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Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Light Chain Myeloma- Evidence-based, Non-Toxic Therapies

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“A literature review (Light Chain Multiple Myeloma) revealed bone pain and renal failure as the most common initial sign and symptoms while…”

Dear David- Are you familiar with light chain multiple myeloma (LCMM)? It is one of the types of aggressive MM which about 15% of MM patients have.

While the evidence-based nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle therapies appear to benefit MM patients, will the described evidence-based therapies help those who have a free light chain disease such as aggressive light chains myeloma? Thank you for your response. Donald

Hi Donald, 

Yes, I am familiar with light chain multiple myeloma (LCMM).  The article linked and excerpted below does a pretty good job of explaining this type of MM. 

Three replies to your question will the described evidence-based therapies help those who have a free light chain disease such as aggressive light chain multiple myeloma?

First, I don’t know. The studies that cite the benefit of, for example, curcumin, as being both cytotoxic to MM as well as enhancing both Velcade and Revlimid don’t specify different types of MM. 

Secondly, my experience is that light chain MM damages the kidney by depositing light chain proteins IN the kidney. Therefore, I think the benefit of the therapy is dependent on how it interacts with the patient’s kidney. 

For example, curcumin, omega-3 fish oil and black seed oil all enhance kidney health. Exercise, according to research, enhances kidney health. It seems to me that it is logical to think that these therapies, in addition to managing MM, will also benefit LCMM by virtue of their benefit to kidney health. 

My third reply is that conventional oncology focuses exclusively on chemotherapy to manage MM. I think this is a myopic approach, especially when treating LCMM patients. I think that all MM patients who exhibit any form of kidney involvement should undergo evidence-based, non-toxic therapies shown to promote kidney health. 

Let me know if you have any questions. 


David Emerson
  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

An Overview of Light Chain Multiple Myeloma: Clinical Characteristics and Rarities, Management Strategies, and Disease Monitoring

“”Light chain multiple myeloma (LCMM) constitutes approximately 15% of patients with multiple myeloma (MM). It has a poorer prognosis when compared to immunoglobulin (Ig) G or IgA variant. We performed a comprehensive literature search on LCMM and identified a total of 390 articles. After a detailed screening, six studies involving a total of 1054 LCMM patients were included.
A literature review revealed bone pain and renal failure as the most common initial sign and symptoms while extramedullary disease (EMD) was acquired later during the progression of the disease. Bortezomib has shown superior efficacy in LCMM patients over nonbortezomib regimens as demonstrated by
  • better overall response rate (95.5% vs. 60%),
  • progression-free survival (PFS) (25% vs. 9% at two years), and
  • overall survival (OS) (24% vs. 9% at five years).
Moreover, better PFS was seen, when bortezomib was used in combination with bendamustine compared to dexamethasone (95% vs. 25% at two years). Similarly, better OS (90% at two years) was observed with bortezomib in combination with bendamustine.
Monitoring of disease should include serum free light chain levels, as literature review revealed that serum assays were more sensitive in indicating the disease and predicting PFS and OS as compared to urine assays
The most common type of M-protein found in MM is immunoglobulin (Ig) G followed by IgA []. 
Light chain only variant constitutes approximately 15% of patients with MM []. Renal failure, bone disease, and systemic light chain AL amyloidosis appear to be more frequent in patients with light chain multiple myeloma (LCMM)

Bendamustine in Multiple Myeloma

Bendamustine is an old drug rediscovered in the last decade. In fact, its unique mechanism of action with structural similarities to both alkylating agents and antimetabolities, but which is not cross-resistant to alkylating agents, has reawakened interest in the use of this drug in the treatment of MM. Studies have proven the safety and efficacy of bendamustine administered alone or in combination with new drugs in both upfront and relapse/refractory settings of MM patients, including those with renal impairment…
“Curcumin is known to have immunomodulatory potential in addition to anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effects. The aim of the present study is to investigate the therapeutic effects of curcumin on immune-mediated renal disease in an anti-glomerular basement membrane (GBM) model (representing acute kidney Injury, AKI) and murine lupus model (representing chronic kidney disease, CKD).
In the AKI model, female anti-GBM 129/svj mice were administered with curcumin right before disease induction. In the CKD model, female MRL.lpr mice at the age of 8-10 weeks old were treated with curcumin or placebo via oral gavage daily for two months. After treatment, serum autoantibody levels, splenomegaly and spleen cellularity were reduced in murine lupus. 
Collectively, curcumin ameliorated kidney disease in the two mouse models with either acute or chronic nephritis, as marked by reduced proteinuria, blood urea nitrogen, glomerulonephritis, crescent formation, tubule-interstitial disease, and renal infiltration by lymphocytes. 
In addition, curcumin treatment reduced activation of the NFkB, MAPK, AKT and pBAD pathways either systemically, or within the inflamed kidneys. These findings suggest that natural food supplements could become an alternative approach to ameliorating immune-mediated kidney diseases…”


Fortunately, an infrared sauna can help. The kidneys help to detoxify but sometimes, it can be overwhelmed. When you jump into a sauna, you can turn on your skin’s detoxification mechanisms, employing heat and sweating to relieve toxicity in the body which will take some pressure off the kidneys. The benefits of sweating in an infrared sauna are well understood. If you have kidney disease, a sauna can help even more…

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