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Reduce your Pre-Malignant DCIS from becoming Full-Blown Breast Cancer
You’ve been diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ (DCIS). While some people will call this diagnosis breast cancer, it really isn’t cancer. DCIS is a pre-malignant form of breast cancer or breast cancer stage 0.
While you want to prevent your DCIS relapsing or from becoming actual breast cancer, you’ve heard horror stories about the side effects of chemo and radiation. You want to undergo AS LITTLE of these toxic therapies as possible.
The solution? Lifestyle therapies such as exercise and nutrition, supplementation and detoxification. But weight! Frequent, moderate exercise is a pain… Let’s face it, if regular exercise was easy, you would have been exercising regularly for years now. What’s going to change? Now you have an incentive. Now you have three great reasons-
Local radiation increases your risk of heart damage, Afib, etc.
Frequent, moderate exercise helps you sleep better, look better and live longer
Losing weight makes you look and feel better
I am a long-term survivor of an incurable cancer. I have remained in complete remission from my cancer since 1999 by living an evidence-based, non-toxic, anti-cancer lifestyle through nutrition, supplementation, detox, bone health and mind-body therapies.
To learn more about DCIS and the evidence-based therapies that can help you prevent its spread into invasive breast cancer, please watch the video below:
For more information about evidence-based, non-conventional therapies to reduce the risk of DCIS relapse, scroll down the page, post a question and I will reply ASAP.
“The Yale study — among the few to explore a link between weight loss and telomere length in breast cancer survivors — found that telomeres were slower to shorten in breast cancer survivors who lost weight through diet and exercise. In some cases, telomere shortening even reversed…
“Our results indicate that having higher body fat levels is associated with shorter telomere length, and weight loss was associated with an increase in telomere length…
“With the consistent findings of weight loss and exercise improving potential mechanisms related to breast cancer mortality, we feel there should be a shift in how breast cancer care is delivered, as well as increased access to and reimbursement of lifestyle behavioral counseling and programs,””
“Purpose of review-There has been growing evidence that lifestyle factors may affect the health and lifespan of an individual by affecting telomere length. The purpose of this review was to highlight the importance of telomeres in human health and aging and to summarize possible lifestyle factors that may affect health and longevity by altering the rate of telomere shortening…
Summary-Telomere length shortens with age. Progressive shortening of telomeres leads to senescence, apoptosis, or oncogenic transformation of somatic cells, affecting the health and lifespan of an individual. Shorter telomeres have been associated with increased incidence of diseases and poor survival. The rate of telomere shortening can be either increased or decreased by specific lifestyle factors. Better choice of diet and activities has great potential to reduce the rate of telomere shortening or at least prevent excessive telomere attrition, leading to delayed onset of age-associated diseases and increased lifespan. This review highlights the role of telomeres in aging and describes the lifestyle factors which may affect telomeres, human health, and aging.”
External beam radiation: This involves a doctor applying radiation from an external machine to the breast and surrounding tissue.
Internal radiation (brachytherapy): This involves placing a small radioactive pellet into the body for a short period.
The right treatment for breast cancer depends on many factors, including a person’s age and overall health. A doctor will help a person decide on the best option for them.
Read on for more information about the short-term, long-term, and rare side effects of radiation for breast cancer…”
I am honored and grateful that you took the time, especially during this busy season, to respond to my email.
I am currently taking Herceptin infusions. Subsequent to completion of two full two week rotations, I discontinued Xeloda for numerous reasons.
My current health status appears to be somewhat unclear, as I feel fabulous at the core level. I have been making healthier lifestyle choices since the original diagnosis in 2011. I have done literally thousands of hours of research, and, I have located, and, now use very healthy supplements such as Iodine, Vitamin D, Turmeric, and, numerous others. I have now added a product called “Thank you Silver.” It is a more advanced generation of silver by comparison with colloidal silver.
I also ingest 2 mg. of oils daily. This product is organic and clean. I am uncertain if this is curative, but, it has kept the extreme pain manageable, and, allowed me to live my life.
