Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission

Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Multiple Myeloma Requires “Body-wide Immune Response”

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Fighting off cancer (MM) requires the concerted efforts of immune molecules throughout the body, rather than just in the tumor itself…

There is a long and growing list of FDA approved chemotherapy regimens that are cytotoxic to Multiple Myeloma (MM). When newly diagnosed MM patients undergo a typical induction therapy such as RVd (revlimid, velcade and dexamethasone) they are almost guaranteed that their MM will respond. The challenge that all MMers face is that MM always comes back. MMers always relapse. 

The article linked below talks about the need for a body-wide immune response to fight off cancer. It makes sense to me that since MM is a systemic or body-wide cancer, MM requires a body-wide immune response.

I am a long-term MM survivor and MM Cancer Coach.  I believe that the evidence-based, non-toxic, anti-MM regimen that I follow daily provides a body-wide immune response that has kept me in complete remission from my MM since 1999.

I rely on evidence-based, non-toxic, anti-MM nutrition, supplementation, bone health, lifestyle and even mind-body therapies to keep me in CR from my MM.

Image result for photo of cancer relapse

Have you been diagnosed with MM? Are you taking or considering either induction therapy and/or an autologous stem cell transplant? To get the most out of both your conventional (FDA approved) and non-conventional therapies consider working with an experienced MM coach.

Whether you are debating treatment options, currently undergoing treatment and experiencing painful side effects, or trying to figure out how to stay in remission, I want to share what I’ve learned from 22 years of full remission from Multiple Myeloma.

To learn more about MM cancer coaching scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Bodywide immune response important for fighting cancer, researchers say

“Fighting off cancer requires the concerted efforts of immune molecules throughout the body, rather than just in the tumor itself…

This finding suggests that, although the initial immune response occurred primarily in the tumor, immune responses in other parts of the body are likely responsible for sustaining the immune attack

“In the past, researchers focused on understanding in very minute detail what is happening at the molecular level in immune cells inside the tumor,” said Engleman. “But we took an approach that allowed us to zoom out and look at the immune system as a whole. This enabled us to unveil how immune cells work together throughout the body to reject a tumor, and the approach promises to be widely useful in many clinical situations.”

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[…] Multiple Myeloma Requires “Body-wide Immune Response” […]

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[…] Multiple Myeloma Requires “Body-wide Immune Response” […]

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[…] Multiple Myeloma Requires “Body-wide Immune Response” […]

William says 8 years ago

Hi David, I was diagnosed with SMM six years ago and although I have been watching my diet (no sugar, etc) and supplementing sometimes, my para-protein has kept going up and my hemoglobin levels have been going down and MRI scans now show lesions in my sternum and spine. Naturally, my Hematologist wants me to start chemo and radiation immediately. Honestly, I don’t want to take that path but rather want to beat this condition by natural/alternative means. I therefore want to enroll onto your coaching programme for help and direction to succeed. What are the next steps? Thanks.

    David Emerson says 8 years ago

    Hi William-

    I am sorry to read of your SMM challenges. Regardless of your next steps your lifestyle changes such as your improved diet and supplementation should help you. MM Cancer Coaching offers a host of evidence-based, non-toxic, anti-MM therapies. Is it okay with you if I ask you a few questions before we talk about the MM CC program?

    Your para-protein levels have increased. Imaging indicates bone activity. Have you been restaged? I ask because staging relates directly to one’s therapy plan.

    Are you feeling any bone pain? Are you feeling tired all the time (anemia-reduced hemoglobin)? Additional diagnostic testing may reveal or indicate other problems such as kidney damage. I’m not trying to scare you. The earlier problems are identified the better.

    MM Cancer Coaching is comprised of 11 guides and two ebooks. Depending on the level of your participation you can participate in a closed Facebook group and individual cancer coaching with me. I am biased of course but I believe in the importance of both communicating with other myeloma clients as well as being kept updated on MM developments in the months and years ahead.

    Let me know about my questions to you and let me know if you have any questions for me.

    To learn more about cancer coaching please click here to go to the PeopleBeatingCancer home page and then click on the “cancer coaching” tab in the upper right universal bar.

    David Emerson

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