Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission

Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Multiple Myeloma Pain

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Multiple Myeloma Bone, Nerve, Joint and Muscle Pain Can be Controlled

I am a long-term myeloma survivor and myeloma cancer coach. Have you heard the Groucho Marx joke that he wouldn’t want to join a club that would have him as a member? Well, you don’t want MM and you don’t want MM pain.  And I am sad to say that I have a lot of both.

Most of the MM pain experienced by Multiple Myeloma patients and survivors (MMers) is from either

  • bone damage from the disease itself (a symptom of MM),
  • from the damage done by chemotherapy or radiation- side effects such as radiation damage, nerve damage, etc.

The main problem with pain caused by MM is that it is often ignored. I ignored my neck pain for months before I got an x-ray. To be honest, we are all busy, we all have jobs, families, etc. Pain is usually minimal at first, and kind of sneaks up on  us.

Like most MM symptoms and side effects the sooner you identify and address the source of the pain the more likely you are to resolve your pain. Knowledge, as the saying goes, is power. Especially with multiple myeloma.

For example, bone pain for the MM survivor may point to a specific lesion IN a bone. It is important to have an imaging study (MRI, PET, CT) in order to document a lesion, or not.

A relatively small lesion may be able to be zapped with local radiation. A larger lesion or several lesions in several vertebras, for example, may require a more in-depth procedure such as kyphoplasty/vertebroplasty.

My point is, you and your oncologist need to diagnose the pain to begin talking about possible therapies.

Please watch the video below to learn more about the evidence-based, integrative therapies to combat treatment side effects and enhance your chemotherapy.

Have you been diagnosed with multiple myeloma? Are you experiencing bone, nerve or any other type of pain? Have you undergone chemotherapy of any kind?

The bottom line then, when it comes to living with multiple myeloma, identifying your pain, figuring out why the pain is happening will give you and your oncologist specific information to take the next step- discuss possible therapies to address aka fix the pain.

Scroll down the page, post a question or a comment and I will reply to you ASAP.
Thank you,
David Emerson
  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Multiple Myeloma: Bone Pain and Lesions

Multiple myeloma can cause soft spots in the bone called osteolytic lesions, which appear as holes on an X-ray. These osteolytic lesions are painful and can increase the risk of painful breaks or fractures.

Myeloma can also cause nerve damage or pain when a tumor presses up against a nerve. Tumors can also compress the spinal cord, which can cause back pain and muscle weakness.

According to the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation, approximately 85 percent of patients diagnosed with multiple myeloma experience some degree of bone loss and the pain associated with it…”

Pain as a side-effect of Chemotherapy

“Recommendations: On the basis of the paucity of high-quality, consistent evidence, there are no agents recommended for the prevention of CIPN. With regard to the treatment of existing CIPN, the best available data support a moderate recommendation for treatment with duloxetine. Although the CIPN trials are inconclusive regarding tricyclic antidepressants (such as nortriptyline), gabapentin, and a compounded topical gel containing baclofen, amitriptyline HCL, and ketamine, these agents may be offered on the basis of data supporting their utility in other neuropathic pain conditions given the limited other CIPN treatment options. Further research on these agents is warranted…”

Cannabinoids for neuropathic pain.

“Treatment options for neuropathic pain have limited efficacy and use is fraught with dose-limiting adverse effects. The endocannabinoid system has been elucidated over the last several years, demonstrating a significant interface with pain homeostasis. Exogenous cannabinoids have been demonstrated to be effective in a range of experimental neuropathic pain models, and there is mounting evidence for therapeutic use in human neuropathic pain conditions. This article reviews the history, pharmacologic development, clinical trials results, and the future potential of nonsmoked, orally bioavailable, nonpsychoactive cannabinoids in the management of neuropathic pain.”

The non-psychoactive cannabis constituent cannabidiol is an orally effective therapeutic agent in rat chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain.

Cannabidiol, the major psycho-inactive component of cannabis, has substantial anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. This study investigated its therapeutic potential on neuropathic (sciatic nerve chronic constriction) and inflammatory pain (complete Freund’s adjuvant intraplantar injection) in rats. In both models, daily oral treatment with cannabidiol (2.5-20 mg/kg to neuropathic and 20 mg/kg to adjuvant-injected rats) from day 7 to day 14 after the injury, or intraplantar injection, reduced hyperalgesia to thermal and mechanical stimuli. In the neuropathic animals, the anti-hyperalgesic effect of cannabidiol (20 mg/kg) was prevented by the vanilloid antagonist capsazepine (10 mg/kg, i.p.), but not by cannabinoid receptor antagonists.

Cannabidiol’s activity was associated with a reduction in the content of several mediators, such as prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)), lipid peroxide and nitric oxide (NO), and in the over-activity of glutathione-related enzymes. Cannabidiol only reduced the over-expression of constitutive endothelial NO synthase (NOS), without significantly affecting the inducible form (iNOS) in inflamed paw tissues. Cannabidiol had no effect on neuronal and iNOS isoforms in injured sciatic nerve. The compound’s efficacy on neuropathic pain was not accompanied by any reduction in nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) activation and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) content. The results indicate a potential for therapeutic use of cannabidiol in chronic painful states.”



