared with consuming less than 1 cup daily”

 Higher coffee consumption may protect against liver cancer

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Myeloma - Healing My Chemo brain- PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] Coffee Reduces Cancer Risk, Improves Brain Health, and Smells Great! […]

Cognitive Decline, Alzheimer's Therapies- Coffee, Alcohol - PeopleBeatingCancer says 3 years ago


Managing Mental Health as a Cancer Survivor - PeopleBeatingCancer says 3 years ago

[…] Myeloma Therapy- Melatonin Coffee Reduces Cancer Risk, Improves Brain Health, and Smells Great! Multiple Myeloma- ANP- End Stage to Complete Remission to Cure? Team PBC at the […]

Ginny Stewart says 8 years ago

I drink 2-3 cups of coffee every morning and I had HER2 breast cancer.

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Ginny-

    If I read your comment correctly you think it stinks that you developed HER2 BC considering your daily coffee habit. For what it’s worth, I agree with you.

    You may or may not be interested but there are many conventional, integrative and lifestyle therapies that are evidence based and shown to kill cancer. I am a cancer coaching. Providing information and studies citing anti-cancer therapies, both conventional and non-conventional, it what I do.

    What stage were you diagnosed at? Any symptoms? Any therapy yet?


    David Emerson

Caffeinated Coffee Beats Cancer says 9 years ago

[…] Coffee lowers cancer risk, relapse risk, increases liver health- […]

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