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Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Gut Health Leads Multiple Myeloma to MRD- Status

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“We observed a higher relative abundance of Eubacterium hallii in the 16 MRD- (MM) patients relative to the 18 MRD+ (MM) patients.”

According to the study linked below, probiotics and your gut health,  may become the ultimate integrative multiple myeloma (MM) therapy. The day may come when, in advance of your induction chemotherapy,  your oncologist prescribes nutrition that increases the population of your gut’s Eubacterium hallii (E hallii) in an effort for you to achieve MRD- status following your induction chemotherapy.

You then undergo the latest chemotherapy triplet or quadruplet for your induction therapy, where you respond well to this therapy and reach MRD- status.

First and foremost, it’s important to confirm the MRD negative status, post induction therapy, translates to longer progression-free status and may even lead to longer overall survival. 

Secondly, it’s important to confirm the focus of the study linked below. The new diagnosed MM patient’s gut health can make a real difference in how he/she responds to induction therapy.

Which leads to two other issues. Does the relapsed MM patient respond better to chemotherapy if he/she has a “higher relative abundance of Eubacterium hallii” in his/her gut.

Further studies will have to ask and answer that question.

The findings of the first study linked below strikes me, a long-term MM survivor, as a bit early for MM patients and oncologists to consider changing their practices…at least for now. However, as someone who has been blogging about integrating toxic and non-toxic MM therapies in order to achieve the best combination of OS and QOL for MM patients, the study below is clear progress.

Click now to learn more about Minimal Residual Disease in Multiple Myeloma-

Have you been diagnosed with multiple myeloma? To learn more about both conventional and evidence-based non-conventional MM therapies, scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Minimal residual disease negativity…is a major prognostic factor in multiple myeloma

” MRD negativity was defined as the absence of tumor plasma cell within 1,000,000 bone marrow cells (<10-6)…”

Minimal residual disease negativity in multiple myeloma is associated with intestinal microbiota composition

“Patients with multiple myeloma (MM) who achieve minimal residual disease (MRD) neg status after upfront treatment have superior outcomes compared with those who remain MRD+

We observed a higher relative abundance of Eubacterium hallii in the 16 MRD patients relative to the 18 MRD+ patients. No association was observed between microbial relative abundance and autologous stem cell transplantation history or MM paraprotein isotype. No differences in microbiota α diversity were observed between MRD and MRD+patients

F prausnitzii is a common butyrate-producing commensal microbe often associated positively with human gut health.14 Butyrate and other short-chain fatty acids, such as propionate, also produced by E hallii,15 are biologically active metabolites formed during microbial fermentation of dietary or host-derived carbohydrates, which supply the host with energy and also modulate immunity via exertion of anti-inflammatory functions.1518

Butyrate is known to inhibit in vitro production of IL-17A via downregulation of Th17 cells in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.19 Of note, IL-17–producing Th17 cells induced by microbiota have been associated with disease pathogenesis in a murine MM model,4 and after bone marrow transplantation, promotion of MM immune escape is mediated by donor-derived IL-17A.20

In conclusion, we observed a higher relative abundance of the butyrate producer E hallii in MRD MM patients compared with MRD+ MM patients. We additionally identified F prausnitzii as another microbe potentially associated with MRD status after initial therapy for MM.

Our results are novel and support the concept that intestinal microbiota composition is associated with deep treatment response…”

The Common Gut Microbe Eubacterium hallii also Contributes to Intestinal Propionate Formation

“Discussion– Eubacterium hallii is a human gut microbe with a versatile utilization of carbon sources as it can grow and form butyrate using either glucose, or acetate and lactate as substrates.

Conclusion- We confirmed E. hallii as a common gut microbe with versatile substrate utilization spectrum. The ability to utilize glucose as well the glycan fermentation intermediates acetate, lactate and 1,2-PD to form butyrate or propionate points at E. hallii as a key species within the trophic interactions with the potential to highly impact the metabolic balance with final impact on gut microbiota/host homeostasis and host health.




Leave a Comment:

Joy Fernon says 5 years ago

How does one increase Eubacterium hallii in the gut of the MM patient?

    David Emerson says 5 years ago

    Hi Joy-

    I searched for foods/nutrition contianing Eubacterium hallii and I came up short. I could find no articles/studies listing a food that contained or promoted Eubacterium hallii. I am sorry that I could not answer your question.

    David Emerson

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