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Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Multiple Myeloma Treatment- Body Fat Predictive for Poor Response

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“Excessive body fat of abdomen and pelvis might be a predictive factor for poor treatment response for multiple myeloma patients.”

If you have been diagnosed with an incurable cancer called multiple myeloma, you will want to do everything in your power to increase your chances of a long overall survival. If you are carrying extra weight around your mid-section, the study below says that you might have a worse response to treatment.



The thinking is that excessive body fat causes inflammation. The more body fat the more inflammation. Chemotherapy and/or radiation also causes inflammation.

Image result for image of overweight cancer patient

The solution? Anti-inflammatory nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies. With or without chemotherapy. I’m serious when I say “with or without chemotherapy.” I’m only saying that early stage MMers (and certainly pre-MM) may take a “watch and wait” approach. Holding off on conventional therapies does not mean that you should hold off on your evidence-based, non-conventional therapies.

And remember that lifestyle therapies such as nutrition, supplementation and nutrition can have a significant effect on multiple myeloma.

I am a MM survivor and MM cancer coach. To learn more about evidence-based, non-toxic MM therapies please watch the brief video below:

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Body fat composition as predictive factor for treatment response in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma – subgroup analysis of the prospective GMMG MM5 trial

“Obesity is a well-known risk factor for malignant tumors and increased body mass index (BMI) is correlated to the risk of developing multiple myeloma (MM). The correlation of body fat composition with disease activity, adverse events and treatment response of MM patients has not been investigated yet

A subgroup of 108 patients from a single institution enrolled in the prospective GMMG-MM5 trial, who received a whole-body low-dose computed tomography (WBLDCT) before induction therapy, were included in this study. Body fat composition was measured in WBLDCT for each patient, divided in the compartments abdomen, pelvis, thigh and further categorized in subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral adipose tissue (VAT). The correlation of these parameters with disease activity (M protein, plasma cell count, LDH, CRAB-criteria), adverse cytogenetics, adverse events and treatment response were evaluated.

ResultsSignificant reciprocal correlation was found between adverse cytogenetics and VAT of the abdomen and pelvis, respectively No correlation of VAT or SAT with adverse events was observed. Significant reciprocal correlation was observed between abdominal  and pelvic VAT and treatment response…

Conclusion  Based on the clinically relevant difference in treatment outcome depending on VAT and SAT, excessive body fat of abdomen and pelvis might be a predictive factor for poor treatment response. Further influences in this context should be considered as well, e.g. chemotherapy dosing and body fat metabolism.”

Increasing Weight Associated With Disease Progression in Multiple Myeloma

“Increasing body mass index (BMI) allows growth and progression of disease in patients with multiple myeloma, a study published in Cancer Letters has shown.1

The literature shows little attention has been given to the impact of increasing patient weight on cancer growth, with even fewer studies including morbidly obese patients. Therefore, Katie DeCicco-Skinner, PhD, associate professor of biology at American University, Washington, DC, and colleagues sought to determine the effects of BMI on multiple myeloma..

Study findings demonstrate that fat cells communicate with multiple myeloma cells. As the fat cells increase in size, they gain additional lipid and secrete a high amount of inflammatory proteins that contribute to cancer progression. Higher BMI was also correlated to increased angiogenesis and cell adhesion, both of which are key indicators of malignant progression.

Based on these findings, the researchers suggest clinicians consider tailoring multiple myeloma treatment based on the patient’s BMI. “A patient may need to receive drugs to block inflammatory or other obesity-specific proteins, in addition to standard anticancer drugs they receive,” concluded DeCicco-Skinner…”

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Multiple Myeloma Diagnostics- Best Imaging Detecting Bone Involvement - PeopleBeatingCancer says 6 years ago

[…] Myeloma- Prognostic Value of Circulating Plasma Cells (CPC) Multiple Myeloma-Body Fat Predictive for Poor Response Multiple Myeloma-Side Effects Can Lead to Dose […]

Rich appelbaum says 7 years ago

I would like to find out more about these studies

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