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Multiple Myeloma Remission- More Chemotherapy or No?

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“William Li presents a new way to think about treating cancer and other diseases: anti-angiogenesis, preventing the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor…”

Dear David- When I was first diagnosed with multiple myeloma, I originally enrolled in your cancer coaching program 3 yrs ago.  I had an allergic reaction to Revlimid, have taken no chemotherapy for almost 3 months.

I recently went thru another battery of tests last to determine exactly where I am.  Originally I was determined to continue with a chemo.  My oncologist suggested Ninlaro.  Now I am having second thoughts.

My diagnostic numbers have been “excellent” for some time.  I take the identical regimen you take:

as well as Dr. William Li’s anti-angiogenic nutrition.  I need some help deciding where from here.  I would appreciate your help.  Thank you, Grace

Hi Grace,

In answer to your question “I need some help deciding where to go from here,” I guess my reply is a question. If your diagnostic numbers, the status of your MM, is/are “excellent,” why is your oncologist encouraging you to undergo more therapy?
My experience and research has taught me that MM management is walking the fine line between the damage done by MM and the damage done by chemotherapy or radiation. Your comments seem to indicate that your MM is not doing any damage. This is good.
Let me explain my reasoning. My thinking of your assessment of excellent numbers for some time, tells me that you are in remission. This is great. And your therapy history of a an allergic reaction to Revlimid, while normal, indicates that you are sensitive to chemo and may have another allergic reaction again with more chemo.
Lastly, as your oncologist will tell you, more chemotherapy moves you toward MDR aka multi-drug resistance. Once a MM patient reaches MDR, they are end-stage. This is bad…
Almost forgot one more thing. By taking nutritional supplements and adding anti-angiogenic foods to your diet, you appear to be doing well. Evidence-based non-toxic therapies appear to be helping you remain in remission. Again, all good. Keep doing what you are doing…
If your MM is not causing any damage to your bones, marrow, kidneys, heart, etc, even your oncologist would agree that there is no need to undergo chemotherapy at this time, correct?
I can provide a more detailed reply based on your most recent diagnostic testing if you would like Grace.  By looking at your numbers I can evaluate if your MM is causing damage to your bones, marrow, kidney and or heart function. This would be a formal consultation. Your call…
Let me know if you have any questions.
David Emerson
  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

William Li: Can we eat to starve cancer? | TED Talk – TED Talks

“William Li presents a new way to think about treating cancer and other diseases: anti-angiogenesis, preventing the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor. The crucial first (and best) step: Eating cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game…”

New Insights in Anti-Angiogenesis in Multiple Myeloma

“MM is the second most common blood-based malignancy, affecting approximately 20,000 new patients each year. More effective treatment options for MM are urgently needed.

Disease relapse is inevitable and MM remains incurable. Anti-cancer drugs including novel therapies in monotherapy have debilitating side effects, and these treatments only benefit a minority of patients. The identification of subgroups of patients who will derive the most benefit from a drug with manageable drug-related toxicity is an important step towards improved response rates, safety and survival…

Resistance to anti-angiogenic agents is a clinically significant problem. Different approaches to circumvent this problem have been established, including the use of multiple-targeted anti-angiogenic agents and/or combined-modality treatment strategies. It would appear that the future of angiogenic inhibitors lies in the intelligent combination of multiple targeted agents with other angiogenic inhibitors to maximize therapeutic effect…”

Drug Resistance in Multiple Myeloma

“Multiple myeloma (MM, plasma cell myeloma) is a malignant hematologic disease characterized by the clonal proliferation of malignant plasma cells. The treatment of MM has changed dramatically in recent years, with the introduction of new drugs into therapeutic strategies, both in the front line setting and in relapsed refractory disease.

However, most patients eventually relapse and often demonstrate multiple drug resistance.

Therefore there is still an urgent and unmet need to define the molecular mechanisms of resistance for available drugs in order to enhance the use of existing treatments and design more effective therapies…

Achieving a better understanding of the pathways and protein expression involved in MM drug resistance and the development of novel therapeutic strategies are important goals for further progress in the treatment of MM…”


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