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Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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MM Dx, MM CC, Induction, ASCT, Healing, Surviving-Now What?

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Hi David- I trust you are well. Thank you again for all of the information you share through your Mighty Networks Online group and MM Cancer Coaching (MM CC) Program.  It has certainly helped me support my father.

As mentioned earlier, my father received a Multiple Myeloma diagnosis (MM Dx) in April this year. His haematologist/oncologist prescribed 3 cycles of RVD. After the third cycle his biopsies showed complete remission, or at least a very low percentage.

In August-September he underwent a successful autologous stem cell transplant (ASCT) as indicated by his doctors. His bloodwork showed everything went well too. His X-ray studies showed that his osteo bone lesions are healing as well. Next week he will have another biopsy and after that, the doctor said he will begin a 2 year maintenance treatment with Revlimid probably starting on November or December this year. From everything I’ve read, this is a very standard treatment.
He has been quite well, meaning his MM Dx is in complete remission and with positive thinking, he goes to work as usual and does swimming in the mornings in his country club. His only complaint is the Neuropathy (chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy).
His doctor said Velcade caused nerve damage. I was wondering if you have any recommendations on how he should address his Neuropathy, I told him that time and exercise will help.
Two weeks ago he started taking Curcumin supplement from Life Extension brand. I understand you take 9 different anti-MM supplements and wanted to ask you which supplements you consider the most important, besides Curcumin which he is already taking. Most importantly to help his MM to stay in remission which is everyones priority and secondly to help with his Neuropathy.
Once again thank you very much for your comments and kind support. Dad’s Caregiver

Dear DCgvr,
Yes, all is well with me, thank you. It is good to read that the closed online group Beating Myeloma and the MM CC program is/are helping you manage your father’s MM. It is great to read that he is managing his multiple myeloma diagnosis as well as he is. Excellent!
Further, it is good to read that your father responded well to his induction therapy (CR or VGPR) and his ASCT.
Yes, you are correct, induction therapy of RVd, followed by an ASCT and low-dose Revlimid maintenance therapy is currently the standard-of-care for a multiple myeloma diagnosis. Some MMer feel the low dose Revlimid a bit but your dad sounds like he weathered his induction therapies well so maybe he won’t feel the low-dose Revlimid.
Curcumin is listed in both the “integrative and supplement therapies” guide in the Multiple Myeloma Cancer Coaching program.
A positive attitude and frequent, moderate exercise should also help your dad manage his MM Dx. Frequent, moderate exercise will help maintain your dad’s bone health.
As for your dad’s chemo-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN), many MMers experience this side effect of Velcade. According to research, approximately 60-65% of MMers experience grade 2,3 CIPN.  I will link possible therapies below.
Regarding MM supplementation, I too take Life Extension Super BioCurcumin. I list the anti-MM supplements that I take in the MM Cancer Coaching Supplements guide. It is difficult for me to choose those supplements that I consider “most important.” However, if you allow me to make some assumptions about your dad, then I will make some recommendations.
My assumptions are that-
  1. your dad doesn’t want to take lots of capsules daily (certainly not as many as I do…) and
  2. I would assume that the number of supplements that your dad is comfortable with is about 4 supplements daily.
All to be taken with food I think.  The four nutritional supplements that overlap (anti-MM, pro bone health, pro mind-body health) the most throughout the MM CC guides are:
  1. curcumin
  2. resveratrol
  3. omega-3 fatty acids
  4. green tea extract
It sounds as if all is going well with your dad’s MM Dx. Good luck going forward. Let me know if you have any other questions.
David Emerson
  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Low-level laser therapy for chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy.

“. Results: Compared to baseline, patients receiving any amount of active treatment showed significant improvement at 8 weeks in NTX, BPI, function testing, and SF36 Mental score. Those receiving 4 weeks of placebo treatment showed improvement in only BPI, NTX and SF36 Mental score.

At 2-month follow up, all 20 patients showed a significant improvement in walking and SF 36 mental score, suggesting 4 weeks of active treatment improved function. No significant difference in monofilament testing was observed throughout the study in either group. Direct comparison between 4 or 8 weeks of treatment vs. placebo showed a statistically significant difference in walking function at 2-months. All patients tolerated therapy well without side effects.

Conclusions: Low-level laser light therapy improved functional test over placebo and may be a viable option for non-medical management of CIPN. Further study of LLLT in CIPN is warranted.”

Cannabinoids for neuropathic pain.

“Treatment options for neuropathic pain have limited efficacy and use is fraught with dose-limiting adverse effects… Exogenous cannabinoids have been demonstrated to be effective in a range of experimental neuropathic pain models, and there is mounting evidence for therapeutic use in human neuropathic pain conditions..”

Acupuncture combined with methylcobalamin for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with multiple myeloma.

“After 84 days (three cycles) of therapy, the pain was significantly alleviated in both groups, with a significantly higher decrease in the acupuncture treated group (P < 0.01)…

The present study suggests that acupuncture combined with methylcobalamin in the treatment of CIPN showed a better outcome than methylcobalamin administration alone…”

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