Multiple Myeloma Patients, Survivors and Caregivers Need More Than Conventional, FDA approved Surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiation. They Need Mind-Body Therapy
If it’s one thing that I’ve learned over the 25+ years of surviving Multiple Myeloma (MM), it is that myeloma patients, survivors and caregivers need more than what conventional oncology offers to hope to cure their MM. They need mind-body therapy. Conventional oncology considers MM to be incurable. I have lived with MM since my diagnosis in early 1994.
Yes, you read that correctly. I consider religion, prayer, spirituality, mind-body, etc. to be myeloma therapy. Just as important to the MM patient than any chemotherapy. Not just as a part of end-of-life coping.
I’m saying that my spirituality, sense-of-purpose, goals, meditation, helped me manage my MM since my diagnosis in 1994.
While conventional oncology spends very little time studying the area of mind-body therapies and cancer, evidence-based research clearly indicates that “getting your mind right” (Cool Hand Luke- Paul Newman-1967) is part and parcel to living with multiple myeloma.
Pray, talk to a psychologist, meditate, practice yoga, find a purpose, hug your kids and make-up-your-mind to managing the MM roller coaster. Myeloma is one tough blood cancer and you will need all the help you can get.
I am both a long-term multiple myeloma survivor and MM cancer coach. If you would like to learn more about MM cancer coaching and mind-body therapies, please tell me about your diagnosis and tell me what’s on your mind. An experienced MM survivor and MM cancer coach can help.
Thank you,
David Emerson
- Myeloma Survivor
- MM Cancer Coach
- Director PeopleBeatingCancer
Recommended Reading:
“Despite the difficulty in clearly defining and measuring spirituality, a growing literature describes its importance in oncology and survivorship. Religious/spiritual beliefs influence patients’ decision-making with respect to both complementary therapies and aggressive care at the end of life…”
“A doctor at a Philadelphia hospital says prayer is not a cure for cancer — but can sometimes be as important as science in helping patients heal.
Because the brain basic body functions like heart rate, blood pressure, and the immune system, he said, “there’s evidence to show that by doing these practices, you can cause a lot of different changes all the way throughout the body, which could have a healing effect.”
- “Research has shown that religiosity and spirituality significantly contribute to psychosocial adjustment to cancer and its treatments.
- Religion offers hope to those suffering from cancer, and it has been found to have a positive effect on the quality of life of cancer patients.
- Numerous studies have found that religion and spirituality also provide effective coping mechanisms for patients as well as family caregivers.
- Research indicates that cancer patients who rely on spiritual and religious beliefs to cope with their illness are more likely to use an active coping style in which they accept their illness and try to deal with it in a positive and purposeful way.