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Melatonin and the Melanoma Cancer Patient-

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 “[t]he study of synergistic relationships between melatonin analogues and (melanoma) anticancer drugs is a promising field, and these compounds could significantly strengthen the cytostatic and the cytotoxic effects triggered by conventional antineoplastic drugs…”

Melanoma is an aggressive cancer with a miserable five-year survival rate, that is if you only pursue the conventional oncology playbook. The three studies linked and excerpted below explain that:

  • melatonin is an anti-melanoma therapy and
  • melatonin protects against a side effect called chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy

I’m not saying that melatonin is a silver bullet cure for melanoma patients. I’m saying that my experience as a survivor of an incurable cancer and cancer coach has been for cancer patients and survivors to pursue the entire spectrum of evidence-based therapies.

According to the top study excerpted below “Thus, adding melatonin to chemo- and radiotherapy may have synergistic therapeutic effects and increase the survival time in patients with skin cancer.”

This means that melanoma patients should consider taking an integrative approach to their treatment- consider combining  both conventional as well as evidence-based non-conventional therapies.

Have you been diagnosed with melanoma? What stage? Please scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Potential use of melatonin in skin cancer treatment: A review of current biological evidence

“Skin cancer, particularly melanoma, is a leading cause of death worldwide. The therapeutic methods for this malignancy are not effective, and due to the side effects of these treatments, applying an appropriate alternative or complementary treatment is important.

According to available data, melatonin as the main product of the pineal gland has oncostatic and antitumoral properties. Also, melatonin acts as an anti-inflammatory and reactive oxygen species inducer agent which suppresses the growth of tumors.

It also has apoptosis induction characteristics through regulating signaling pathways, including heat shock protein 70, nuclear factor-erythroid 2 p45-related factor 2 and others.

Thus, adding melatonin to chemo- and radiotherapy may have synergistic therapeutic effects and increase the survival time in patients with skin cancer.

Few clinical studies have evaluated the efficacy of melatonin in skin cancer. Based on the related mechanisms, this review discusses about how melatonin may improve outcomes in skin cancer patients.”

Melatonin therapy of advanced human malignant melanoma.

“We undertook a study to investigate the therapeutic potential of orally administered melatonin in patients with advanced melanoma. Forty-two patients received melatonin in doses ranging from 5 mg/m2/day to 700 mg/m2/day in four divided doses…

After a median follow-up of 5 weeks:

  • six patients had partial responses, (14%)
  • six additional patients had stable disease (14%)

Sites of response included the central nervous system, subcutaneous tissue and lung. The median response duration was 33 weeks for the partial responders. There was a suggestion of a dose-response relationship. The toxicity encountered was minimal and consisted primarily of fatigue in 17 of 40 patients.

Melatonin also appeared to reduce basal levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). No significant changes were encountered in serum levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) or thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)…

Melatonin Analogues May Have Antitumor Properties in Melanoma and Breast Cancer

“Melatonin derivatives may have antitumorigenic effects against melanoma and breast cancer cells…

Previous studies have demonstrated that melatonin and its analogues, in addition to their ability to regulate circadian rhythms, may exhibit cytotoxic activity via various cellular mechanisms. For this study, researchers investigated the in vitro and in vivo effects of melatonin derivatives on cancer cells…

The authors concluded, “[t]he study of synergistic relationships between melatonin analogues and anticancer drugs is a promising field, and these compounds could significantly strengthen the cytostatic and the cytotoxic effects triggered by conventional antineoplastic drugs…”

Melatonin limits paclitaxel‐induced mitochondrial dysfunction in vitro and protects against paclitaxel‐induced neuropathic pain in the rat

“Melatonin is therefore a potential treatment to limit the development of painful neuropathy resulting from chemotherapy treatment…”

Leave a Comment:

Mitch says 6 months ago

I’ve been diagnosed with stage IV melanoma with small tumors in lungs and brain. Doing immunotherapy and going big time with nutrition diet. How much melatonin should I be taking as a supplement? Thanks!

    David Emerson says 6 months ago

    Hi Mitch-

    I am sorry to learn of your melanoma diagnosis. Because melatonin is not FDA approved, the studies and research vary about how much melatonin is to be used for different cancers, different purposes, etc.

    I know of people who dose 1 mg to people who dose 6 mg and everything in between. Sorry I can’t provide more info.

    Good luck,

    David Emerson

Kari Ward says last year

I was diagnosed with stage 4 mestasis melanoma on 12/16/2022z I have 3-5 tumors in my body and 3 in my brain. If there are any resources you may on it.

    David Emerson says last year

    Hi Kari-

    I am sorry to read of your melanoma diagnosis. Do you have a question?

    David Emerson

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