Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission
Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.
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According to the studies below, long-term (multiple myeloma) cancer survivors have a higher risk of mortality. A 73% higher risk.
I am a long-term multiple myeloma survivor. Long-story short, cardiotoxic, aggressive conventional MM therapies can cause real problems for MM survivors like me. Heart failure, one of my late stage side effects, can kill MM survivors. I believe that this side effect can be treated and/or prevented. Let me explain…
If you are interested in learning more about managing any/all of your short, long-term or late stage side effects including chemotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy, please click below
According to the studies linked and excerpted below, toxic chemotherapy causes inflammation. Inflammation increases fibrinogen blood levels. Increased fibrinogen levels in the blood cause cardiovascular disease. The article below might as well be talking about my experience as a newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patient.
Toxic chemotherapy has strengths and weaknesses. Conventional oncology understands this. According to conventional oncology, there are situations when the benefits of toxic chemotherapy outweigh the negatives- at least in the short-term. However, cancer survivors and caregivers must juggle short-term “I want to kill my cancer” with the fact that toxic chemotherapy causes a host of short, long-term and late-stage side effects. Many of which can be deadly.
This post isn’t about toxic chemotherapy. This post is about identifying the possible long-term side effects of toxic chemotherapy. According to the studies below, long-term cancer survivors have a higher risk of mortality. A 73% higher risk.
I’ve lived with multiple myeloma since 2/94. I developed a deep-vein thrombosis a few weeks after I began my induction therapy of VAD in the spring of 1995.
According to the information linked below, my oncologist prescribed a chemo cocktail that causes increased fibrinogen levels in the blood that can lead to heart failure and death. Further, the same oncologist prescribed a specific chemotherapy that causes “dilated cardiomyopathy,” leading to congestive heart failure.
DVT causes death
Chemotherapy causes inflammation which causes Fibrinogen which leads to CVD
My medical records are vague on how I responded to VAD therapy but my response wasn’t great. But I did develop A-fib, increased fibrinogen and other long-term and late stage side effects.
And do you know the worst of it? This toxicity and related collateral damage could have been minimized or prevented altogether. I should have supplemented with
omega-3 fatty acids,
at the very least. According to research, this supplementation could have reduced any/all damage to my heart and it could have increased the efficacy of the chemotherapy I was undergoing. If you are considering chemotherapy you should consider antioxidant supplementation.
If you are a long-term multiple myeloma survivor like me, consider taking anti-inflammation, antioxidant supplements.
“The most dangerous side effect of doxorubicin/adriamycin is dilated cardiomyopathy, leading to congestive heart failure. The rate of cardiomyopathy is dependent on its cumulative dose, with an incidence about 4% when the dose of doxorubicin is 500–550 mg/m², 18% when the dose is 551–600 mg/m² and 36% when the dose exceeds 600 mg/m².[14] There are several ways in which doxorubicin is believed to cause cardiomyopathy, including oxidative stress, downregulation of genes for contractile proteins, and p53 mediated apoptosis..”
“Fibrinogen is a “positive” acute-phase protein, i.e. its blood levels rise in response to systemic inflammation, tissue injury, and certain other events. It is also elevated in various cancers. Elevated levels of fibrinogen in inflammation, as well as cancer and other conditions, have been suggested to be the cause of thrombosis and vascular injury that accompanies these conditions…”
“Background– The advancements in cancer treatment and detection of early cancer have resulted in a steady increase of cancer survivors over the years. However, due to long-term toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is increasing in survivors…
Results– In multivariable regression models, history of cancer was, independently of CVRFs and CVD, associated with higher fibrinogen concentration, vWf activity, and antithrombin activity. Cancer survivors with CVD showed particularly higher vWf activity compared to individuals with CVD without cancer history with the difference of the means. The multivariate Cox-regression analysis confirmed that a long-term history of cancer is independent of CVRFs associated with a 73% higher mortality. Increased mortality in cancer survivors was dependent on fibrinogen concentration and vWf activity level.
Conclusion- Cancer survivors showed a worse inflammation and coagulation profile compared to individuals without a history of (multiple myeloma) cancer. Overall mortality in long-term cancer survivors was increased independently of traditional CVRFs. These results underline the need to further investigate plasma biomarkers as complementary cardiovascular risk predictors in cancer survivors.”
“Cancer history has an important effect on mortality independent of cardiovascular (CV) risk factors...
Marina Panova-Noeva, MD, Ph.D., from Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz in Germany, and colleagues investigated traditional CV risk factors, including inflammation and coagulation profiles, in 723 long-term cancer survivors (cancer diagnosis of at least 5 years) and 13,626 individuals without a history of cancer.
The researchers found that history of cancer was associated with higher fibrinogen concentration, von Willebrand factor (vWf), and antithrombin activity, independent of CV risk factors and CVD. Compared with individuals with CVD without a cancer history, cancer survivors with CVD showed particularly high vWf activity. A long-term history of cancer is associated with 73% higher mortality, independent of CV risk factors. Cancer survivors’ increased mortality was dependent on fibrinogen concentration and vWf activity level.”