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Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Myeloma- Risk of Secondary Cancer

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I believe my risk of therapy-related secondary cancer is high and increases annually. Because I haven’t had a secondary cancer in over 28 years post chemo and radiation, I think I’m doing something right.

Living with a “risk” of anything of only a percent or two is no big deal. I mean, we all have a risk of dying of 1% or 2% every time we get in a car. I’m talking about studies telling me that my risk of therapy-related secondary cancer is now almost 50% a year…and growing!

And insult to injury, I live with this risk from the “potentially curative” therapies the FDA says are “safe and effective.”

Though I’ve been in complete remission (CR) from my original blood cancer multiple myeloma (MM) since early 1999, I don’t consider myself to be cured. According to conventional oncology MM is an incurable blood cancer. As such, I can relapse at any time.

I am more likely to die of therapy-related secondary cancers  caused by my many courses of local radiation as well as my induction, consolidation and autologous stem cell transplant chemotherapy regimens.

This blog post links to six of the most illustrative  blog posts that I’ve written and posted on since I launched the Galen Foundation in June of 2004.

This post and linked posts explaining the causes of therapy-related secondary cancers as well as the many therapies I have pursued over the years to prevent secondary cancers is my attempt to address to my mantra: “I wish I knew then what I know now.”

Let me be clear. Many of the links below mention my blood cancer, multiple myeloma. Secondary cancers have nothing to do with the original or primary cancer. Treatment-related cancers are cancers that is caused by either radiation or chemotherapy given to treat the primary cancer.

  • Vincristine- 
  • Doxorubicin
  • Cytoxan/cyclophosphomide
  • Busulphan
  • Melphalan

My reasoning for listing each chemotherapy I had is that while a study may document a given chemo having a small risk of secondary cancer (see links below), most cancer patients undergo many chemotherapy regimens within a relatively short period of time. I know that I did. I underwent all five of the above chemo regimens over a period of 10 months.

If the cancer patient undergoes a hematopoietic stem cell transplant, he/she will certainly undergo several chemotherapy regimens, s0me at high doses, preceded by induction therapy of several more chemotherapy regimens.

I think it is possible, perhaps likely, that multiple chemo regimens over a short period of time greatly increase the risk of a secondary cancer. And that risk increases annually.

In my case, based on research, from my autologous stem cell transplant alone,  I calculate my risk of a treatment-related secondary cancer to be 20% annually after 20 years… and this risk grows annually.

Keep in mind- treatments such as aggressive chemotherapy and radiation or either an autologous or allogeneic stem cell transplant are promoted as “potentially curative” therapies. According to research, a substantial percentage of patients who undergo high-dose chemo will develop a treatment-related secondary cancer.

Benefit of this therapy? 

When I underwent my induction therapy of Vincristine, Adriamycin and Dexamethasone (VAD), there was about a 67% response rate- partial, complete. I was was a partial response. At the time (1995), this was standard induction therapy for MM. Knowing what I know now, I have a difficult time understanding why my oncologist prescribed such a damaging chemo cocktail.

I feel the same way about both melphalan and busulfan. Incredibly cardio-toxic chemotherapy regimens. I just don’t get why conventional oncology prescribes these destructive therapies.

Alternatives to these therapies?

From diagnosis of full multiple myeloma in 2/95 to being told I was “end-stage” in 9/97, I lived for 31 months. Assuming I would live for another 6-12 months in “end-stage” MM, I estimate I would live with aggressive, conventional treatments for about 43 months.

I know I’m biased but I have a difficult time thinking that aggressive, conventional therapies lengthened my life much, if at all.

Therapies to heal or prevent a therapy-induced secondary cancer?

More importantly, there are many evidence-based but non-toxic therapies to reduce my risk of a treatment-related secondary cancer? Yes. I do the therapies listed below each and every day. So far, so good.

  • anti-cancer nutrition,
  • anti-cancer supplementation and
  • anti-cancer lifestyle therapies-

all shown to reduce the risk of treatment-related secondary cancer. I know this to be true because I have read the research and follow the therapies daily, weekly, annually for years now.

Treatment-related Secondary Cancer blog post-

  1. Risk of Secondary Cancer Exponentially Higher
  2. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma-“Continual Risk of Secondary Cancer”
  3. Secondary Cancer in Multiple Myeloma Survivors
  4. Revlimid, Multiple Myeloma, Secondary Cancer
  5. Myeloma Survivor- Curative Intent and Secondary Cancers
  6. Are retinoblastoma survivors genetically predisposed to secondary cancers?
  7. Melanoma Survivors Risk Secondary Cancers
  8. Secondary Malignancies Following Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer
  9. Pediatric, AYA Cancer Survivors- Prevent Chronic Diseases aka Late Stage Side Effects
  10. Multiple Myeloma Survivor- Hemorrhagic Cystitis, Bladder Cancer
  11. Childhood Cancer Survivor? Plan for the worst, hope for the best…
  12. Thyroid Cancer- Over Treatment And Second Primary Cancers
  13. AYA Survivors Face Real Risk of More Cancer
  14. Multiple Myeloma Radiation Side Effect

If you have questions or comments please scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.

To Learn More about short, long-term and late stage side effects- click now

Thank you.

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director The Galen Foundation 

Recommended Reading:

After Chemo, Risk of Tx-Related Blood Cancer Higher Than Thought

“Patients treated with chemotherapy for a solid tumor are at much higher risk than was previously thought of developing a highly lethal blood cancer as a result of that treatment.

A research team from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) says that the relative risk of this late effect — therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome or acute myeloid leukemia (tMDS/AML) — is exponentially higher than was supposed…”

Study Confirms Long-Term Risk of Secondary Cancers in Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors

“The relative risk of developing a solid subsequent malignant neoplasm (sSMN) remained elevated in survivors of childhood Hodgkin lymphoma, according to extended follow-up of more than 25 years from the Late Effects Study Group (LESG)cohort published in Cancer


Frequency not reported: Second malignancies[Ref


Acute leukemia (e.g., acute myeloid leukemia, acute promyelocytic leukemia), myelodysplastic syndrome, secondary malignancies, bladder cancer, ureteric cancer


If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression i

Acute Myeloid Leukemia, A Type Of Blood Cancer


These are rare but serious complications of busulfan therapy:

Increased risk of secondary cancer such as acute leukemia especially with long-term use of the drug.  Discuss this with your doctor.


“In most cases, a secondary cancer related to chemotherapy is a blood cancer (leukemia, lymphoma). This can occur years after treatment. This is most often associated with repeated treatments or high doses. Your provider will monitor your labs closely. Consider having a complete blood count with differential checked annually by your healthcare provider if you received high-risk therapies.”


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