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My mom was diagnosed with MM in Feb. 2021 We found fantastic doctors to work with as we wanted to use a supplement regimine of 750mg of curcumin and 400mg of French grape seed extract daily along with her revmilid and velcade. She reached remission by Oct of 2021. Unfortunately she passed during remission of cardiac arrest with no known thrombosis. I’m thankful that I stumbled upon this website that educates people on the great results that can be achieved when science and nature are allowed to work together. I promised my mom that she was not dying of this cancer and glad I got to keep my word.
ReplyHi Misty-
I am sorry for your loss. Though I don’t know the specifics of your mom’s therapy I share your belief that she did not die of MM. I know of no reason why curcumin or french grape seed extract would have caused heart damage. If anything, these supplements would have prevented the damaging effects of your mom’s conventional therapies.
David Emerson
ReplyIt’s probably been posted previously but how much curcumin can be taken at one time?
ReplyHi Ken-
This is a common question but there is no set answer. Meaning studies cite either “a time and dose dependent manner” aka the more, the longer, the better or use a specific amount. But different studies can use different amounts. I’ve read studies that cite a dose of 1 gram and I’ve read studies that use 8 grams. It’s not like a clinical trial that must use a specific dose.
David Emerson
ReplyIs there a specific dose/amount of curcumin that is recommended for the optimal preventive effect? Also, I wonder if curcumin is as effective in today’s new therapies/SOC as these studies appear dated. Thanks for all the wonderful insights and knowledge!
ReplyHi Peter-
Studies of curcumin vary in the dose of curcumin used. Most use the phrase “in a time and dose dependent manner.” Some use a specific dose but it varies from 1 gram to 8 grams.
In terms of its effectiveness, it depends on the study. Meaning, specific studies of velcade as well as proteasome inhibitors in general and revlimid cite curcumin to enhance their efficacy. I have not found studies of curcumin and other MM regimens.
Lastly, a recent study showed that curcumin could be used instead of dexamethasone in people intolerant of dex.
David Emerson