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PQQ- Kills Cancer, Promotes Heart Health

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We conclude that Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)- which appears to act as a free radical scavenger in ischemic myocardium, is a highly effective cardioprotective agent

Image result for image of atrial fibrillation

Chemotherapy and radiation cause collateral damage to cancer patients. Everybody knows this. What you may not know is that some of the short, long-term and late stage collateral damage (aka side effects) from chemo and radiation can be identified and healed. Pyrroloquinoline quinone can help.

I was diagnosed with a blood cancer called Multiple Myeloma in early 1994. While I didn’t know it at the time, I was prescribed and underwent several cardio-toxic chemotherapy regimens as induction therapy followed by high dose chemotherapy for an autologous stem cell transplant. Those Cardiotoxic chemo regimens included:


  • Adiamycin
  • Cytoxan
  • Melphalan
  • Busulphan

In late 2010, more than 15 years after I completed my conventional therapies, I developed chemotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy and atrial fibrillation as well as several long-term and late stage side effects. I supplement with many nutritional supplements cited to manage these side effects.

I take 20 mg of PQQ daily- 10mg after breakfast and another 10mg after dinner.

Most people consider “supplementation” to be vitamins and minerals pills such as One-a-Day and Centrum. While these two brands appear to be very popular with Americans my research and experience is that supplementation is much more than synthetic vitamins and minerals such as One-a-Day brand.

PQQ is one such supplement. I live with chemotherapy-induced heart damage and brain damage. I supplement with PQQ among many other supplements to manage my chemo-induced collateral damage. I’m doing pretty well. I was told I was end-stage back in the fall of ’97. Boy, was my oncologist wrong…

I take Life Extension – Pqq Caps With Biopqq.  Inexpensive heart and brain therapy. I recommend you take PQQ as well.

I am both a cancer survivor and cancer coach. Do you have heart or brain damage? Scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

thank you,

David Emerson

  • Cancer Survivor
  • Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

The PeopleBeatingCancer Side Effects Program- 

Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) decreases myocardial infarct size and improves cardiac function in rat models of ischemia and ischemia/reperfusion.

“The optimal dose in this study, which exhibited neither renal nor hepatic toxicity, was 15 mg/kg, but lower doses may also be efficacious. We conclude that PQQ, which appears to act as a free radical scavenger in ischemic myocardium, is a highly effective cardioprotective agent…”
The neuroprotective effect of pyrroloquinoline quinone on traumatic brain injury.

“Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is a water-soluble, anionic, quinonoid substance that has been established as an essential nutrient in animals…

In summary, our experiment established that PQQ may play an important role in recovery post-TBI.”

Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Induces Cancer Cell Apoptosis via Mitochondrial-Dependent Pathway and Down-Regulating Cellular Bcl-2 Protein Expression

“Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) has been reported as a promising agent that might contribute to tumor cell apoptosis and death, yet little is known on its mechanisms. In current study, the effect of PQQ on cell proliferation and mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis were examined in 3 solid tumor cell lines (A549, Neuro-2A and HCC-LM3).

PQQ treatment at low to medium dosage exhibited potent anti-tumor activity on A549 and Neuro-2A cells, while had comparably minimal impact on the viabilities of 2 human normal cell lines (HRPTEpiC and HUVEC).

The apoptosis of the 3 tumor cell lines induced by PQQ were increased in a concentration-dependent manner, which might be attributed to the accumulation of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), decline in ATP levels and dissipation of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), in conjunction with down-regulation of Bcl-2 protein expression, up-regulation of activated caspase-3, and disturbed phosphorylated MAPK protein levels.

PQQ induced tumor cells apoptosis was significantly alleviated by pan-caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK. The present work highlights the potential capability of PQQ as an anti-tumor agent with low toxicity towards normal cells through activating mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis pathways, and warrants its development for cancer therapy…


PQQ, as an antioxidant nutrient, has the effects of radioprotection and neuroprotection. Previous study focused on the scavenging of the production of intracellular ROS , which was due to comparatively higher reactive electron density and the structure of indole and pyrrole derivatives. Thus PQQ exhibits strong antioxidant feature .

Recently, study showed that higher concentrations of PQQ (50-100 μM) could result in 2-5 fold increase in apoptosis-inducing of U937 human promonocytic lymphoma cells through the depletion of cellular glutathione and the increasing of intracellular ROS .

Other studies also demonstrated that PQQ could regulate cell function of different cells and induce cell apoptosis, directly or indirectly , , . However, there is no study that has investigated the effect of PQQ on directly inducing solid tumor cell apoptosis and the associated mechanisms.


Leave a Comment:

Kathleen Bungart says last month

Thank you for the info. Where can I find the people beating cancer book, please. I have MM with 11,14

Marta Hrnciarova says a couple of years ago

I am 4,5 years after toxic convention theraphy and ASCT. Is useful to get information on possible consequnt side effect of theraphy. I had no idea about that side effect can develop years after. I don’t know that PPQis cardioprotectiv. But , randomly I use 10mg PPQ daily. It is ingredient of my 500mg Berberine supplement. But I understood meaning this supplementation for me until Reading informations at your e-book.
I still haven’t develop side effect of theraphy cardiac or brain damage.

    David Emerson says a couple of years ago

    Hi Marta-

    I think we MM survivors must focus on enhancing our health more than others. Heart health is an important component of this. Moderate exercise, clean diet/nutrition, and yes, heart healthy nutritional supplementation are all important for us, in my opinion.

    Thanks and stay healthy-


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