Leave a Comment:

Antoniette Ikemoto says a couple of years ago

To your coaching program. Trying to learn what I can to assist my sister who has MM. first diagnosed in 2011, has HDT/ABSCT in 2012 at City of Hope, cancer resurfaced around 2014. Currently for last three weeks could not do chemo therapy as her blood platelets are too low. Has a blood transfusion two weeks ago.

I am interested I what you could recommend in CBD oils as she has access to a medical marijuana dispensary in Hawaii. Currently she cannot take Curcumin as her plate lists are too low.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Antoniette-

    I replied to your questions via email. If you haven’t received my reply please check you spam folder.

    David Emerson

Antoniette Ikemoto says a couple of years ago

On 1/29/2023, I signed up for order I’d 0120076741 Multiple Myeloma Coaching course for $199.00. When I processed my request and made my payment, I was not aware of your coupon code “webinar” which offered a $100 off h package until I watched your welcome u tube video. Would I be able to get the $100 credited to my credit card charge?

    Leicha Makl says last year

    I just signed up for the course on 8/18/23 and found out about the coupon code: “webinar” after the fact as well. Am I able to get the $100 credit to my credit card account?

      David Emerson says last year

      Hi Leicha-

      The offer you are referring to has been changed. We now discount the course when purchased with a consultation by $200.00. That post needs to be changed. I look forward to working with you in our online group Beating Myeloma.

      My apologies.

      Thanks for pointing this out to me.

      David Emerson

Ronald Quasebarth says 3 years ago

What I’m wondering is both for preventing kidney damage and health, what supplements would you say would be safe to take during chemo treatment? MSM? Turmeric? Vit D? Boswelia? Multi Vitamin? Others noted for MM?

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Ron- I sent you the MM CC Kidney Guide via email- David

Anne says 3 years ago

Hi. Dads currently in hospital in MM agony. Legions in the rib cage up to 33mm, they’re everywhere including his jaw and skull, spine fracture, renal impairment, pace maker, bowel isn’t working. Understand they cant do much, but do you think medical grade cannabis oil could help if the doctors approve it?

    David Emerson says 3 years ago

    Hi Anne-

    I am sorry to read of your dad’s MM problems. Two issues. I don’t think a board certified MD will “approve” a therapy that is not FDA approved. Having said that, according to studied CBD oil, with both cannabinoids as well as THC can help with MM bone pain.

    Keep in mind that there is a lot going on with your dad. Please ask your doctor about a palliative care doctor, perhaps pain management, hospice care.

    Hang in there,

    David Emerson

David Emerson says 3 years ago

Hi Rose- I am sorry to read of your husband’s MM. It sounds as though his MM is difficult to treat. Does your husband have one or more genetic abnormalities? At this point my thinking would be to consider integrative therapies. That is to say, combinations of chemotherapy with nutritional supplements shown to enhance or increase the efficacy of these specific chemotherapy regimens.

David Emerson

Rose Kennedy says 3 years ago

My husband has MM. He has a bone lesion on left leg. He has had radiation twice. A Pet Scan shows it is growing. MM specialist has tried Sarclisa, Melflufen, Blenrep and now Kyprolis. The first three did not help him. Next Pet Scan will be next week to see if Kyprolis is helping. I am not really sure it is. Do you have any suggestions regarding this? Have no idea what oncologist will do next. Help!!!!

Managing Myeloma Nerve Pain- PeopleBeatingCancer says 3 years ago

[…] Multiple Myeloma Pain […]

Multiple Myeloma Remission- The New Normal says 5 years ago

[…] Multiple Myeloma Pain […]

Surviving Multiple Myeloma. Life After Therapy says 6 years ago

[…] Multiple Myeloma Pain […]

Multiple Myeloma Cancer Coaching- Side Effects Identification and Treatment - PeopleBeatingCancer says 8 years ago

[…] multiple myeloma, you may feel pressure to begin your therapy.  Your stage and symptoms such as bone pain, anemia and blood clots (DVT or VTE) often leads to your therapy […]

bill casey says 8 years ago

i have meyloma and it’s really starting to hurt the bone’s

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi Bill-

    I am sorry to learn of your MM bone pain. There are both conventional (FDA approved) chemotherapies and non-conventional therapies that can help you manage your MM. You may need local radiation as well depending on your MM stage. I also recommend bone therapies, again both conventional (FDA approved) and non-conventional (supplementation and lifestyle therapies).

    I am a long-term MM survivor and cancer coach. I can add studies and information to the information given to your by your oncologist. My approach is that conventional oncology considers MM incurable and relies on therapies that usually cause painful debilitating side effects. Chemo and radiation can be effective at lowering your MM but only for a time. MM always relapses according to conventional oncology.

    Let me know if you would like to learn more about cancer coaching. Hang in there.

    David Emerson
    Long-term MM survivor and Cancer Coach

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