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Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Foods That Fight Myeloma- Angiogenesis Inhibitors

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Foods that fight multiple myeloma are angiogenic-inhibitors. Several FDA approved chemo regimens are angiogenic-inhibitors as well…

You have been diagnosed with MGUS, SMM or Multiple Myeloma (MM). What if you could fight your MM AND lose weight at the same time? What if foods that fight multiple myeloma were incorporated into your daily meal plan? According to the studies below, loosing those unwanted pounds can help you reduce angiogenesis and achieve complete remission from your multiple myeloma.

When I talk about foods that fight MM, I’m talking about anti- angiogenic foods and supplements. I eat these foods daily. I take these supplements daily. I reached complete remission in early 1999 and have remaining in CR ever since.

To understand angiogenesis and foods that fight multiple myeloma, what Dr. William Li’s Ted Talk-

The foods that fight MM that I eat daily-

  • berries- blueberries, rasperries, etc. (seasonal)
  • dark chocolate-
  • oranges, grapefruit- (seasonal)
  • garlic, tomato, olive oil (we eat pasta many nights for dinner…)
  • red wine, resveratrol (I supplement daily, I drink wine occasionally)
  • turmeric, curry, curcumin-

As you read about various cancer therapies you will become familiar with the terms “angiogenesis” and “anti-inflammatory.” To begin to think through anti-MM nutrition we need to understand that

The fact is that common MM chemotherapy regimens such as

are referred to as angiogenic inhibitor chemotherapy drugs. While there are no chemotherapy regimens that are designed to make the cancer patient loose weight, as the article linked and excerpted below states, losing weight is a great way to reduce the risk of cancer or a cancer relapse.

To Learn More about Angiogenesis and Cancer- click now

I am both a long-term MM survivor and MM cancer coach. I have been living an antiangiogenic and anti-inflammatory lifestyle through nutrition and supplementation for years now. Do you think my losing 20 pounds  since I reached complete remission in 1999 has helped me remain in complete remission?

Have you been diagnosed with multiple myeloma? Do you want to loose weight and put your cancer into complete remission? Scroll down the page, post a question or a comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

As body mass index increases, so does spread of multiple myeloma

“In a new study published in Cancer Letters, American University researchers show how, as body mass index increases, so does the growth and spread of the blood cancer multiple myeloma, which accounts for about 10 percent of all blood cancers in patients.

“Once a person with cancer is out of the normal weight category, their BMI is contributing to multiple myeloma growth and progression,” said Katie DeCicco-Skinner, associate professor of biology at American University and lead study author.

DeCicco-Skinner and her colleagues examined the BMI of normal, overweight, obese and morbidly obese patients, and the effects on multiple myeloma. Little research into multiple myeloma examines varying patient weight to see how cells encourage cancer growth. Even fewer studies examine cancer and the morbidly obese — a fourth weight category DeCicco-Skinner said was important to study, as more overweight individuals today have the condition…

Cultivating stem cells

The researchers obtained stem cells from the discarded fat of liposuction patients who underwent elective surgery. They turned them into fat cells and cultured the fat cells with multiple myeloma. In bone marrow, where multiple myeloma often takes root, fat cells play an important role in the proliferation, survival, progression and drug resistance of the cancer cells.

As a patient’s BMI increases, fat cells communicate with multiple myeloma cells, researchers found. Fat cells grow larger, gain additional lipid and secrete proteins linked to cancer. The researchers also found a correlation between BMI and angiogenesis and adhesion, key indicators of progression.

“We know multiple myeloma cells will anchor into bone marrow, and fat cells in the bone marrow will support the growth and spread of the cancer. In our study, as BMI increased, we started seeing an increase in the ability of multiple myeloma cells to adhere, which causes the cancer to better anchor,” DeCicco-Skinner explained. “With angiogenesis, cancer cells cannot exist without their own blood supply. We also found the amount of blood vessels that developed was directly proportional to a patient’s BMI.”

DeCicco-Skinner and her colleagues assumed cancer proliferation would benefit from higher-than-normal BMI because of the epidemiological link between obesity and cancer. But the relationship between multiple myeloma and the BMI of obese and morbidly obese patients was drastic.

