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Coffee- Manage Pre-Myeloma, SBP, MGUS, SMM

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 The studies below document coffee’s heart and brain health promoting, anti-stroke, anti-diabetic, and all around ability to reduce risk of death.

I’m a long-term multiple myeloma survivor who lives with a fear of:

  • A secondary chemo-induced cancer
  • Dying from my chemo-induced heart damage
  • My chemo-induced brain damage causing dementia
  • relapse of my multiple myeloma

If you’ve been diagnosed with pre-myeloma (SBP. MGUS or SMM) you want to reduce your risk of a diagnosis of full blown multiple myeloma (MM). That may sound obvious of course.

The issue is to learn how to reduce your risk of a MM diagnosis. Reduce your risk of blood clot, exercise frequently, enhance your brain health, and more. With coffee.

According to the studies linked and excerpted below, COF reduces my risk of another blood clot (DVT), helps my chemobrain,

Now I drink two big, strong cups of COF every morning. Not too much, not too little. My criteria for COF?

  • Rich, strong taste
  • Certified Organic
  • Delivered to my door fresh

I am both a multiple myeloma survivor and myeloma cancer coach. For more information about food, diet, nutrition, etc. for pre-mm, mm patients and survivors, scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply ASAP.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor,
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Coffee consumption is associated with a reduced risk of venous thrombosis that is mediated through hemostatic factor levels

“Coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of venous thrombosis, but the role of confounding and the pathophysiology behind these findings are unclear…

Methods: From a large case-control study, 1803 patients with a first venous thrombosis and 1803 partner controls were included. With conditional logistic regression, odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for venous thrombosis were calculated for coffee consumption vs. no coffee consumption. In addition, mean differences in hemostatic factor levels between these groups were calculated in the controls.

Results: Coffee consumption yielded a 30% lower risk of venous thrombosis than no coffee consumption

Results were similar for provoked and unprovoked events, and for deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. In controls, von Willebrand factor levels were 11 (3-19) IU dL(-1) lower and factor (F) VIII levels were 11 (1-21) IU dL(-1) lower in coffee consumers than in non-consumers.

After adjustment of the risk estimates for these hemostatic factors, the inverse association between coffee consumption and venous thrombosis diminished (OR 1.0, 95% CI 0.7-1.4). There was no association between coffee consumption and anticoagulant proteins, fibrinogen levels, or fibrinolytic markers.

Conclusions: Coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of venous thrombosis, which seems to be mediated through von Willebrand factor and FVIII.

Science-Backed Benefits Of Coffee Reveal Its Impacts On Everything From Heart To Brain Health

Science-Backed Benefits of Coffee:

  1. Heart: Based on 36 different studies with 1,270,000 participants, researchers conclude moderate long-term COF consumption of three to five 8-ounce cups a day lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease. Those who consumed five or more had no higher risk than those who consumed zero.
  2. Stroke: Another 11 studies with nearly 480,000 participants found two to six cups a day was associated with a lower risk of stroke compared to those who drank zero.
  3. Type 2 Diabetes: Drinking at least six to seven cups of caffeinated and decaffeinated COF a day was found to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by up to a third, while regular consumption decreased the overall likelihood of developing the disease.
  4. Cancer: Drinking two cups of coffee daily is associated with a 40 percent lower risk of liver cancer. COF consumption also plays no statistical significance in breast or prostate cancer risk. There is a link between coffee consumption and lung cancer but only found among those who have the disease due to smoking. Meanwhile, coffee consumption has actually been found as a protectant for non-smokers diagnosed with lung cancer. Coffee has been found to lower the risk of liver cancer and death for those who have cirrhosis.
  5. Brain: Coffee intake has been associated with lowering the risk of Parkinson’s disease, age-related cognitive decline, and a potential protective effect against Alzheimer’s disease.
  6. Death: Two meta-analysis — one reviewing 20 studies with approximately one million participants’ medical data and a second reviewed 17 studies with more than one million participants — found drinking coffee is linked to a “significantly reduced chance of death.”

Five surprising benefits of drinking cof

  1. Antioxidants
  2. Liver
  3. Mood
  4. Endurance
  5. Cognition and brain health”

More Consensus on Cof’s Benefits Than You Might Think

“Just last year, a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies looking at long-term consumption of coffee and the risk of cardiovascular disease were published. The researchers found 36 studies involving more than 1,270,000 participants. The combined data showed that those who consumed a moderate amount of coffee, about three to five cups a day, were at the lowest risk for problems…

A meta-analysis published in 2007 found that increasing coffee consumption by two cups a day was associated with a lower relative risk of liver cancer by more than 40 percent. Two more recent studies confirmed these findings. Results from meta-analyses looking at prostate cancer found that in the higher-quality studies, coffee consumption was not associated with negative outcomes.

The same holds true for breast cancer, where associations were statistically not significant…

The most recent meta-analyses on neurological disorders found that coffee intake was associated with lower risks of Parkinson’s disease, lower cognitive decline and a potential protective effect against Alzheimer’s disease (but certainly no harm)…”

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