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MGUS Therapy-Continous, Metronomic, Effective and…Non-Toxic???

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Where is it written that chemotherapy must be toxic to be effective against MGUS and SMM?

The definition of chemotherapy does NOT say that chemo has to cause collateral damage to kill cancer cells.  MGUS and SMM are considered to be asymptomatic blood-disorders. These two diagnoses are not cancer. If you don’t want to “watch and wait,” pursue evidence-based, non-toxic therapies to reduce the risk of MGUS/SMM from growing into multiple myeloma.

MGUS at a glance- click the image below now-

MGUS png Mind Map

My experience as a long-term myeloma survivor and MM Cancer Coach is that MGUS and SMM patients do not want to watch and wait for their blood disorder to become full-blown multiple myeloma. At the same time, newly diagnosed MGUS and SMMers don’t want to live through toxic chemotherapy with all of the side effects.

The answer is evidence-based, non-conventional therapies that research has shown will reduce your risk of progression to multiple myeloma.

To learn more about the evidence-based protocols you can follow to prevent your Pre-Myeloma from becoming Multiple Myeloma, please watch the short video below:

Click here to get the FREE Pre-Myeloma Introduction Guide and follow along.

Click here to get the FREE Pre-Myeloma First Questions Guide.

If you have a question, scroll down the page, post a question or a comment and I will reply to you ASAP.


David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Continuous low-dose anti-angiogenic/metronomic chemotherapy: from the research laboratory into the oncology clinic

“The words ‘side effect’ usually evoke a mixture of fear and anxiety in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy…

Polverini’s group first reported anti-angiogenic effects mediated by conventional cytotoxic anticancer drugs as long ago as 15 years, and since then most common anticancer chemotherapeutic agents, belonging to all major classes, have been shown to be capable of inhibiting angiogenesis [2]. This prompted George Sledge and colleagues recently to suggest the notion of ‘redefining’ chemotherapeutic drugs as anti-angiogenics…

What would be the advantage of using chemotherapeutics as possible angiogenesis inhibitors?… Thus, the hypothetical beneficial anti-angiogenic side effect of chemotherapy would seem negligible, or minimal, at best…

This method of administrating chemotherapy was dubbed ‘anti-angiogenic chemotherapy’ by Browder et al. [8] or ‘metronomic’ dosing by Hanahan et al. [9]; the latter term implies regular, frequent administration of drug, which requires lower doses to be used



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Non-Toxic Pre-Myeloma Therapies - PeopleBeatingCancer says last year

[…] MGUS Therapy-Continous, Metronomic, Effective and non-toxic? […]

Smoldering Myeloma- MM stage 1? - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] MGUS Therapy-Continous, Metronomic, Effective and…Non-Toxic??? […]

Smoldering Multiple Myeloma? - PeopleBeatingCancer says a couple of years ago

[…] MGUS Therapy-Continous, Metronomic, Effective and…Non-Toxic??? […]

MGUS, IP6 and Inositol - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] MGUS Therapy-Continous, Metronomic, Effective and…Non-Toxic??? […]

Early Chemotherapy does NOT help Smoldering Multiple Myeloma - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] MGUS Therapy-Continous, Metronomic, Effective and…Non-Toxic??? […]

MGUS-"Comparatively Lower Life Expectancy?" - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] MGUS Therapy-Continous, Metronomic, Effective and…Non-Toxic??? […]

Gillian Watt says 7 years ago

HI david, Thanks for all that you do!! It was wonderful to find your pages and the work you do is so good. It really helps. And congratulations on your 23 years!!
I was diagnosed last year Nov with MGUS. My “M spike” varies in the interim from 2.2 (January) to 1.6 (April) and the last reading was 1.9. I have gone back over my approaches between January and April and have removed somethings and am putting back others. I am 60 in September. I have no symptoms really except low immunity and aches and tiredness.
My questions are: do you still have an “m spike” after all this time?
Have you ever used colema board for serious colon cleansing to detoxify?
Which package would you advise for me with my current condition?
I am especially interested in the things that I must NOT do with MGUS. I am on turmeric (fresh) . Alkali diet. I am replacing black seed oil, and castor oil packs and meditation which I lost track of after the lower reading in April. I got a bit in denial about it. It is interesting to me how it fluctuates. I mean if it fluctuates then they are wrong to say it always increases by year..right? Thanks David, I hope you are really well and happy, Gillian

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Gillian-

    I am sorry to read of your MGUS diagnosis. You are correct. An m-spike that fluctuates indicates that you are not progressing to frank MM. This is good. I know of 2 pre-MM people who have remained pre-MM for over 18 years now.

    I take an SPEP blood test to monitor possible MM. The test monitors kappa and lambda FL chains but not an m-spike. As long as my kappa and lambda and K/L ratio levels are in the “normal” ranges I am happy.

    I detoxify through different methods including colonics, whole body hyperthermia, juicing, others but I do not use a colema board. I have never researched and developed a list of what NOT to do for pre-MM only a list of evidence-based therapies that pre-MM people should do to reduce their risk of full blown MM.

    A good example is plain curcumin/turmeric versus those formulas that have been shown to be more bioavailable meaning more absorbable in the blood. I will link and article explaining these formulas below.

    The basic pre-MM program linked below will explain what I think MGUS patients should do.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.


    David Emerson

    Basic Pre-Myeloma Cancer Coaching Package

    Premium Pre-Myeloma Cancer Coaching Package- Plus a One-Hour Coaching Session with David Emerson

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