“We found that fat cells from obese or morbidly obese patients secreted a high amount of inflammatory proteins, which contributed to tumor progression,” DeCicco-Skinner said.

Implications for treatment

DeCicco-Skinner’s research suggests a new approach for the treatment of multiple myeloma. Physicians may want to consider tailoring drugs based on a patient’s BMI because a drug may not be as effective in obese or morbidly obese patients.

“Most people think if you develop multiple myeloma, you go to the doctor, find out what the most effective drug cocktail is and how it will affect you,” DeCicco-Skinner said. “A patient may need to receive drugs to block inflammatory or other obesity-specific proteins, in addition to standard anti-cancer drugs they receive.”

Whether investigating fat cells, immunotherapy or use of the CRISPR-Cas 9 gene-editing tool, which a federal panel recently approved for a select number of patients suffering from three types of cancers, including multiple myeloma, approaches beyond attacking cancer cells are needed in the fight against many cancers. With multiple myeloma, most patients live four to seven years from their date of diagnosis, and most become resistant to chemotherapy drugs over time.

“Obesity increasingly plays a role in cancer cases as the numbers of those who are obese rise. Improving our understanding of how fat cells and cancer cells communicate with each other, and how the communication changes during obesity, is critical,” DeCicco-Skinner said.”

Leave a Comment:

Roger Brown says a couple of years ago

I am 8 years myeloma “free” post induction therapy with RVD and Revlimid maintenance after 6 months. I started on a low glycemic “index” diet but maintaining a 20-25% protein, most carbohydrates are for higher fiber. All the rest to keep my 13% body fat and weight at 178 ( BMI =23). My personal research has allowed me to “live out” what you have predicted so far as myeloma control. I have no abnormal protein and no new bone lesions and have normalized my bone density study. Diet influences all these diseases a great deal… more at the truth is that our adopted western diet is a silent killer.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Roger-

    I will email you directly.

    David Emerson

Joy McDermott says 3 years ago

I have multiple myeloma and , I have read Dr Li”s book eating to beat disease and pretty much eat a plant based diet. The Angiogenesis is a bit confusing to me because the book does not really talk about Myeloma . could use some guidelines, and I also do chemo

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Joy-

    I will reply to you via email-

    David Emerson

Julie Carr says 4 years ago

I’ve recently been diagnosed with myeloma which was devastating in itself, however I’ve now been diagnosed with Amyloidosis in addition. I would be so grateful for any information or advice you could offer.
Many thanks

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Julie-

    I am sorry to learn of your MM/amyloidosis diagnosis. Yes, this must have be devastating. I will say however, that, based on my own MM experiences, there is more to your management that what is offered by conventional oncology.
    Having said that, I encourage a second opinion and I encourage you to see a specialist.

    The challenge is, at 15% of all MM diagnoses, amyloidosis is relatively rare. I don’t study this condition because I focus on other MM issues. As a result, I am relatively ignorant about the types and stages of amyloidosis.

    I wish I could offer information to you. I am sorry.

    David Emerson

Rosa R says 4 years ago

I have MM sense 2018, I have gained about 20 lbs. I have also been diagnosed with steroid induced diabetes. What foods can help with weight loss , and what should I avoid.Thank you.

    David Emerson says 4 years ago

    Hi Rosa- I replied to your post directly via your email.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

Susan baczkowski says 4 years ago

Hi I am a 16 year survior had two stem cell transplants in 2004. Nine years later on Revlimd dex .Then went on the Revlimid darzalex dex. Till I year ago switched prednisone for dex. After 44 months didn’t work anymore so I am started on Kyprolis polyimist and dex again. I am 5,9 “ and 211 pounds I really want to lose weight to about 179. If you have good ideas I would appreciate it more than you know. I exercise 2 Mike walk every day. I am also diabetic but am in pretty good control. aIC. Was recently 7. Thank you

Gloria Papillon says 4 years ago

An add on question. I haven’t started chemo yet because of covid. I thought it would cause problems with my immune systems ability to fight it off.

