“In general, your diet will provide enough protein (PRO). However, during cancer (MM) treatment (such as surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy) your protein requirements may increase”
I have survived an “incurable cancer,” multiple myeloma (MM), since 1994. I can tell you without a doubt that my diet is a critical component to remaining in complete remission for more than 20 years now. I believe that MM survivors must pursue an anti-MM diet for the rest of their lives.
If you are a multiple myeloma patient going through therapy you will be tired, have difficulty with eating or even smelling foods and may feel generally lousy. Therefore, your daily pursuit of nutrition must be:
- fast, easy, delicious
- complete with pro, antioxidants, fresh fruits and veggies
- easy to clean-up

The solution? My wife gave me a Nutri Bullet 12-Piece Hi-Speed Blender/Mixer System for Christmas. Though I have not gone through active cancer therapy since ’95-’99, I have learned the importance of nutritional protein, antioxidants, kefir, and fiber in my daily diet.
My version of “fast, easy, delicious?” Chop a banana (texture) and add whatever is in the fridge-berries, apples, nuts, whatever. Add some frozen fruit if you want to make the smoothie frosty. To make it tart, add orange juice. To make it sweeter, add coconut water.
The Nutri Bullet comes with a brochure filled with recipes.
My version of PRO and antioxidants? Garden of Life RAW Organic Protein Powder and Navitas Naturals Organic Antioxidant Superfruit Blend, 8-Ounce Pouches. The fresh fruit or veggies will carry the flavor. The powders do the heavy nutritional lifting. Yes, these powders are expensive. But they are inexpensive on a per-smoothie basis. And they are nutritious, fast, easy and delicious.
Certainly the other meals during your day are important in pursuing anti-MM nutrition. My goal is to start my day with a leg up on my daily dose of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber and pro, etc.
For more information about MM nutrition scroll down the page, post a question or a comment and I will reply ASAP.
To Learn More about Smoothies and Juicing for the Myeloma Patient- click now
thank you,
David Emerson
- Multiple Myeloma Survivor
- MM Cancer Coach
- Director PeopleBeatingCancer
Recommended Reading:
“Why PRO is important
Pro is very important to keep your body functioning and is also needed for growth and repair. Pro is found in almost all body cells and has many roles such as:
- To form and maintain muscles, tissues, red blood cells, enzymes, and hormones
- To carry many body compounds and medications
- To maintain fluid balance
- To fight infections and strengthen the immune system
In general, your diet will provide enough pro. However, during cancer treatment (such as surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy) your pro requirements may increase. It is important to be aware of food sources of protein and to include these foods at meals and snacks.
Your protein requirement
To come up with a quick estimate of your pro requirement:
- Take your weight (in pounds) and divide by 2
- The number you get is the approximate number of grams of protein you need daily
For example: If you weigh 180 pounds, 180 ÷ 2 = 90 grams of protein daily
If you are receiving chemotherapy, radiation or surgery you may need more pro. Your dietitian can help you figure out your protein needs during treatment.
Food sources of PRO
Pro is found in both animal and plant foods. Animal sources of pro include meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products. Plant sources of protein include nuts, seeds, tofu and legumes (dried beans, peas and lentils). Grains (cereals, breads and rice) and vegetables contain a little protein. Fruits and fats do not have any protein.”
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