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Myeloma Diet- Vegan, Vegetarian, Red Meat?

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I think there is a big difference in myeloma management between eating as little animal fat as possible and not eating animal protein.

Dear David- I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma (MM), stage 3 several years ago. I did not achieve complete remission after my induction therapy. I saw on your site you said to eat as little animal/saturated fat as possible. Does this mean you follow a vegan diet?


 I am thinking of following an autoimmune protocol ( to assist Poems) where I eat red meat and other animal protein daily. I have to be gluten-free and it is hard to be on a restrictive diet. Gluten-free veganism is very challenging for me.
I am thankful you found your way to remission. God bless, Katherine


Hi Katherine-
I don’t follow a vegan diet. Nor am I a vegetarian. Frankly, like you, I’m not good at following restrictive diets. I’ve never been 100% of any single diet. I research myeloma daily and I’ve never found dietary guidelines to be consistent for MM patients or survivors.
I think there is a big difference in myeloma management between eating as little animal fat as possible and not eating animal protein. Years ago I read a book titled Eat Right for your Blood Type. Essentially the author makes the case that we all should eat meat, or not, based on our blood types. I am O negative…I think this is especially true for myeloma patients, and survivors.
As a result I mix and match my own guidelines. The MM Cancer Coaching guides that talk about
I summarize the evidence-based research available and share my personal experience on the issue of diet-related health for MMers.
I think MMers must combine both conventional therapies with evidence-based non-conventional therapies in order to manage our disease.
Thanks for reaching out,

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

The Blood Type Diet: An Evidence-Based Review

“A diet called The Blood Type Diet has been popular for almost two decades now.

Proponents of this diet suggest that your blood type determines which foods are best for your health.

There are many people who swear by this diet, and claim that it has saved their lives.

But what are the details of the blood type diet, and is it based on any solid evidence?

Let’s have a look.

What is The Blood Type Diet?

The blood type diet, also known as the blood group diet, was popularized by a naturopathic physician called Dr. Peter D’Adamo in the year 1996.

His book, Eat Right 4 Your Type, was incredibly successful. It was a New York Times bestseller, sold millions of copies, and is still wildly popular today.

In this book, he claims that the optimal diet for any one individual depends on the person’s ABO blood type.

He claims that each blood type represents genetic traits of our ancestors, including which diet they evolved to thrive on.

This is how each blood type is supposed to eat:

  • Type A: Called the agrarian, or cultivator. People who are type A should eat a diet rich in plants, and completely free of “toxic” red meat. This closely resembles a vegetarian diet.
  • Type B: Called the nomad. These people can eat plants and most meats (except chicken and pork), and can also eat some dairy. However, they should avoid wheat, corn, lentils, tomatoes and a few other foods.
  • Type AB: Called the enigma. Described as a mix between types A and B. Foods to eat include seafood, tofu, dairy, beans and grains. They should avoid kidney beans, corn, beef and chicken.
  • Type O: Called the hunter. This is a high-protein diet based largely on meat, fish, poultry, certain fruits and vegetables, but limited in grains, legumes and dairy. It closely resembles the paleo diet.

For the record, I think any of these dietary patterns would be an improvement for most people, no matter what their blood type is.

All 4 diets (or “ways of eating”) are mostly based on real, healthy foods, and a huge step up from the standard Western diet of processed junk food.

So, even if you go on one of these diets and your health improves, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it had anything to do with your blood type.

Maybe the reason for the health benefits is simply that you’re eating healthier food than before.




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Andrea says 7 years ago

Interesting. I read a bit about eating for blood type. I had both auto and allo transplants.
Due to allo my blood type changed.
In remission

    David Emerson says 7 years ago

    Hi Andrea-

    Your blood type changed after your allo? I’ve never heard of that happening. That’s fascinating. Side effects? I don’t mean to be nosey I am just


    David Emerson

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