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Cryotherapy for Lung Cancer Mets to the Lung

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Lung Cancer Patients May Need Effective Therapies to Manage their Lung Cancer if it Metastasizes (spreads)

Lung cancer is one of the most aggressive cancers and depending on the stage at diagnosis, can bring a low overall survival rate. Talking about systemic chemotherapy or immunotherapy is great but is directed only at killing the lung cancer systemically. Meaning throughout your entire body.

Image result for photography of cryotherapy for cancer

Lung cancer patients may need an effective therapy to manage their cancer if it spreads.

One such therapy called cryotherapy or cryosurgery that has two distinct applications. First, cryotherapy can be used to remove cancer that has metastasized or spread to the lung from other sites around the body or cryotherapy can be used to remove lung cancer that has spread to other sites around your body.

According to the first study linked and excerpted below, cryotherapy treated lung, liver, adrenal, para-aortic and bone tumors spread from the original lung cancer.

I am a long-term survivor of a different cancer called multiple myeloma. I underwent a palliative treatment for my cancer because conventional chemotherapy treatments where unable to put me into remission. The palliative treatment greatly reduced by bone pain and bought me time to pursue other curative therapies for my “incurable” cancer.

That palliative therapy was in 1996.   A non-conventional therapy put me into complete remission in 1999 where I have remained since by living an anti-cancer lifestyle.

To learn more about evidence-based therapies for lung cancer, please watch the short video below:

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading-

Percutaneous cryoablation of metastatic lesions from non-small cell lung carcinoma: Initial survival, local control, and cost observations

“Purpose- To assess feasibility, complications, local tumor recurrences, overall survival (OS) and estimates of cost-effectiveness for multi-site cryoablation (MCA) of oligometastatic non-small cell lung cancer (mNSCLC)…

Results-Total number of tumors and cryoablation procedures for each anatomical site are as follows: 20, 18 – lung; 9, 7 – liver; 12, 11 – superficial; 7, 7 – adrenal; 2, 2 – para-aortic/isolated; and 10, 7 – bone..

Conclusions-Multi-site cryoablation had very low morbidity and local tumor recurrence rates for all anatomic sites, and possibly increased OS. Even as an adjunct to systemic therapies, MCA appeared cost-effective for palliation of oligo-mNSCLC…”

Icy Therapy Spot Treats Cancer in the Lung

“Frozen balls of ice can safely kill cancerous tumors that have spread to the lungs, according to the first prospective multicenter trial of cryoablation…Cryoablation has potential as a treatment for cancer that has spread to the lungs from other parts of the body and could prolong the lives of patients who are running out of options,”

In the initial results of the study, called the ECLIPSE trial (Evaluating Cryoablation of Metastatic Lung/Pleura Tumors in Patients — Safety and Efficacy), 22 subjects with a total of 36 tumors were treated with 27 cryoablation sessions. Cryoablation was 100 percent effective in killing those tumors at three-month follow-up. Follow-up at six months on 5 of the 22 patients (23 percent) showed the treated tumors to still be dead. Cryoablation is performed by an interventional radiologist using a small needle-like probe guided through a nick in the skin to cancerous tumors inside the lung under medical imaging guidance. These tumors have spread — or metastasized — to the lung from primary cancers in other areas of the body.”

What is Cryotherapy/cryosurgery?

Cryosurgery (also called cryotherapy) is the use of extreme cold produced by liquid nitrogen (or argon gas) to destroy abnormal tissue. Cryosurgery is used to treat external tumors, such as those on the skin. For external tumors, liquid nitrogen is applied directly to the cancer cells with a cotton swab or spraying device.

Cryosurgery is also used to treat tumors inside the body (internal tumors and tumors in the bone). For internal tumors, liquid nitrogen or argon gas is circulated through a hollow instrument called a cryoprobe, which is placed in contact with the tumor.

 After cryosurgery, the frozen tissue thaws and is either naturally absorbed by the body (for internal tumors), or it dissolves and forms a scab (for external tumors).”

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Advanced Lung Cancer- Palliative Care - PeopleBeatingCancer says last year

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[…] Cryotherapy for Lung Cancer Mets to the Lung […]

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[…] Cryotherapy for Lung Cancer and Metastases to the Lung […]

Debbie MacDonald says 8 years ago

Dear David, Well so far so good. I’ve had my 5th chemo, some digestive issues, but nothing that diet cannot fix. Everything is going well.
All the best, Debbie

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Okay Debbie- let me know if there is anything that PBC can do. Hang in there. David

Debbie MacDonald says 9 years ago

Dear David, Well so far so good. I’ve just had my 3rd chemo, everything is going well, thanks to all the good advice, about exercise and nutrition.
All the best, Debbie

