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MGUS Diagnosis- Evidence-based, Non-toxic Therapies that Work-

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“Non-IgM MGUS is considered a preneoplastic condition with an annual risk of progression of approximately 1%. Risk of progression is increased when M protein greater than or equal to 15 g/L and with abnormal free light chain ratio.”

Hello David- I reached out to you a few months ago after an monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) diagnosis. I had my follow up a couple weeks ago after 4 months and according to my hematologist/oncologist:
  • I’m the lowest risk.
  • My M-spike was .3 when I was first diagnosed and it has stayed the same.
  • My free light chain ratio is normal.
  • I have IgG kappa MGUS.
  • I’m overweight but working hard to get it off. Exercising daily or close to it.
  • Eating a very clean organic anti angiogenic diet based on Dr Li’s book.
  • I’m taking high quality omega 3 fish oil, curcumin, vitamins D3 and K2, EGCG, and some other whole food support supplements.

A few questions for you-

  1. Can I get my m-spike down to zero?
  2. I’m trying to add in some thc/CBD daily just a little vaporized from flower.
  3. Should I add in IP6 inositol, resveratrol, quercetin?
Do you have any suggestions or latest data that can help me prevent progressing? Thanks again for all your help and all that you do. Oh, I do already have your mgus program and a few other things from your site so I have read all that just to give you more reference of where I’m at.  Ralph

Hi Ralph,

Yes, you purchased the pre-MM cancer coaching package on 9/26/19. Thank you, If I understand your current status:
  • your MGUS is low-risk
  • your m-spike was diagnosis was .3 and this m-spike has not changed
  • your FLC ratio is normal
Everything you are doing has been shown by research to reduce your risk of progressing to full-blown MM. If I understand you are:
  • Frequent, moderate exercise
  • organic, anti-angiogenic nutrition
  • anti-MM Supplementation including omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, vitamins D3, K2, EGCG (green tea extract)
I will list and reply to your questions below:
1) “Can I get my m-spike down to zero?  
On the one hand, I don’t know of any MGUS patients who have achieved complete remission with non-toxic therapies. On the other hand, few people actually study non-toxic MGUS therapies, organize large trials, etc. I can say that work with a number of pre-MM patients who have reduced their m-spike below 1 and kept it below 1 for as long as they have been members.
I guess I’m saying that you can maintain a tiny amount of MGUS in your blood with no symptoms, for YEARS.
2) “I’m trying to add in some thc/CBD daily just a little vaporized from flower.”
Studies are few but as I understand it, CBD/THC is cytogenic (kills) MM, and is anti-angiogenic. Further, it has been shown to enhance bone health. I think it is a viable MM therapy.
3) “Should I add in IP6 inositol, resveratrol, quercetin?”
All three of the supplements that you list, according to research, are anti-MM. I take resveratrol daily- my brand “Optimized Resveratrol” contains 250mg of quercetin. I think they are viable MM therapies as well.
4) “Do you have any suggestions or latest data that can help me prevent progressing?”
Robert, I have to say that you are doing, practicing every evidence-based, non-toxic pre-MM therapy that I know of. I believe that you have every reason to believe that if you continue your efforts, you will remain pre-MM with no symptoms for a long time to come.
Do you know of or read Margaret’s Corner? Margaret is a woman who has lived with both MGUS and SMM for, I think, the past 18 years.
Thank you for your kind works and keep it up. Please keep in touch.
David Emerson
  • MM Survivor
  • MM Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Monoclonal Gammopathy Of Undetermined Significance (MGUS)

“The majority of non-IgM MGUS patients are asymptomatic. According to the WHO 2017, Non-IgM MGUS diagnosis is based on 3 diagnostic criteria:

  1. Serum monoclonal protein less than 30 g/L
  2. Less than 10% clonal plasma cells in the BM
  3. The absence of CRAB symptoms suspicious for PCM..

Non-IgM MGUS is considered a preneoplastic condition with an annual risk of progression of approximately 1%. Risk of progression is increased when M protein greater than or equal to 15 g/L and with abnormal free light chain ratio. Non-IgM MGUS does not require treatment. However, the management of patients with non-IgM MGUS requires an understanding of the risk of progression of the disease…”

Get a handle on your Pre-Myeloma condition, and prevent the progression to full-blown Multiple Myeloma


Leave a Comment:

Tim says last year

Hi there,
I just had a blood test which came back with a spike M protein level of 28 I have now been been referred to a haemotologist ( I live in the United Kindom with our national health care system) where I have been booked for a bone marrow biopsy and further blood tests to test which category I am in hopefully MGUS , I have been reading alot about what foods to eat especially the work done by Dr William Li , is it possible to reduce my M-protein spike to a lower level through diet regimes for example like the study which Dr. Li sites by eating or drinking dark chocolate you can increase the number of stem cells in your blood stream and could this help aid in reducing the m proteins .
Thanks ,

Heidi says a couple of years ago

Thank you

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    You are welcome Heidi. Let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

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