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Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Myeloma Statistics 2025

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Though some may consider myeloma statistics 2025 to be a bit dry, my experience is that newly diagnosed myeloma (NDMM) patients would like to learn about their newly diagnosed blood cancer. I had never heard of multiple myeloma when Dr. Makley explained to me that I had this blood cancer.

What myeloma statistics 2025 does not show you is how MM treatment has progressed, how it has improved since I was diagnosed in 1994.

First and foremost, the average life expectancy for a newly diagnosed myeloma patient in 1994 was around 2-3 years based on the median survival time, with a 5-year relative survival rate of approximately 29.5%.  The current 5 year relative survival rate of NDMM patients is 61.1%.

If I remember correctly, approximately 50% of NDMM patients responded to induction therapy in 1994. The percent of NDMM patients who respond to the common induction regimen of

  • Revlimid
  • Velcade
  • Dexamethasone aka RVD

is over 90%.

While cytotoxic drugs are usually the focus of NDMM patients, it is important to note diagnostic testing improvements such as to imaging studies and to blood measures of MM.

The statistics presented in this post are only a glimpse of what it means to be diagnosed with this rare, complicated, incurable blood cancer. Email me at with any questions you may have.

Thank you,

David Emerson

  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Cancer Stat Facts: Myeloma

5-Year Relative Survival is 61.1%

Key Statistics About Multiple Myeloma

The American Cancer Society’s estimates for multiple myeloma in the United States for 2025 are:

  • About 36,110 new cases will be diagnosed (20,030 in men and 16,080 in women).
  • About 12,030 deaths are expected to occur (6,540 in men and 5,490 in women).

In the United States, the average lifetime risk of getting multiple myeloma is less than 1% – about 1 in 103 for men and about 1 in 131 for women. But each person’s risk might be higher or lower than this, based on their risk factors.

Multiple myeloma is most common in older people. Less than 1% of these cancers are diagnosed in people younger than 35. Most people diagnosed with multiple myeloma are at least 65 years old. The average age of people diagnosed is 69.

Visit the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Statistics Center for more key statistics.

Cancer Statistics for 2025

The American Cancer Society (ACS) has released cancer statistics for 2025, which suggest that more than 2 million new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States this year, and more than 600,000 people will die of cancer. These and other projections were published in CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians

The table below lists the estimated number of cancer cases and deaths by cancer site.

Projected Cancer Cases and Deaths for 2025 
Cancer Site New Cases Deaths
All sites 2,041,910 618,120
Bones and joints 3770 2190
Brain and other nervous system 24,820 18,330
Breast 319,750 42,680
Digestive system 362,200 174,520
Anus, anal canal, and anorectum 10,930 2030
Colon and rectum 154,270 52,900
Esophagus 22,070 16,250
Gallbladder and other biliary 12,610 4400
Liver and intrahepatic bile duct 42,240 30,090
Pancreas 67,440 51,980
Small intestine 13,920 2060
Stomach 30,300 10,780
Other digestive organs 8420 4030
Eye and orbit 3140 490
Endocrine system 52,140 3440
Thyroid 44,020 2290
Other endocrine 8120 1150
Genital system 444,610 71,510
Kidney and renal pelvis 80,980 14,510
Ovary 20,890 12,730
Penis and other genital, male 2190 510
Prostate 313,780 35,770
Testis 9720 600
Ureter and other urinary organs 4620 1210
Urinary bladder 84,870 17,420
Urinary system 170,470 33,140
Uterine cervix 13,360 4320
Uterine corpus 69,120 13,860
Vagina and other genital, female 8070 1950
Vulva 7480 1770
Leukemia 66,890 23,540
Acute lymphocytic leukemia 6100 1400
Acute myeloid leukemia 22,010 11,090
Chronic myeloid leukemia 9560 1290
Other leukemia 5530 5300
Lymphoma 89,070 20,540
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia 23,690 4460
Hodgkin lymphoma 8720 1150
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 80,350 19,390
Myeloma 36,110 12,030
Oral cavity and pharynx 59,660 12,770
Mouth 15,730 3360
Pharynx 21,640 4590
Tongue 20,040 3270
Other oral cavity 2250 1550
Respiratory system 245,700 130,200
Larynx 13,020 3910
Lung and bronchus 226,650 124,730
Other respiratory organs 6030 1560
Soft tissue (including heart) 13,520 5410
Skin (excluding basal and squamous) 112,690 14,110
Melanoma of the skin 104,960 8430
Other nonepithelial skin 7730 5680
Other and unspecified primary sites 37,370 53,220

myeloma statistics 2025 myeloma statistics 2025

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