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Maintain Mental Health Through Exercise

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Be it for physical health or mental health, or both, exercise, in my experience anyway, is the single most effective therapy there is. I say that as a long-term cancer survivor who has struggled with his health for years now.

Is exercise the only therapy? No but exercise is a great place to start. Consider nutrition, nutritional supplementation as well as other evidence-based, non-toxic, non-conventional therapies for your health as well as exercise.

To Learn More about Exercise Enhancing Overall Survival- click now

For more information about non-toxic therapies to boost your health, please scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Thanks and hang in there,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

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Mental health is a vast topic that many people are struggling with. Often, mental illness can be triggered by overwhelming stress from work and school or even just daily life. Several online platforms like Loving care home provide services to take care of people battling different physical and mental illnesses. Still, there are initiatives you can take today to maintain your mental health.

For starters, exercise is a great way to combat mental health issues! 

As you exercise, your body releases endorphins which will make you feel happy and relaxed. Additionally, your brain becomes more alert, so you’ll have an easier time concentrating on the tasks at hand. In general, most people who exercise regularly report feeling happier than those who don’t work out at all!

This blog will list down a few ways exercising can help you fight different mental health issues.

1. Decreases Anxiety: 

As you exercise, your body releases endorphins which will make you feel happy and relaxed. This not only reduces anxiety but also improves moods!

2. Increases Alertness: 

Your brain becomes more alert as you exercise. This will have a positive effect on your mental health and cognitive performance.

3. Improves Academic Performance: 

Studies show that physically fit students tend to get better grades than those who don’t work out regularly! As we’ve discussed previously, this is because when you exercise, your body releases endorphins which help improve concentration levels and focus, so you’ll be able to study for more extended periods without becoming distracted.

4. Controls Depression:

Along with increasing serotonin production (a neurotransmitter responsible for controlling moods), happiness hormones such as dopamine and noradrenaline also increase during exercise, which results in an overall feeling of pleasure and euphoria. 

5. Reduces Stress Levels: 

As you exercise, your body releases endorphins which will make you feel happy and relaxed. This not only reduces anxiety but also improves moods as well!

6. Reduces Stress From Work: 

This happens because exercising before work leaves your mind clear and focused so that your productivity for the day increases as you are more productive and efficient on the job that needs to be done.   So now we’ve gone through many of the benefits of exercising in maintaining mental health, let’s have a look at how to do it right!

7. Improves Sleep Patterns: 

Like with any other muscle in the body, exercising increases blood circulation, necessary for good sleep patterns.

8. Increases Productivity: 

Exercise can increase your productivity in both personal and professional life by allowing you to focus better and work longer.

9. Balances Emotions: 

Regular exercise helps you deal with stress, which is one of the triggers that can cause emotional imbalance.

10. Strengthens Social Bonds: 

Studies have shown that people who exercise regularly are more outgoing and socially active.

11. Improves Self-Image: 

When you look physically fit, it can make you feel more confident and happy about yourself. Physical activity delays aging processes that occur due to stress, thus indirectly also improving self-image.

12. Prevents illness: 

With regular exercise, your immune system becomes more robust, which helps prevent illnesses from affecting you as much as they would if you were inactive in your daily life.    

13. Enhances Your Mood:

Exercise increases the levels of serotonin production in the brain, which means you are more likely to feel happy after a workout!


14. Increases Energy And Stamina:

After a good workout at the gym, people usually report feeling energized for more extended periods to focus on whatever task is at hand!

In conclusion, people must exercise to maintain mental health!  The positive effects are apparent, and the only thing stopping you from exercising is your motivation; find a reason to exercise and go for it!

Finally, remember that exercise is not only about going to the gym or playing sports; it’s about being active in general! You don’t have to do intense workouts every day to maintain health and increase overall happiness – simply going walking around your neighborhood or taking the stairs instead of an elevator counts as exercising! Stay healthy and keep exercising. 

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