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Multiple Myeloma an incurable disease, but I have spent the last 25 years in remission using a blend of conventional oncology and evidence-based nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle therapies from peer-reviewed studies that your oncologist probably hasn't told you about.

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Myeloma, Genetics, Epigenetics

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Epigenetic mechanisms modulated by environmental cues such as diet, disease or our lifestyle take a major role in regulating the DNA by switching genes on and off

Genetics, epigenetics. Genetically speaking, multiple myeloma is more complicated than many cancers. That may sound like a tall statement to make for someone who does not have a degree in genetics but hear me out. Like all cancers, MM is caused by uncontrolled cell growth. Fine. But according to studies, MMers face other genetic challenges:

  • Genetic abnormalities at diagnosis of MM are common
  •  the genetic expression of a person’s MM changes after he/she undergoes chemotherapy. Multidrug resistance is why MMers always relapse.

According to the last study linked below, people who are genetically pre-disposed to heart disease can dramatically reduce their risk of heart attack and stroke by improving their cardiorespiratory fitness. 

I would be the first person to say that heart health is child’s play next to treating MM. But my reasoning is about epigenetics, not disease. In other words, like heart health, regardless of genetic challenges, epigenetics can be a therapy for MMers.

I’m not saying that non-conventional therapies will cure your MM. I’m saying that evidence-based therapies, those proven to fight cancer, are an essential complementary therapy for MM patients and survivors. These therapies can change your genetic expression.

If our genetic expression can cause our MM, maybe changing our genetic expression can heal our incurable blood cancer.

In the post The Ultimate Cancer Therapy – Eight Slices of the Magic Bullet  I made a case for evidence-based non-toxic therapies to reduce the risks of cancer.  I think it is reasonable to suggest that these eight non-toxic therapies cause genes to express themselves differently.

Many MMers supplement with curcumin. Research has demonstrated that curcumin changes the genetic espression in MMers.  I’m simply extending this logic to include anti-MM nutrition, supplementation, exercise, detox, etc.

I don’t believe my MM remission since 1999 is a coincidence. I don’t believe that the Burzynski therapy called antineoplaston therapy (ANP) cured me. I believe that I can relapse any time like all MMers. I believe that I have to work to remain in complete remission from my MM.

To complicate matters, I am also genetically pre-disposed to heart disease. I live with chemotherapy-induced heart damage and though I have never been diagnosed Marfan’s Syndrome runs in my family.

I am a MM survivor and MM cancer coach.  to learn more about those evidence-based, non-toxic therapies that can change how your genes express themselves scroll down the page, post a question or comment and I will reply to you ASAP.
Thank you,
David Emerson
  • MM Survivor
  • MM Cancer Coach
  • Director PeopleBeatingCancer

Recommended Reading:

Epigenetics between the generations: We inherit more than just genes

“We are more than the sum of our genes. Epigenetic mechanisms modulated by environmental cues such as diet, disease or our lifestyle take a major role in regulating the DNA by switching genes on and off

In our body we find more than 250 different cell types. They all contain the exact same DNA bases in exactly the same order; however, liver or nerve cells look very different and have different skills. What makes the difference is a process called epigenetics. Epigenetic modifications label specific regions of the DNA to attract or keep away proteins that activate genes. Thus, these modifications create, step by step, the typical patterns of active and inactive DNA sequences for each cell type. Moreover, contrary to the fixed sequence of ‘letters’ in our DNA, epigenetic marks can also change throughout our life and in response to our environment or lifestyle. For example, smoking changes the epigenetic makeup of lung cells, eventually leading to cancer. Other influences of external stimuli like stress, disease or diet are also supposed to be stored in the epigenetic memory of cells.

Genetics of multiple myeloma: another heterogeneity level?

“With the development of molecular techniques (microarrays and next-generation sequencing), our understanding has been highly improved in the past 5 years. These studies have not only confirmed the prevalence of wide heterogeneity in myeloma at the molecular level, but has also provided a much clearer picture of the disease pathogenesis and progression…


Despite the use of the most promising genomic tools (GEP, SNP array, and NGS), MM remains a very heterogeneous disease, with no unique common mutation. The NGS studies in the past 5 years have characterized the suclonality concept. Even though NGS data can be considered disappointing because they do not show common mutations that could define subentities, they are nevertheless important because they confirm the wide molecular heterogeneity of the disease and the frequent occurrence of some supposedly “driver” mutations only in subclones and epigenetics …”

Physical activity helps fight genetic risk of heart disease

“In one of the largest observational studies on fitness and heart disease, researchers examined data collected from nearly a half-million people in the UK Biobank database. They found that people with higher levels of grip strength, physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness had reduced risks of heart attacks and stroke, even if they had a genetic predisposition for heart disease

Among those considered at high genetic risk for heart disease, high levels ofwere associated with a 49 percent lower risk for coronary heart disease and a 60 percent lower risk for atrial fibrillation compared with study participants with low cardiorespiratory fitness…



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Sheila Anderson says 6 years ago

I am interested in non toxic therapies. I’m about to start maintenance- with revlimid. I achieved partial remission after 7 months of VRD. I decided to put the SCT on hold as I feel I need to be stronger and I know exercising will help that but I’m also mildly anemic so my stamina is low. I do take tumerol xl daily. But I’m interested in anything that will help keeping MMbremission. I’m also wondering about Zometa and if there are alternatives for bone health the don’t have osteonecrosis as a side effect.

    David Emerson says 6 years ago

    Hi Sheila,

    I believe that you have just watched the webinar of me trying to explain the MM CC program. I’m not good in front of a camera so I will link the written Introduction to the program below. For the record, I think that RVd is an excellent induction therapy for many MMers. More importantly, the issue of an ASCT immediately or later makes not difference according to research. You are wise to take a break to get stronger and heal.

    Here is the Introduction to the MM CC program.

    Pages 5 and 6 describe each of the 13 guides.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    David Emerson

Mitali Caruso says 6 years ago

Please get in touch with me regarding non toxic therapies.

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