Hello David- I reached out to you a few months ago after an monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) diagnosis. I had my follow up a couple weeks ago after 4 months and according to my hematologist/oncologist:
Do you have any suggestions or latest data that can help me prevent progressing? Thanks again for all your help and all that you do. Oh, I do already have your mgus program and a few other things from your site so I have read all that just to give you more reference of where I’m at. Ralph
Hi Ralph,

Yes, you purchased the pre-MM cancer coaching package on 9/26/19. Thank you, If I understand your current status:
- your MGUS is low-risk
- your m-spike was diagnosis was .3 and this m-spike has not changed
- your FLC ratio is normal
Everything you are doing has been shown by research to reduce your risk of progressing to full-blown MM. If I understand you are:
- Frequent, moderate exercise
- organic, anti-angiogenic nutrition
- anti-MM Supplementation including omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, vitamins D3, K2, EGCG (green tea extract)
I will list and reply to your questions below:
1) “Can I get my m-spike down to zero?
On the one hand, I don’t know of any MGUS patients who have achieved complete remission with non-toxic therapies. On the other hand, few people actually study non-toxic MGUS therapies, organize large trials, etc. I can say that work with a number of pre-MM patients who have reduced their m-spike below 1 and kept it below 1 for as long as they have been members.
I guess I’m saying that you can maintain a tiny amount of MGUS in your blood with no symptoms, for YEARS.
2) “I’m trying to add in some thc/CBD daily just a little vaporized from flower.”
Studies are few but as I understand it, CBD/THC is cytogenic (kills) MM, and is anti-angiogenic. Further, it has been shown to enhance bone health. I think it is a viable MM therapy.
3) “Should I add in IP6 inositol, resveratrol, quercetin?”
All three of the supplements that you list, according to research, are anti-MM. I take resveratrol daily- my brand “Optimized Resveratrol” contains 250mg of quercetin. I think they are viable MM therapies as well.
4) “Do you have any suggestions or latest data that can help me prevent progressing?”
Robert, I have to say that you are doing, practicing every evidence-based, non-toxic pre-MM therapy that I know of. I believe that you have every reason to believe that if you continue your efforts, you will remain pre-MM with no symptoms for a long time to come.
Do you know of or read
Margaret’s Corner? Margaret is a woman who has lived with both MGUS and SMM for, I think, the past 18 years.
Thank you for your kind works and keep it up. Please keep in touch.
David Emerson
- MM Survivor
- MM Coach
- Director PeopleBeatingCancer