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Leukoplakia- Green Tea Extract, Curcumin

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Green tea extract has shown promise as cancer prevention agent for oral cancer in patients with a pre-malignant condition known as oral leukoplakia

Diagnoses such as leukoplakia, barrett’s esophagus, colon polyps, DCIS, actinic keratosis, MGUS, etc. are pre-cancers but are not cancer.

These diagnoses can increase your risk for cancer. The challenge then, is to reduce your risk of cancer without increasing your risk of side effects aka adverse events.

The article below explains that green tea extract caused 58.8% of leukoplakia patients to have a “clinical response” whereas only 18.2% in the placebo arm. Further, curcumin also kills leukoplakia as well as many other cancers.

The challenge with a diagnosis of pre-cancer is that conventional oncology is in the businss of treating cancer not pre-cancer. Meaning, many patients diagnosed with different forms of pre-cancer such as leukoplakia come to me and tell me that they don’t want to simply wait to see if their pre-cancer become malignant. They was to take action. Assuming that action isn’t too expensive or toxic.

Both green tea extract and curcumin are relatively inexpensive, non-toxic and convey additional health benefit beyond leukoplakia. I take curcumin and green tea for my cancer and have for years now.

The point of this post is not that there is a potential treatment for leukoplakia. The point of this post is that there are non-toxic therapies for leukoplakia.

To Learn More About Leukoplakia- see the posts linked below-

I am both a cancer survivor and cancer coach. I have lived with an incurable cancer since 1999. I believe the key to my long-term remission is living an evidence-based, non-toxic, anti-cancer lifestyle.

I take Life Extension Mega Green Tea Extract and Life Extension Super BioCurcumin. Life Extension products have been evaluated and approved by ConsumerLab.com, an independant testing company.

Have you been diagnosed with leukoplakia? Scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

 Recommended Reading:


Leukoplakia generally refers to a firmly attached white patch on a mucous membrane which is associated with an increased risk of cancer.[4][5] The edges of the lesion are typically abrupt and the lesion changes with time.[4][6] Advanced forms may develop red patches.[6] There are generally no other symptoms.[8] It usually occurs within the mouth, although sometimes mucosa in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, or genitals may be affected.[9][10][11]…”

Green Tea Shows Promise as Chemoprevention Agent for Oral Cancer, M. D. Anderson Study Finds

“Green tea extract has shown promise as cancer prevention agent for oral cancer in patients with a pre-malignant condition known as oral leukoplakia, according to researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center…

Long investigated in laboratory, epidemiological and clinical settings for several cancer types, green tea is rich in polyphenols, which have been known to inhibit carcinogenesis in preclinical models. Still, clinical results have been mixed…

In the Phase II dose-finding study, 41 M. D. Anderson oral leukoplakia patients were randomized between August 2002 and March 2008 to receive either green tea extract or placebo. Participants took the extract, an oral agent, for three months at one of three doses – 500 per meter squared of body mass (mg/m2); 750 mg/m2 or 1,000 mg/m2 – three times daily. To best assess biomarkers, participants also underwent a baseline and 12-week biopsy, an important component in the design of the study, the researchers say.

Collecting oral tissue biopsies was essential in that it allowed us to learn that not only did the green tea extract appear to have benefit for some patients, but we pointed to anti-angiogenic effects as a potential mechanism of action,..”

Of those taking green tea at the two highest doses, 58.8 percent had a clinical response, compared with 36.4 percent in the lowest extract dose and 18.2 percent in the placebo arm…”

Conclusions: It was observed that out of 22 subjects educated and given preventative medication showed significant improvement. Four subjects showed complete recovery who stopped chewing the tobacco while others showed variations in recovery period. While to prove curative property of curcumin further more studies need to be carried to understand the mode of action.”




Leave a Comment:

Cindy Caruso says last year

I have been Dx with Leukcoplakis at the roof of my mouth. I never have drank or smoked. The ENT MD saw a scar there and i might have burnt my mouth with coffee. Do i use green tea extract in form of pills

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Cindy-

    While tobacco or alcohol is the usual cause of leukoplakia, irritation can cause it as well. It is important for you to understand that leukoplakia is not cancer but it increases your risk of oral cancer.

    Green tea extract will reduce your risk of oral cancer. I take green tea extract in the form of capsules. Your call of course but I take Life Extension Foundation Green Tea Extract.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Dysplasia of the Tongue-Reduce Risk of Cancer? - PeopleBeatingCancer says last year

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PAUL LANKFORD says 4 years ago

Hello. I’ve been diagnosed with hyperkenois Leukoplakia for the past 4 years around 2 teeth on the gums. They remove some of the tissue during biopsy but returns. I am 57 and an x smoker 20 years ago. I did drink moderately. The biopsy has been normal but now atypical cells were found. I’ve been to an ENT and it is the wait and see approach as they don’t want to remove teeth at this stage. I’ve always eaten healthy but I did drink. I take many vitamins as well. Any suggestions other then stopping alcohol to prevent the area from getting worse. Thank you. Kind regards.

Leukoplakia Diagnosis- Prevent Oral, Mouth Cancer? - PeopleBeatingCancer says 4 years ago

[…] Green Tea Extract, Curcumin and Leukoplakia […]

Jordan says 4 years ago

Hi. My name is Jordan. I use to smoke. I smoked daily for about 6 to 8 years. The last two or three years a pack a day. I stopped at age 34 when I developed Leukaplakia and some Erythoplakia lesions on my tongue. I have been taking Vitamin A, Tumeric and now Greent Tea. I eat as much vitamin A rich fruits and vegetables to try to regress the leukaplakia. I am going back to the doctor to see what I can do. I have had a biopsy 5 to 6 months ago and it came back benign. Any tips for reducing the leukaplakia? I read so many things you shouldn’t eat or drink and it’s always difficult because some antioxidant fruits are acidic and acidic isn’t good for lesions. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    David Emerson says 4 years ago

    Hi Jordan-

    I replied to your questions directly via email.

    David Emerson

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