Recently Diagnosed or Relapsed? Stop Looking For a Miracle Cure, and Use Evidence-Based Therapies To Enhance Your Treatment and Prolong Your Remission

Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Multiple Myeloma Symptoms, Side Effects- Bone Health, Radiation Damage

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The good news is that the radiation eliminated my bone pain (from multiple myeloma) within weeks and the bad news is that the radiation caused a late stage side effect called radiation-induced lumbo-sacral plexopathy.

Hi David- I’m a member of your group. Do you have any advice on speeding up bone regeneration from multiple myeloma symptoms? I have 2 lesions in my back (L2 & L4) caused by multiple myeloma.  I am getting radiation therapy this week. Do you know if any thing out there natural or pharmaceutical that will enhance my bone repair?

Thanks for your time. Jack

Hi Jack-

I too had radiation to my spine. Bone damage to my spine and iliac crest was my primary multiple myeloma symptom. The good news is that the radiation eliminated my bone pain within weeks and the bad news is that the radiation caused a late stage side effect called radiation-induced lumbo-sacral plexopathy. Basically radiation-induced nerve damage.
Possible therapies for you to consider.
1) Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been shown to heal radiation damage. You have to find a clinic that offers HBOT near you. Unless your MD prescribes the HBOT therapy, you will pay for the treatment “out-of-poacket.” The sooner you undergo HBOT the more throughly nerve healing will occur.
2) Bone health is a critical issue for Multiple Myeloma patients and survivors. The Multiple Myeloma Bone Health Guide, one of 16 guides in the MM CC program, outlines both conventional and non-conventional evidence-based therapies for enhancing and maintaining bone health- supplementation such as vitamin D3, calcium, magnesium, others support bone health. See the study linked below about kyphoplasty/vertebroplasty.

Please watch the video below to learn more about the evidence-based, integrative therapies to combat treatment side effects and enhance your chemotherapy.


3) Lastly, exercise. Since I am not a physician and since I don’t know the specifics of your situation I can’t speak to the health of your bones before or after therapy. However exercise strengthens bones. Consider a physical therapist.
4) I also get a massage monthly but I am hard pressed to link specific evidence of the benefit.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Good luck,
David Emerson
  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of the late effects of radiotherapy

What are the conclusions?

“The application of HBOT to selected participants and tissues may be justified. Studies of radiation injury suggest that other tissues are also likely to respond (e.g. bladder). Further research is required to establish which people may respond and the best timing of such therapy. A study of costs would also be useful…”

Kyphoplasty for patients with multiple myeloma is a safe surgical procedure: results from a large patient cohort.

“Only in recent years has balloon kyphoplasty gained significance in the treatment of vertebral fractures as an adequate minimally invasive vertebral stabilization technique. Kyphoplasty has also increasingly been used to treat vertebral osteolyses caused by multiple myeloma (MM).


In our cohort of 76 patients with MM with a total of 190 vertebral fractures treated with kyphoplasty, we performed a 30-day postoperative analysis of cement leakage, neurologic symptoms, pulmonary embolism, and infections.


Painful osteolytic or fractured vertebrae or even imminent vertebral instability caused by osteolyses were seen as indications for kyphoplasty. One case of pulmonary embolism was observed because of cement leakage as the only postoperative complication.


By careful interdisciplinary indication setting and a standardized treatment model, kyphoplasty presents a very safe and effective procedure for the treatment of vertebral osteolyses and fractures caused by MM.

Hepatotoxicity and renal toxicity induced by radiation and the protective effect of quercetin in male albino rats

“PURPOSE: Although radiation is one of the basic methods commonly used in cancer treatment, it inevitably enters the field of treatment in healthy tissues and is adversely affected by the acute and chronic side effects of radiation. This study evaluated the possible protective effects of quercetin, an antioxidant agent, against liver and kidney damage in rats exposed to a whole-body single dose of radiation (10 Gy of gamma-ray)…

CONCLUSIONS: With the results obtained from the study; Quercetin is thought to have a protective potential against radiation-induced liver and kidney damage due to its radioprotective effect…”


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