MGUS Diagnosis- Evidence-based, Non-toxic Therapies that Work- PeopleBeatingCancer says 4 years ago

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Multiple Myeloma-More Chemo Is Not Better- PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] Lose Weight, Fight Multiple Myeloma […]

Whole-Body Hyperthermia as Multiple Myeloma Therapy - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] Lose Weight, Fight Multiple Myeloma […]

Multiple Myeloma Requires "Body-wide Immune Response" - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] Lose Weight, Fight Multiple Myeloma […]

Beverley Carroll says 7 years ago

Hi, I was diagnosed with mgus two years ago,was told I was low risk,even though it was found while investigating anaemia which they have told me could be unrelated?Just over 3 months ago in my routine tests my m spike has gone up a little & I have Bence Jones protein in urine,am still waiting to discuss with hematologist,they have said I’m still mgus,but from my research it looks like I’m more likely to progress to mm,I am trying to lose some weight as I know this helps,also taking Curcumin 8 grams a day,can’t help worrying constantly,I hate this watching & waiting.

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Beverly-

    Yes, watching and waiting to progress to full-blown MM is difficult. Though conventional oncology considers MGUS to be asymptomatic, yes, anemia is a common symptom. As an aside, you would fortunate to have been anemic as this probably tipped off your doctor that something was wrong with your blood. You may be able to remain pre-MM for a very long time.,56647,0.htm

    There are many evidence-based therapies cited to reduce the risk of progressing to MM. Yes, losing weight is one. Curcumin is another though be sure to use one of the formulas that are more “bioavailable” aka absorbable.

    Search a blog called Margaret’s Corner. Margaret has been living pre-MM for more than 15 years.

    Click the link below to go to the Pre-MM Cancer Coaching Products page-

    Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck.

    David Emerson

ChocoLite Slim says 7 years ago

Superb website you have here but I was wondering if you knew
of any user discussion forums that cover the same topics
talked about here? I’d really love to be a part of group where I can get
opinions from other experienced people that share the same interest.
If you have any recommendations, please let me know. Thank you!

CR Cream says 7 years ago

Yay google is my queen helped me to find this outstanding site!

Jacquie says 7 years ago

Correction I’m 5′ 7 or 172 cm and 90 kg or 198 lbs.

Jacquie says 7 years ago

I was put on a drug that caused me to gain over 30 pounds. I’m off the drug but have found it difficult to lose weight. Every time I do it returns with more weight. How can I lose the excess and keep it off? Before hand I was 5 ft 3 and 75 kg, now I’m 90 kg and have a diagnosis of MGUS. I will try a vegetable, nut diet and stick to this. Looking forward to watching the webinar. Thank you for sharing your findings.

Jacquie says 7 years ago

I was put on a drug that caused me to gain over 30 pounds. I’m off the drug but have found it difficult to lose weight. Every time I do it returns with more weight. How can I lose the excess and keep it off? Before hand I was 5 ft 3 and 75 kg, now I’m 90 kg and have a diagnosis of MGUS. I will try a vegetable, nut diet and stick to this. Looking forward to watching the webinar. Thank you for sharing your findings.

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Jacquie-

    I am sorry to learn of your MGUS diagnosis. Increased body weight means that your body is undergoing inflammation. It is this increase in inflammation that may have caused your MGUS diagnosis.

    The same lifestyle changes that can help you loose weight are the same changes that reduce your risk of your MGUS becoming a full blown diagnosis of multiple myeloma. BTW, a common chemotherapy for MM is dexamethasone. I gained 30 pounds when I was on Dex.

    Your challenge is to make lifestyle changes that are permanent. In other words, the foods, supplements and non-toxic therapies such as moderate daily exercise are not temporary. The good news is that you are changing your lifestyle to permanently reduce your risk of MM. Not temporarily. The webinar that you watched was for a Multiple Myeloma Cancer Coaching Program. If you are interested I can tailor the MM CC for you, the MGUS patient.

    Let me know and hang in there,

    David Emerson
    MM Survivor
    MM Coach
    Director PeopleBeatingCancer

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