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Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound for Improved Cerebral Blood Flow- Brain Health

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In both models, the LIPUS therapy markedly ameliorated cognitive impairments associated with improved cerebral blood flow (CBF).

“Cerebral blood flow” is an elegant sounding phrase, don’t you think? The interesting thing about the non-invasive therapy called low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (lipus) is that it addresses cerebral blood flow regardless if you are thinking about vascular dementia or alzheimer’s disease.

Or to look at in another way, if you are interested in enhancing brain health for any reason, consider the non-invasive therapy called LIPUS as the study linked and excerpted below is about enhanced cerebral blood flow.

This post is the first in a series on cerebral blood flow and brain health. This series will focus on any/all therapies that are:


  1. non-toxic
  2. evidence-based
  3. non-conventional

LIPUS fits the three criteria above. I plan to research and write about brain health therapies including nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle, etc. therapies that enhance brain health.

Do you have some form of dementia? Are you interested in increasing your cerebral blood flow? Please scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Cerebral circulation

Cerebral circulation is the movement of blood through the network of cerebral arteries and veins supplying the brain. The rate of the cerebral blood flow in the adult is typically 750 milliliters per minute, representing 15% of the cardiac output. The arteriesdeliver oxygenated blood, glucose and other nutrients to the brain, and the veins carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart, removing carbon dioxide, lactic acid, and other metabolic products. Since the brain is very vulnerable to compromises in its blood supply, the cerebral circulatory system has many safeguards including autoregulation of the blood vessels and the failure of these safeguards can result in a stroke. The amount of blood that the cerebral circulation carries is known as cerebral blood flow…”

Whole-brain low-intensity pulsed ultrasound therapy markedly improves cognitive dysfunctions in mouse models of dementia – Crucial roles of endothelial nitric oxide synthase

Background-Therapeutic focused-ultrasound to the hippocampus has been reported to exert neuroprotective effects on dementia. In the present study, we examined whether the whole-brain LIPUS (low-intensity pulsed ultrasound) therapy is effective and safe in 2 mouse models of dementia (vascular dementia, VaD and Alzheimer’s disease, AD), and if so, to elucidate the common underlying mechanism(s) involved.

METHODS- We used bilateral carotid artery stenosis (BCAS) model with micro-coils in male C57BL/6 mice as a VaD model and 5XFAD transgenic mice as an AD model. We applied the LIPUS therapy (1.875 MHz, 6.0 kHz, 32cycles) to the whole brain.

RESULTS-In both models, the LIPUS therapy markedly ameliorated cognitive impairments (Y-maze test and/or passive avoidance test) associated with improved cerebral blood flow (CBF). Mechanistically, the LIPUS therapy significantly increased CD31-positive endothelial cells and Olig2-positive oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) in the VaD model, while it reduced Iba-1-positive microglias and amyloid-β (Aβ) plaque in the AD model. In both models, endothelium-related genes were significantly upregulated in RNA-sequencing, and expressions of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and neurotrophins were upregulated in Western blotting. Interestingly, the increases in glia cells and neurotrophin expressions showed significant correlations with eNOS expression. Importantly, these beneficial effects of LIPUS were absent in eNOS-knockout mice.

CONCLUSIONS-These results indicate that the whole-brain LIPUS is an effective and non-invasive therapy for dementia by activating specific cells corresponding to each pathology, for which eNOS activation plays an important role as a common mechanism.”


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