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Endometrial Cancer- Detoxify to Reduce…

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“researchers found that women with increased levels of cadmium — a metal commonly found in foods such as kidneys, liver and shellfish as well as tobacco — also had an increased risk of endometrial cancer”

High levels of heavy metals such as cadmium causing cancer is nothing new. Though the research is not definitive the studies such as the one linked and excerpted below are enough for me to consider heavy metals detoxification as a lifestyle therapy.

The challenge faced by cancer survivors is that heavy metals such as cadmium are all around us. The study below quotes a physician advising women who eat cadmium-heavy foods to “eat them in moderation.” While I agree with this sentiment I believe in a more active form of detoxification therapy. I sweat out heavy metals such as cadmium, mercury, arsenic and lead. More importantly, this detox therapy is relaxing and heart-healthy.

Please consider both whole-body hyperthermia (sweating in a sauna) as well as nutritional forms of detoxification.

I am both a cancer survivor and cancer coach. Have you been diagnosed with endometrial cancer? What stage? To learn more about both conventional (FDA approved) and evidence-based non-conventional therapies such as detoxification scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Increased endometrial cancer rates found in women with high levels of cadmium

“Through a five-year observational study, researchers found that women with increased levels of cadmium — a metal commonly found in foods such as kidneys, liver and shellfish as well as tobacco — also had an increased risk of endometrial cancer…

“When comparing the cadmium levels of the individuals with endometrial cancer to the control group, we found a statistically significant increased risk of the cancer associated with a woman’s cadmium levels,” McElroy said. “We found the rate of endometrial cancer incidence increased by 22 percent in individuals with increased cadmium levels…”

“We all have cadmium present in our kidneys and livers, but smoking has been shown to more than double a person’s cadmium exposure,” McElroy said. “Also, we recommend being attentive to your diet, as certain foods such as shellfish, kidney and liver can contain high levels of cadmium. You don’t necessarily need to cut these from your diet, but eat them in moderation. This is especially true if women have a predisposition to endometrial cancer, such as a family history, diabetes or obesity.””




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