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Managing MGUS w/ Curcumin

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“Fifty percent (5 of 10) of these (MGUS) patients had a 12% to 30% reduction in their paraprotein levels, while on curcumin therapy. In addition, 27% of patients on curcumin had a >25% decrease…”

Hi, David: I recently had new analysis of blood drawn on 8/15/__, which gave me a further reduction in M-spike to 1.64 and further control of my MGUS.  Through an oversight, the kappa/lambda ratio was not performed, and according to my oncologist, an additional blood sample to obtain a new value for that ratio can be postponed until next month.  

Needless to say, I was greatly distressed about the omission of that ratio, which I felt would support the apparent beneficial effect of

curcumin supplementation. I was delighted to find that the M-spike continues the downward trend reported to you previously, as seen in

 the following data:

                  3/31/__     5/17/_      8/15/_

M-spike           2.40              1.98              1.64

k/l ratio          93.7              52.18               —

I should remark that I am still taking Life Extension Super Bio-Curcumin 400 mg capsules, only

one per day, despite your suggestion to try to increase the dose to 800 mg.  Note also that I have

successfully decreased my M-spike from 2.40 to 1.64 after only four months’ use of this supplement.

My guess is that I may continue at the same dose indefinitely, much as you have done in your own

maintenance protocol, to help me avoid progression to MM. Do you not agree?

By the way, I enjoy eating curry-flavored cashew nuts, and I routinely add curry powder to my morning

hard-boiled or scrambled eggs. All the best to you, Mel 

Hi Mel,
As always I enjoy reading your reports. To answer your question, yes, I agree with you that if you are doing well on one capsule, 400 mg, of LE Super biocurcumin then there is no need to increase your dose.
Further, I consider your use of curry to be a tasty method of supplementing your supplementation.
To confirm, upon your diagnosis of MGUS you began supplementing with super biocurcumin and you have not undergone any MM therapies at all?
Wonderful. Keep me posted.
David Emerson
MM Survivor
MM Cancer Coach
Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

The Potential Role of Curcumin in Patients with Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undefined Significance—Its Effect on Paraproteinemia and the Urinary N-Telopeptide of Type I Collagen Bone Turnover Marker

Purpose: To determine the effect of curcumin on plasma cells and osteoclasts in patients with MGUS…

Results: Our results show that oral curcumin is able to decrease paraprotein load in a select group (i.e., those having a paraprotein level of >20 g/L) of patients with MGUS. Fifty percent (5 of 10) of these patients had a 12% to 30% reduction in their paraprotein levels, while on curcumin therapy. In addition, 27% of patients on curcumin had a >25% decrease in urinary N-telopeptide of type I collagen.

Conclusion: Due to the possible progression of MGUS to multiple myeloma, the potential role of curcumin as a therapeutic intervention for MGUS patients warrants further investigation. (Clin Cancer Res 2009;15(18):5917–22)..

Fractures are common in myeloma as a result of lytic bone lesions, generalized bone loss, and elevated bone turnover. Although MGUS is largely considered a benign condition, a number of studies show that patients with MGUS are at increased risk of developing fractures even before progression to myeloma (2)…

A Medline search revealed over 1,500 publications describing various activities of this polyphenol. Numerous reports suggest that curcumin has chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic effects. Curcumin has been shown to inhibit the proliferation of a wide variety of tumor cells, including multiple myeloma cells, through the down-regulation of interleukin-6.

Curcumin has also been shown to inhibit osteoclastogenesis and thus reduce bone turnover. Bharti et al. (10) showed that curcumin suppresses proliferation and induces apoptosis in multiple myeloma cells and that curcumin inhibits osteoclastogenesis through the suppression of RANKL signaling (11).

Based on the antimyeloma cell activity and inhibition of osteoclastogenesis exhibited by this polyphenol, we postulated that curcumin will inhibit the action of abnormal plasma cells and affect the activity of osteoclast cells in patients with MGUS. This study offered the opportunity to test a possible preventative strategy with little risk…

Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, smoldering multiple myeloma, and curcumin: a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over 4g study and an open-label 8g extension study

“Administering a 4g dose of curcumin, we performed a randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over study, followed by an open-label extension study using an 8g dose to assess the effect of curcumin on FLC response and bone turnover in patients with MGUS and SMM…

25 patients completed the 4g cross-over study and 18 the 8g extension study. Curcumin therapy decreased the free light-chain ratio (rFLC), reduced the difference between clonal and nonclonal light-chain (dFLC) and involved free light-chain (iFLC). uDPYD, a marker of bone resorption, decreased in the curcumin arm and increased on the placebo arm. Serum creatinine levels tended to diminish on curcumin therapy. These findings suggest that curcumin might have the potential to slow the disease process in patients with MGUS and SMM…”




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1 comment
ANAMARIA GRADINARIU says a couple of years ago

Hello ! I would like to know what subjects the MGUS course will touch ? Can we contact patients with MGUS that got better ? Thank you, Anamaria

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