Debbie MacDonald says 9 years ago

Dear David, This is extremely helpful. You gave vital info not rambling. So exercise and healthy eating habits. Thank you, Debbie

Debbie MacDonald says 9 years ago

Hey David, Do you have any info on what might be a healthy diet while having chemo. I’ve been thinking along the lines of high alkaline. I’m looking forward to transitioning from a cancer patient to a cancer survivor. I am very grateful for your website and all the info you have provided.
All the Best, Debbie

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Debbie-

    I have read many different studies about cancer nutrition. And much of it is conflicting meaning one paper talks about the importance of the body being alkaline while another paper maintains that it is virtually impossible for patients undergoing therapy to choose one diet that keeps their blood alkaline. I know of cancer patients who swear that they need red meat.

    In short, I have come to believe that cancer patients/survivor need to focus on a well-balanced diet minimizing sugar, trans fats, white flour, animal fat, while they maximize fruits, veggies, yes, perhaps red meat but lean red meat, whole grains.

    My personal experience is that lifestyle is an important part of nutrition. By this I mean that I moderately exercise in the am, come home to a nutritious breakfast (see above)- but the combo of moderate exercise and then breakfast is what I am talking about.

    Cancer patients that loose a lot of weight during therapy may need to eat some extra calories in order to get healthy again. Cachexia can be a real problem for many cancer patients.

    If you choose to drink alkaline water I think this is great but I also think all the above.

    I apologize for rambling. I hope this helps.

    let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

Debbie MacDonald says 9 years ago

Dear David, I would appreciate any info you have of integrative therapies that will enhance the efficacy of my chemo, which is doxorubicin (Adriamycin).

Debbie MacDonald says 9 years ago

Dear David, Mon. June 29/15
Apparently I have even more metastasis, I am now told I have 7 instead of 4 in my lungs. Dr. Albiruni RA Razak at Mt. Sinai Hosp.
recommends doxorubicin. They still have to do tests on my heart before starting me on chemo. Chemo might start as soon as next Monday or Wednesday.
All the Best, Debbie

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Debbie-

    Please read the link below and consider taking CoQ10 before, during and after doxorubicin. The study explains that CoQ10 protects the heart and does NOT interfere with the dox action. Dox. is a chemo in the class of chemo called anthracyclines.

    What else are you wondering about/concerned about? Mets are not fun but ….

    Coenzyme q10 for prevention of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity.

      Debbie MacDonald says 9 years ago

      Dear David, Thank you. I’ve already read and printed your link on CoQ10.
      I intend to buy it tomorrow and start taking it asap. I would appreciate knowing how much to take etc.
      All the Best, Debbie

Debbie MacDonald says 9 years ago

I had a soft tissue sarcoma removed from my left iliac crest in oct 2014.
Now in june 2015 they say I have four lung metastisis; plus one in the left scalpula. They have set me up for an appointment for chemotherapy, what are my options? How do I get a second opinion?
I am in Toronto.

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Hi Debbie-
    I am sorry to read of your cancer diagnosis. Metastasis to the lungs is the most common place for soft tissue sarcoma to spread to. Therapy options are based on the stage of your cancer. See the linked article below.

    In the States, if you want a second opinion, just go see another oncologist. If your insurance covers it then you don’t have to pay. I don’t know how the Canadian system works.

    Chemo might be your best option, surgery might be. It depends on your cancer stage.

    If you do choose to undergo chemotherapy, if you are interested, I can research and recommend those integrative therapies that will enhance the efficacy of your chemo (if you email me and tell me what chemo you are going to have).

    Soft Tissue Sarcoma Treatment Protocols

    Let me know what you want to do.

    thanks and hang in there

    David Emerson

      Debbie MacDonald says 9 years ago

      Thank you David. I had a grade 3 leiomyosarcoma removed with good margins Oct.2014. Now June 2015 spread to lungs and left scalpula, so I think they grade it at grade 4, when it spreads, grade meaning stage. I will email you when I know what chemo I am going to have. All the best, Debbie

        David Emerson says 9 years ago

        Debbie- please let me know. Good luck and hang in there. David Emerson

          Debbie MacDonald says 9 years ago

          Dear David, Thank you I appreciate your kindness and concern. I will email tomorrow, ( June 29 or 30). All the best to you and yours. Debbie

DONALD BUSH says 9 years ago

I have stage 1a lung cancer i had 39 radiation treaments and it deceaced my tumer by 50% But it grue back to be 6 centermeters.im about to go throught 9 more treatments that are to be concertated with high intence radiation beams.the dr told me that after this that their is no more he can do for me. i need some other oppations.i will not give up just because he said thats all he can do can you help me please

    David Emerson says 9 years ago

    Donald- I will assume that this info is covered by my previous email. Take it easy. David

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