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[…] Can You Cure Your Multiple Myeloma? […]
ReplyWas diagnosed 2/4 this year at 62 with smoldering Myeloma. He tests blood every three months the next is 8/4. No treatments yet as he says it is not bad enough to treat. How can I mitigate this? Any input is helpful. Thanks for being accessible. If only we could keep it just smoldering as I feel great.
ReplyHi Tim-
I will send the Pre-MM CC introduction and nutrition guides to your email address. The bottom line is that there are a number of evidence-based but non-conventional, non-toxic therapies shown to reduce the risk of a full MM diagnosis.
It is possible to measure the risk of your symptoms (nerve pain, bone damage, kidney damage) as well as your risk of progression to MM by your freelight chains and immunoglobulins. These are two tests that your oncologist did.
Let me know if you have any questions.
David Emerson
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ReplySkye says the stem cell transplant was a horrible experience, can you elaborate? Also I hit the register now button and the screen Just dims and gives no further response.
I have been diagnosised with AL Amyloidosis and Multiple Myeloma 9no stage given yet, but am on the standard protocol for MM which is also the standard protocol for AL Amyloidosis. I get a sub Cutaneous shot evert Thursday and take an oral chemo drug the same day. Plus the steroid Dex. My 3rd treatment will be next Thursday Aug 2nd. Hoping you can answer. I am very very interested in the evidenced based non-conventional therapies too..
Hi Mike, I know David will weigh in on your stem cell transplant question ASAP, but in the meantime, here’s a link to the Myeloma webinar:
There was a broken link on our site, and I apologize for the trouble you had as a result. It is now fixed. Thank you for reaching out.
Jessica Burnett
Technical Support Staff
Hi Mike-
While I can’t elaborate on Skye’s stem cell transplant, I can say that my own transplant did little for me other than leave me with many short, long-term and late stage side effects. Further, short, long-term and late stage side effects are pretty well documented for newly diagnosed MMers like yourself.
The MM Cancer Coaching program documents, through my experience and dozens of studies, who MMers can combine toxic chemotherapy regimens (Ninlaro, Velcade, Dex. etc.) with Integrative therapies, Complementary therapies and lifestyle therapie all shown to support MMers.
Let me know if you have any other questions. Hang in there,
David Emerson
ReplyHi David. I was diagnosed last year at the age of 43. I’ve now been through the whole gammet, including an auto stem cell transplant. It’s been 10 months since my transplant, what a horrible experience. They tell me I’m in remission, had a ” good response”, I’m now medication free apart from monthly IV Zometa. Every month I take a blood test and see my Dr to be told all is well. But how do I stop this thing coming back I ask them?! It could be 1 year, 3 or 10 I’m told. I have young children I’m hoping they are adults when it comes back. I wish I could find info on how to stop it returning.
ReplyHi Skye-
I am sorry to read of your MM diagnosis. Keep in mind however that the single most important prognostic factor for all MMers is age at diagnosis. At 43, you are young. No guarantees of course but this is good.
Now, on to more detailed info. Bone health. Bisphosphonates are the class of therapies that are FDA approved to harden bones. Zometa is a bisphosphonate therapy. The risk of side effects for this therapy is quite low. Keep taking Zometa and continue to take blood tests.
Regarding your MM. Do you know if you were diagnosed with any genetic abnormalities? Chromosome deletions? This may affect your prognosis.
Regarding your induction therapy (chemo before your ASCT) do you know where your MM was and do you know where you ended up before your ASCT? If you don’t know your monoclonal protein or m-spike, for instance, no problem.
Has you oncologist talked about “low-dose maintenance therapy?” We can discuss this if you would like to know more.
Conventionally speaking (FDA therapies) there is nothing for you to do to increase the length/depth of your remission. However I believe my own 18 year remission is due to evidence-based, non-toxic therapies such as nutrition, supplementation, bone health and lifestyle therapies. Therapies that I take, do, follow, etc. daily, weekly, etc. All based on research. Not FDA approved, but based on research.
The bottom line Skye, is that I believe you have good reason to experience a long remission (s) by combining the best of both conventional and evidence-based, non-conventional therapies. I am both a long-term MMer and MM cancer coach.
Please watch the free webinar posted on the right hand side of the blog post “Can You Cure…” and let me know if you have any questions.
Hang in there,
David Emerson
ReplyThanks David, I need to find out about the chromosome, genetic question you asked. I do know that I had complete response to treatment before the ASCT, I was not wanting to go through with the ASCT but was persuaded otherwise. I can easily access all my test results so I’ll get onto it. :). Thank you.
ReplyMy husband was told today he probably has multiple myeloma. We are to meet with an oncologist next week. He is 57, experiencing bone pain, and lost his L4 vertebra to a tumor. Looking for information on where to start the healing process.
ReplyHi Sheila-
I am sorry to read of your husband’s health situation. Several things. Depending on his stage I encourage you and your husband to consider both conventional (FDA approved) and evidence-based non-conventional therapies. The evidence-based non-conventional therapies that I do as a long-term MMer myself is a spectrum of nutrition, supplements, bone health, lifestyle and mind-body therapies.
Please contact me once your husband is staged.
Thank you,
David Emerson
ReplyThey didn’t tell us a stage. We started Chemo on the 22nd. He takes zometa for hypercalcemia once a month. Once a week cyclophosphamide – 500 mg pills and bortezomib subcutaneous. Dexamethazone 40 mg 4 days on 4 off
ReplyHi Sheila-
Based on what you are saying about his symptoms (bone damage, hypercal.) my guess is that your husband is stage 3. Cyclophosphamide, bortezomib and dexamethasone are a common and effective induction therapy to stabilize his MM in preparation for an autologous stem cell transplant.
My experience and research is to combine those conventional therapies that you are already doing with evidence-based non-conventional MM therapies. I will email the integrative therapies guide to your email address. Integrative therapies will enhance his chemo while reducing side effects.
I will also include a link to the free webinar about the MM Cancer Coaching program.
Let me know if you have any questions.
David Emerson
ReplyMy girlfriend was diagnosed recently, she is 23, I am desperate for information I do not want to loose her.
ReplyHi Richard-
I am sorry to read of your girlfriend’s MM diagnosis. While a cancer diagnosis at such a young age is difficult please assure your girlfriend that MM has a long and growing list of both conventional (FDA approved) and non-conventional therapies. I have a little insight into a MM diagnosis at a young age as my own diagnosis was at 34. Ironically our young age is an asset with MM. All survival statistics are based on the average age of MMs which is 65-67.
I don’t mean to sound nosey but I need a bit more info to get a handle on your girlfriend’s situation. What was her stage at diagnosis (!,2 or 3)? Do you know any of her blood specifics such as her m-spike, albumin, etc?
Is she experiencing any symptoms such as bone pain, anemia (tiredness) or kidney damage? Is she considering undergoing chemotherapy as induction therapy or as an autologous stem cell transplant? I don’t mean to jump ahead but I recommend holding off on chemo or radiation right now only because this treatment may affect her ability to bear children.
All therapies have pro’s and cons. My role as a MM survivor and MM cancer coach is to convey your therapy choices and their pros and cons in a completely unbiased manner.
Let me know. Hang in there.
David Emerson