Don't Neglect Bone Health.
It's Critical For Multiple Myeloma Survivors

Multiple Myeloma is both a blood cancer and a bone cancer. Bones and blood. You can’t talk about one without the other. The reason for this is that while Multiple Myeloma may start in your bone marrow (bone marrow makes your blood), as your Multiple Myeloma grows it eats your bones.
Keeping your bones healthy is a just as important as keeping your Multiple Myeloma under control.
Bone damage can make your life hell, leading to blood clots, muscle wasting, poor circulation, and overall poor survival.
Improving you bone health can enhance quality of life. My oncologist didn't talk to me about maintaining my bone health when I was undergoing treatment. I put together the Bone Health Guide because I think that it is a critical topic for Multiple Myeloma survivors and caregivers to understand.
The Bone Health Guide is one of the twelve guides included in each of the Multiple Myeloma Cancer Coaching Packages. Each package includes:
- Introduction Guide: How to Use These Guides
- Integrative Therapies Guide
- Nutrition Guide
- Supplementation Guide
- Lifestyle Therapies Guide
- Bone Health Guide
- Mind-Body Therapies Guide
- Cannabis/ Cannabidiol Guide
- Online Support Groups Guide
- Antioxidants Guide
- Conventional Therapies Guide
- Non-Conventional Therapies Guide
- E-Book "Curing Cancer: If I Knew Then What I Know Now"
- E-Book "Beating Myeloma: If I Knew Then What I Know Now"
This information is the culmination of 22 years of my personal journey to achieve and maintain full remission from Multiple Myeloma. It is my goal to get Multiple Myeloma survivors and caregivers up to speed on the key issues as quickly as possible. I believe these guides can help you make more informed decisions about your Multiple Myeloma care.
In addition to the guides and e-books listed above, the Silver and Gold Packages include a format to consult with David either in a group or one-on-one.
Bronze Package: $49*
- All twelve cancer coaching guides
- Both e-books
- All guides and e-books immediately download to your email inbox
Silver Package: $99*
- All twelve cancer coaching guides
- Both e-books
- All guides and e-books immediately download to your email inbox
- Membership in the Closed Facebook Group: Beating Myeloma where you can talk to me and other cancer survivors
Gold Package: $199*
- All twelve cancer coaching guides
- Both e-books
- All guides and e-books immediately download to your email inbox
- Membership in the Closed Facebook Group: Beating Myeloma where you can talk to me and other cancer survivors
- A one-hour consultation with me via phone or Skype
*All proceeds from the sale of these cancer coaching packages goes back to PeopleBeatingCancer.org, a 501 (c)3 non-profit, and are used to continue research and outreach to benefit cancer survivors and caregivers.
To visit the full website, click here.

David Emerson Founder, Director PeopleBeatingCancer.org (a registered 501(c)3 non-profit for cancer survivors and their caregivers)