The huge, open, fungating tumor has worsened significantly since the Xeloda, (actually generic Capecitabine? sp.? even worse fillers likely than the Xeloda which lists Titanium Dioxide and Magnesium Stearate as two of the multiple toxic fillers?)
I am currently very conflicted, as the wound is spreading rapidly, and, soon, will become unmanageable. I am in a health crisis. I have bee given conflicting information by Oncologists and Naturopaths. A well respected Naturopath, who specializes in cancer advised me to increase my Vitamin D levels, as he believes Herceptin is synergistic with elevated Vitamin D levels. I have been keeping my Vitamin D levels high for the last four years. When the Oncologist reviewed the results of my Vitamion D bllod test, he looked at me, and, he stated, “Your Vitamin D levels are toxic?!?”
My interest lies in preservation of the possibility of bio-chemical healing, and, Bio Physics. I do not wish to do irreparable damage to my beautiful God given body. Pharmaceutical drugs feel like poison to me.
My next imminent decision is whether or not to agree to radiation? I am seeking a definite sign from God in terms of which direction to choose, as I want to live a long, healthy life. Miraculously, I have healed spiritually and emotionally during the last four years. With God’s will, the physical is healed also!
David, my whole life was lived as a fractured person. I had deep rooted, severe, traumatic emotions as a result of dissociation to survive a horrific childhood. For the first time during my fifty nine years on this planet, David, I am fully awake! I am liberated! I take full responsibility for all my life circumstances, as I “know” they were all pre-planned, and, co-created by myself and God. There have been no mistakes. There is nothing to forgive!
1) Yes, “Xeloda” is actually generic Capecitabine-
2) “My next imminent decision is whether or not to agree to radiation?” I don’t like toxic therapies either. But I believe that if these therapies are used carefully, they can be useful. Local radiation in your situation may be just such an instance. As you say, “… as the wound is spreading rapidly, and, soon, will become unmanageable.”
If you do undergo local radiation please read the studies below and consider antioxidant supplementation to manage toxicity.
radiaton, resveritrol
curcumin radiation protection
3) “For the first time during my fifty nine years on this planet, David, I am fully awake!” Clearly Jo T you are in a good place mentally speaking. Once we figure out how to rid your body of cancer you will be on your way.
My overall view is that you are following all of the right therapies mentally and non-conventionally to heal yourself. You may have to undergo local radiation therapy, supported by antioxidant supplementation, in order to kill the tumor in your breast.
I hope I addressed your concerns above. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Finally, after 4 years of managing my own care, I now have a forum. I am so GRATEFUL!
Here is my story, (short version). I am 59 year old female with a huge, nasty malodorous fungating tumor, that has metastasized from the left breast into the lymph and blood supply.
I refused chemotherapy and radiation in August 2011 when I was first diagnosed. I have exhausted all my financial resources at this time, as I have tried numerous natural therapies, but, I have never had my treatment protocols managed by one professional.
I have spent many, many hours researching during the last four years.
Out of desperation, I agreed to a Herceptin/Xeloda protocol. I commenced Herceptin in June 2015. I did not immediately add the Xeloda, as I need to know how each drug affects my body. My body has been very strong four the last four years. Prior to starting the Herceptin/Xeloda protocol, I felt energetic, healthy and positive, even though I was dealing with a challenging open wound. I added Xeloda, (actually the generic Capecitbine). I choked every time I took these “dead” energy pills. I completed 2 – 2 week courses of Xeloda. The wound is raging worse now than prior to the chemotherapy. I have zero appetite, and, I am losing weight rapidly. I am in a physical health crisis currently, and, I need urgent help!! I am zapped of all my energy.
I am being guided on my journey by God. I have healed spiritually and emotionally during the last four years. Now, the physical healing must be facilitated quickly, as I am buying time until I find the right treatment for me.
I sincerely appreciate your time and attention to my health crisis, David.
In Love and Gratitude,
Pictures of the wound available upon request, if that is in any way helpful?
