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MGUS Screening?

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“The root cause of many cases of myeloma is monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), a blood disorder where white blood cells produce too much M protein. While MGUS does not present with many obvious signs of disease, the condition is easily detected through a blood test…”

I’ve always wondered what a dog chasing a car would do if he/she ever caught the car. I mean, would the dog bite the car? My mind went through the same sort of “what if?” thinking when I read the article linked and excerpted below.

What good does it do to screen for MGUS if you don’t have a therapy to give someone who you idetify as having MGUS? Oncology considers MGUS to be a blood disorder. It is not cancer. Drug companied do not research and develop therapies for blood disorders.

While I agree that by identifying MGUS a person can then begin treatment if/when he/she develops full-blown MM. By starting MM treatment at an early stage, the person should live longer.

But the key, in my mind at least, is to treat the monoclonal gammopathy of undermined significance in hopes of preventing progression to frank MM. The key is to reduce a person’s risk of MGUS becoming full-blown MM.

The article below highlights another problem I have with conventional oncology. There are many evidence-based, non-toxic therapies that research has shown can reduce a person’s risk of full-blown MM. You may have heard of a non-toxic anti-oxidant called curcumin. Hundreds of studies confirm that curcumin kills MM and therefore reduces one’s risk of frank MM. Evidence-based, yes, but not approved by the FDA.

Further, there are specific foods that also are anti-MM. There are lifestyle therapies and supplements shown to increase bone mineral density. There is a lot that MGUS patients can do to reduce their risks of MM.

To learn more about the evidence-based protocols you can follow to prevent your Pre-Myeloma from becoming Multiple Myeloma, please watch the short video below:

Click here to get the FREE Pre-Myeloma Introduction Guide and follow along.

Click here to get the FREE Pre-Myeloma First Questions Guide.

I take Life Extension Super BioCurcumin. Studies have shown that this brand of curcumin is much more bioavailable aka absorbable and therefore kills more MM. I have been supplementing with curcumin since 2006 and intend to for the rest of my life.

Have you been diagnosed with MGUS? Are you at a higher risk and considering getting screened? Scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

thank you,

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Screening At-Risk Populations Can Decrease Myeloma Deaths

“The root cause of many cases of myeloma is monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), a blood disorder where white blood cells produce too much M protein. While MGUS does not present with many obvious signs of disease, the condition is easily detected through a blood test. So, identifying who should be screened for it can lead to earlier intervention for patients with myeloma, or possible prevention of the disease overall…

Why was it important for you and your team to conduct this research and find who is at high risk?

All multiple myeloma cases start with a stage called MGUS. Right now, there are no screening or other strategies to prevent multiple myeloma, and we wanted to know how we might one day help eradicate multiple myeloma by preventing it from developing in the first place.

The epidemiology of multiple myeloma tells us that disease risk varies with certain factors, such as gender, African ancestry and certain genes. Screening for MGUS is currently not performed regularly — this precursor stage is most often discovered by accident…

Is screening still important after a patient is diagnosed with myeloma?

No, after the diagnosis of multiple myeloma, treatment rather than screening is most important. However, after MGUS diagnosis, follow up screens to determine the individual patient’s rate of progression will be very important.

What is the grand takeaway you want to offer to our audience – patients, survivors and caregivers?

Tremendous advances in treatments for myeloma have turned it into a chronic disease with an improved quality of life and duration of survival. As researchers continue the search for cures, we want the community to know that we have opened a new front on the war against myeloma…”


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