Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission

Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Myeloma – Conventional, Integrative, Complementary

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Multiple Myeloma Patients Need All Forms of Evidence-based Therapy. Depending on their symptoms and stage, they need different therapies for different reasons…

According to research, your prognosis for multiple myeloma is a set or standardized outcome. My prognosis for multiple myeloma was 3-5 years. That prognosis was given to me in early 1994.

To maximize their multiple myeloma prognosis, newly diagnosed patients must utilize all forms of evidence-based therapies from conventional to integrative to complementary treatments.

To put it a different way, the “average five-year survival statistics” that newly diagnosed MM patients are given reflect conventional or FDA approved therapies only. And while conventional therapy can be an essential tool in the MM tool box, it is only one type of therapy and must be limited because of its toxicity due to its ability to cause short, long-term and late stage side effects.

When I was diagnosed with MM in early 1994, I had no idea what the terms

  • conventional (FDA approved),
  • integrative, and
  • complementary therapies

meant. I went to what I thought was a good hospital and followed the instructions of my oncologist exactly.

I’m pretty sure my oncologist (general not a MM specialist) mis-diagnosed my MM. Another oncologist talked me into an autologous stem cell transplant which was an experimental therapy at the time. I relapsed several times over the next two years and was told that nothing more could be done for me.

Not only did my conventional therapies not maximize my MM prognosis, they caused a host of short, long-term and late stage side effects.

Unless the MM patient is diagnosed with “pre” multiple myeloma (SBP, MGUS, SMM) utilizing different therapies to maximize your prognosis is the goal. Unfortunately, a newly diagnosed MM patient can’t rely on their oncologist to talk to them about evidence-based integrative or complementary therapies to enhance the efficacy of their conventional chemo. Conventional oncology cannot prescribe any therapy outside of the purview of the Food and Drug Administration.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I am not trying to criticize conventional oncology and proclaim that integrative or complementary therapies are a silver bullet MM cure. I’m saying that multiple myeloma is a complicated, aggressive blood cancer that requires every evidence-based therapy that you’ve got.

I’m also saying that conventional oncology has been treating MM patients, all stages, all ages, for decades and their therapies are not curative. Conventional therapies buy the patient time, at best.

Final note- I linked a general explanation of “alternative therapies” below. I did this for two reasons.

First, while there are few if any, truly evidence-based alternative therapies for multiple myeloma, I think we MM patients must have a general understanding of this treatment modality.

Secondly, after extensive conventional, FDA approved MM therapies led me to “end-stage” multiple myeloma, I underwent an alternative therapy called Antineoplaston Therapy (ANP). ANP took me from end-stage MM to complete remission in 17 months. I have to explain this to all MM patients reading this post.

I am both a long-term multiple myeloma survivor and a MM cancer coach. Years of experience and research has taught me that newly diagnosed MM patients must utilize the spectrum of evidence-based therapies.

To learn more scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

David Emerson

  • Multiple Myeloma Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Conventional therapy-

“Cancer can be treated by surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and monoclonal antibody therapy. The choice of therapy depends upon the location and grade of the tumor and the stage of the disease, as well as the general state of the patient (performance status).”

Complementary therapy-

“People living with cancer may consider using complementary therapy in addition to standard treatments.  Many people do this to reduce the side effects of cancer treatment and improve their physical and emotional well-being. Such approaches may also help improve recovery from cancer…”

Integrative therapy

Integrative medicine or integrative health is the combination of practices and methods of alternative medicine with evidence based medicine.[1][2] The term has been popularised by, among others, Deepak Chopra, VA Shiva Ayyadurai, Andrew Weil and Prince Charles.[3][4] Weil says that patients should take the Western medicine prescribed by the doctor, and could significantly benefit from complementary therapies such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and herbal remedies, meditation and other strategies.[citation needed]”

Alternative therapy

Alternative cancer treatments describes alternative and complementary treatments for cancer that have not been approved by the government agencies responsible for the regulation of therapeutic goods. They include diet and exercise, chemicals, herbs, devices, and manual procedures. The treatments may be untested or unsupported by evidence, either because no proper testing has been conducted, or because testing did not demonstrate statistically significant efficacy. Concerns have been raised about the safety of some of them.”

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