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Grape Seed Extract- Prostate Cancer

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“Recently, we identified procyanidin B2 3,3-di-O-gallate (B2G2) as most active constituent of grape seed extract (GSE) for efficacy against prostate cancer (PCa).”

They say that all men will get prostate cancer if they live long enough. My great-grandfather, grand-father and father all died with prostate cancer in their prostates. Not enough to cause real problems but enough PCa for me to want to reduce the amount of prostate cancer that may be growing inside me.

Consider both prostate cancer as well as the side effects that come with prostate cancer treatment.

Studies show a number of nutritional supplements such as grapeseed extract, green tea extract and curcumin all kill PCa.

Maybe you are reading this because your PSA test indicated a number that was a little higher than you would like. Or maybe you have been diagnosed with early stage PCa and you are wondering how to reduce the toxic chemo and radiation you undergo. Or maybe you have had a prostatectomy, radiation and even ADT therapy and your PSA is still to high for your liking…

Whatever your situation, GSE has been shown to be cytotoxic to PCa. It is inexpensive, evidence-based and non-toxic.

I am both a cancer survivor and cancer coach. Experience and years of research has taught me that your approach must be to utilized the spectrum of both conventional and evidence-based non-conventional therapies. I supplement with and recommend Life Extension Grape Seed Extract for its combination of GSE, Resveratrol and Pterostilbene.

Read the posts linked below to learn more about how Grape Seed Extract kills cancer-

Do you have higher PSA levels that you’d like? Do you have early PCa but don’t want to undergo toxic therapies if you can avoid them? Scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Grape seed extract induces apoptotic death of human prostate carcinoma

“Grape seed extract (GSE), rich in the bioflavonoids commonly known as procyanidins, is one of the most commonly consumed dietary supplements in the United States because of its several health benefits. Epidemiological studies show that many prostate cancer (PCA) patients use herbal extracts as dietary supplements in addition to their prescription drugs…

Our studies showed that GSE inhibits growth and induces apoptotic death of human PCA cells in culture and in nude mice.

GSE treatment of cells at various doses (50–200 μg/ml) for 12–72 h resulted in a moderate to strong apoptotic death in a dose- and time-dependent manner…”

Compound in grape seed extract ‘kills prostate cancer cells’

“New research suggests that a component found in grape seed extract is effective in killing prostate cancer cells…

“We’ve shown similar anti-cancer activity in the past with grape seed extract, but now we know B2G2 is its most biologically active ingredient, which can be synthesized in quantities that will allow us to study the detailed death mechanism in cancer cells,” says Tyagi…

New research suggests that a component found in grape seed extract is effective in killing prostate cancer cells. This is according to a study published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer.

Investigators from the University of Colorado Cancer Center have analyzed the potential of grape seed extract (GSE) for its anti-cancer properties over the last 10 years.

But although previous research from the team has demonstrated its effectiveness against cancer cells and how it works, it was unknown as to which element of GSE produces these effects.

“This naturally occurring compound, GSE, is a complex mixture of polyphenols and, so far, it has been unclear about the biologically active constituents of GSE against cancer cells,” says Alpna Tyagi, of the University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.”

Procyanidin B2 3,3-di-O-gallate, a Biologically Active Constituent of Grape Seed Extract, Induces Apoptosis in Human Prostate Cancer Cells Via Targeting NF-κB, Stat3, and AP1 Transcription Factors

Recently, we identified procyanidin B2 3,3-di-O-gallate (B2G2) as most active constituent of grape seed extract (GSE) for efficacy against prostate cancer (PCa).

Isolating large quantities of B2G2 from total GSE is labor intensive and expensive, thereby limiting both efficacy and mechanistic studies with this novel anticancer agent. Accordingly, here we synthesized gram-scale quantities of B2G2, compared it with B2G2 isolated from GSE for possible equivalent biological activity and conducted mechanistic studies.

Both B2G2 preparations inhibited cell growth, decreased clonogenicity, and induced cell cycle arrest and apoptotic death, comparable to each other, in various human PCa cell lines.

In summary, we report B2G2 chemical synthesis at gram-quantity with equivalent biological efficacy against human PCa cell lines and same molecular targeting profiles at key transcription factors level. The synthetic B2G2 will stimulate more research on prostate and possibly other malignancies in preclinical models and clinical translation.”

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