Addendum to my comment- am taking 10,000 IUs of vitamin D, Potassium Iodide 65 MGs twice daily. Have Wobenzyms but keep forgetting to take. Doing therapeutic essential oils on tumor daily and trying to get regular to do caster oil packs. Vibration machine three times daily for lymphatic. Everything takes money and time. Trying to prioritize and figure out. What about CBD and THC? So many questions…
Regarding CBD oil and or THC. There is little if any research for cancer patients to drawn on regarding the efficacy of these therapies. Yes, there is some anecdotal evidence. Also, the availability of medical marijuana in various forms depends on where you live.
My point is that I can’t give you any information of any substance. I continue to research the issues and hope to know more as more info is published.
I have a tumor on my left breast due to a fall in 2012. I thought the hardness of the “tumor” was scar tissue. Due to lots of things not able to give detail right here I did not think I had cancer but was unable to go to doctors since I fell. In September, 2015 the color started to change and I was diagnosed w stage 3b breast cancer.
I went to emergency room and got biopsy from a surgeon who said it was estrogen sensitive. He has me on estrogen blocker which I’m not thrilled about taking it but am doing what he says. I didn’t have health insurance but will now it’s 2016.
I have tried to be eating an alkaline lifestyle for years but due to circumstances wasn’t always able to do so or get organic. Also was driving a big rig truck for the last couple of years so couldn’t exercise, eat right or sleep enough though I did my best. Since September have done colonics, juice everyday, exercise, lymphatic work, essential oils, infra red and other modalities.
I am researching and building my team. Have chosen a DO as my primary care but don’t know how much support she’ll offer or openness to other therapies such as vitamin C, etc. Trying to get all blood tests and other benchmarks. Have gone to two live and dried blood microscopy sessions based on the work of Dr. Robert Young. My blood showed great improvement as I did hard work of alkalinity and proper hydration. Want to do a full body thermography for a benchmark not a PET scan.
Doing emotional and energy work as well. Worried the only hope for tumor is to have it removed by surgery. Don’t want them to touch the other breast even if they say cancer has spread because I feel I know my own body and need time to heal. But don’t know if I can shrink this tumor. Dead tissue where toxins have been accumulating over the last years and provided the “soil” for cancer.
Worried about lack of support by insurance company and don’t even want to see an oncologist but will do what primary care giver says at least for awhile until I figure things out.
I feel fantastic and never felt sick. Think the estrogen blocker could be making me weaker but also could be just building go up strength after getting back to proper sleep and exercise since I stopped driving the big rig in September. I life at the beach and live nature and my home and my life. Great love and support system. Have at least got basic needs met financially and able to keep my home afloat during this challenge.
Have watched “Quest for the Cure,” and familiar of some of the non traditional cancer treatment centers available but want to do as much on my own because don’t know how I could pay for anything else. Can’t get loans, etc. multiple financial challenges since my husband died in 2008, I used our savings, couldn’t get work – blah blah.
What are your thoughts? Thank you for any information / guidance.
I am sorry to read of your breast cancer diagnosis. Also, I am sorry to read of your husband passing in ’08. Clearly you have learned a great deal about non-conventional therapies. I will offer possible therapies for you to consider below.
1) First and foremost, yes, please have your BC tumor removed. I understand that you hope to shrink your tumor through lifestyle therapies but surgically removing your tumor is the best method of giving your body a chance to eliminate cancer by debulking your cancer- in one operation you will remove a huge amount of cancer cells.
2) Next, since your cancer was diagnosed at stage 3B, please consider undergoing bone strengthening therapy. By taking a class of drugs called bisphophonates (if you have health insurance then you can determine what drugs are paid for by your insurer.) Please read the study linked below. Bisphosphonate therapy may prevent your cancer from metastasizing to your bones.
The risk of side effects from bisphosphonate therapy is low.
3) If you remove your primary BC tumor (debulk), strengthen your bones, undergo tamoxifen or some estrogen blocking therapy you should then give you mind and body the chance to fight your breast cancer. I am assuming that there are breast cancer stem cells hiding somewhere in your body.
My point is that all your hard word to hydrate, eat organic, sauna, frequently, moderately exercise, pursue emotional/energy work, supplement with vitamin D/ pot.iodide/wobenzyme, essential oils, etc. will work best if you combine it with conventional therapies.
I agree that all these therapies cost money and take time but do your best to prioritize. You are on the right path. Good luck.